Tomatoes: late blight and its treatment

Tomatoes: late blight and its treatment
Tomatoes: late blight and its treatment

Everyone knows how much work it takes to grow tomatoes. Late blight, as one of the most formidable nightshade diseases, can negate all the efforts spent. This dangerous infection is caused by a special type of fungus, Phytophthora infestans, whose spores are spread mainly by wind and rainwater.

late blight tomatoes
late blight tomatoes

The main signs of late blight are brown spots on the edges of leaves and fruits, stripes of the same color on the stems, as well as white bloom that appears on various parts of nightshade, in particular, such as potatoes, eggplants and tomatoes. Late blight significantly reduces the yield of these crops, and it is very difficult to deal with it. Infection of tomatoes usually occurs after infection of potatoes, which in this case is the primary source of infection. Therefore, in no case should you plant tomatoes next to it.

Most summer residents know that it is much easier to prevent than to treat then such an unpleasant disease as late blight of tomatoes. Prevention consists primarily in burningautumn tops and careful digging of beds. In addition, it is necessary to treat with fungicides, Bordeaux liquid or copper sulfate (0.1% solution). The last two drugs (optional) are applied a week before transferring seedlings to a permanent place.

late blight of tomatoes prevention
late blight of tomatoes prevention

Fungicides are used according to the instructions in the event that the first signs of a disease of a plant such as tomatoes appear. Late blight affects them towards the end of summer, so it is advisable to use early ripe tomatoes for growing. In this case, the crop can be harvested before the plants are infected. Another good preventive measure is spraying tomatoes with garlic tincture. For its preparation, take 50 g of this burning vegetable per liter of water. Plants are processed every fifteen days, starting from the time the first ovaries appear.

Tomato late blight can be controlled by pruning infected stems and leaves. Strong plants are less susceptible to infection. Therefore, it is important to provide proper care for tomatoes.

fight against late blight of tomatoes
fight against late blight of tomatoes

In the process of growing, you must strictly observe all the necessary technologies - weed and feed the plants in time, as well as carry out proper watering. In the event that the summer turned out to be rainy, you need to moisten the soil under the tomatoes as rarely as possible. The fact is that phytophthora most often affects plants in damp areas.

If the disease still massively affected tomatoes - late blight has not receded, you should trysave at least some share of the crop. To do this, green fruits are removed from the bushes, under the skin of which there are no brown spots, and they are lowered into water heated to 60 degrees for two minutes. After that, the tomatoes are taken out and transferred to a warm enough place for ripening.

Thus, in order to prevent phytophthora from becoming a real problem on the site, it is imperative to take a number of measures - periodically treat the plants, choose the right place for planting, and take good care of them.
