"Bumblebee" (flamethrower): description, photo. Jet flamethrower "Bumblebee"

"Bumblebee" (flamethrower): description, photo. Jet flamethrower "Bumblebee"
"Bumblebee" (flamethrower): description, photo. Jet flamethrower "Bumblebee"

The experience of regional conflicts of recent decades has shown that for the successful conduct of combat operations, infantry units do not have enough familiar small arms, they need a fundamentally new class of hand weapons. Already during the Second World War, the armies of some countries of the world received hand-held grenade launchers that successfully performed the functions of light artillery, such as fighting enemy armored vehicles and providing fire support to an offensive during the assault on fortified points. Despite the imperfections of the first samples, they immediately proved their effectiveness.

bumblebee flamethrower
bumblebee flamethrower

The tasks of modern infantry

Increasing the role of each soldier in street fighting and the possibility of inflicting maximum damage on the enemy is ensured by the presence in his arsenal of light, but very powerful weapons of enormous destructive power. The Afghan war revealed the problems that combat units face when conducting active operations in mountainous areas. Any complex terrain with many folds, ruins, residential buildings, industrialstructures or specially built defensive facilities with powerful protection create serious difficulties for the advance of advancing troops. To overcome them, Tula gunsmiths created the Shmel thermobaric grenade launcher in the late eighties.

The backpack-type flamethrower, previously used to suppress fortified points, did not fully meet the requirements for modern assault weapons.

Classic-type flamethrower and its shortcomings

An ordinary flamethrower is quite simple. On his back, the fighter is forced to carry a volumetric tank with a combustible mixture, in his hands he has a means of direct destruction, which is something like a hose with an igniter, these two main units are connected by a hose. The advantage of this weapon is its simplicity, the large possible area of destruction and the strong psychological effect produced on the defenders, but there are also enough shortcomings. Firstly, it is not very convenient to attack with a heavy tank behind your back. Secondly, the distance of defeat is small, and in order to cause any significant damage to the enemy, you need to get close to him, and this is sometimes very difficult. The impressive size of the device makes it difficult to covertly approach. Thirdly, this weapon is dangerous not only for the enemy, but also for the flamethrower himself, since any damage to the tank or hose will cause spontaneous ignition of the combustible mixture and, as a result, a terrible and painful death. The Bumblebee has been spared these design flaws.

manual flamethrower bumblebee
manual flamethrower bumblebee

New type flamethrower

In 1984, Soviet weapons developers received an order from the army for a new means of fire destruction of enemy personnel and equipment. The range of action should be at least half a kilometer. The power required is large, with the ability to suppress well-fortified targets. At the same time, the device must be made light, so that the soldier can not only walk with it, but run and climb mountains. A hand cannon weighing ten kilograms was practically needed.

It was difficult to fulfill such a technical task. But the Tula gunsmiths from the State Research and Production Enterprise "Bas alt" worked and created the "Bumblebee". The flamethrower turned out great. Consider its main characteristics.

bumblebee flamethrower photo
bumblebee flamethrower photo

"Bumblebee": a flamethrower and its deadly flight

The flamethrower, nicknamed by the soldiers-internationalists "shaitan-pipe", in its principle structure is similar to a conventional rocket-propelled grenade launcher. The main difference is in the rocket projectile with which it is loaded. When it hits a target, the Bumblebee hand-held flamethrower not only generates an explosive wave and fragments, but creates a volumetric explosion on the principle of vacuum ammunition. This quality made it an indispensable means of fighting the Mujahideen hiding in crevices or under jacked-up rock layers. The Bumblebee jet flamethrower is also suitable for destroying armored vehicles, the barothermal shock created during the explosion will disable the crew of an unpressurized tank or armored personnel carrier in an area of 50 square meters of open area with a total volume of guaranteed destruction of 80 cubic meters.

jet flamethrower bumblebee
jet flamethrower bumblebee

Tactical and technical data of RPO-A "Bumblebee"

The flamethrower is most effective at a distance of 400 meters, but you can shoot accurately at six hundred meters. "Bumblebee" is light and compact, it weighs 11 kg, which is quite a bit for a weapon of such destructive power, and is a cylindrical body 92 cm long and a decimeter in diameter with a protruding pistol grip and sight. Projectile caliber - 93 mm. A charge weighing 2 kg 100 g creates a volumetric explosion, which determines its high efficiency.

New "Bumblebee" RPO-PDM-A

No matter how good "Bumblebee" is, the Tula specialists were able to improve it. The next modification received an additional RPO-PDM-A index (PDM means "increased range and power"). Now it strikes at 1.7 km with an effective effective distance of 800 m. The mass of the charge has also been increased to 6 kg, and the flamethrower itself has become lighter, it weighs 8 kg 800g. He has one more feature, the new Shmel-M flamethrower is equipped with a removable control unit with a night vision optical sight.

flamethrower bumblebee m
flamethrower bumblebee m

Weight reduction achieved through the use of composite materials, in particular, the launch tube is made of heavy-duty fiberglass. To protect the projectile from external influences and mechanical damage, rubber covers are used that fly off when it exits. The rocket is initiated using an electronic ignition system. Another design feature is the integration of a solid fuel engine with a charging compartment.

"Bumblebees" for export

Unique weapons are one of the most important items of Russian export, and there is nothing wrong with that. We will not sell - others will do it. It is all the more important to enjoy competitive advantages. The world has not yet created portable systems that could surpass the Shmel flamethrower in terms of thermobaric efficiency. Photos and videos sent by correspondents of news channels from hot spots on the planet demonstrate the sad popularity of this weapon even in the most exotic countries. According to military experts, this small device can produce the same amount of destruction as a 155mm howitzer…
