How to determine if a chicken is laying or not: characteristics, features and recommendations

How to determine if a chicken is laying or not: characteristics, features and recommendations
How to determine if a chicken is laying or not: characteristics, features and recommendations

Most breeds of chickens are kept for eggs. Of course, farmers and poultry farmers are interested in high egg production rates of their wards. In order for reality to meet expectations, it is necessary to know the many nuances of poultry breeding. And it is not uncommon for a breeder to face a decrease in egg production. The question arises, how to determine if a hen is laying eggs, and whether it is possible to improve the performance of laying hens?

Egg production in chickens

The most important indicator of a laying hen is its egg production. It is calculated by the number of eggs laid by a hen in a year. Most breeds of poultry bring about 200-300 eggs, while the maximum value approaches 400 eggs. The indicators of meat breeds are somewhat more modest: from one laying hen, one should expect from 100 to 200 units of the product.

Egg production parameter
Egg production parameter

In a lifetime, a bird can layabout 4 thousand eggs. With about this supply of eggs, she hatches into the world. The ability to reproduce in a chicken can last longer than 10 years, but already in the second year of life, this figure begins to gradually decline.

In order for poultry to justify the cost, it is necessary to monitor egg production, and the question of how to determine whether a chicken is laying or not is relevant for farmers. So, in the conditions of a poultry farm, egg breeds of chickens are kept for only 1 year, after which the livestock is completely replaced. In domestic lands, the bird is changed after 2-3 years of keeping.

When do chickens start laying?

Several factors affect the onset of the egg-laying period. First of all, this is a breed of chicken, but not the last value is its diet and conditions of detention.

In most cases, the first laying from poultry should be expected at 5-9 months of her life. The fact at what time the future laying hens hatched is also important. Chicks born in early spring or winter start laying sooner than those hatched later.

When do chickens lay?
When do chickens lay?

By the weight of the chicken, you can predict the start of egg production. It will be possible to get the first clutch from a bird whose weight is 75% of the mass of adults.

What determines productivity?

The process of egg maturation takes about 20-22 hours on average. Therefore, no more than 1 egg per day should be expected from a laying hen. But it should be borne in mind that not every bird is able to observe such a frequency.

Before you know if a chicken is laying or not,should be familiar with the factors affecting its productivity. These include:

  • breed of bird;
  • her age;
  • he alth;
  • diet;
  • containment conditions;
  • current season.

It is also known that if the eggs are large, then the bird rushes less often. With home breeding, when the breeder tries to create all the necessary conditions for laying hens to improve egg production, a good result is getting 1 egg from a chicken every 24-48 hours.

Identification of laying hens by palpation

There are several ways to find out if a chicken is laying or not. The most accurate of them is palpation. The procedure should be carried out in the morning immediately before feeding. Each bird is subject to a visual inspection.

Laying inspection
Laying inspection

The process of defecation and egg laying occurs in birds from the same hole, which is called the cloaca. The chicken should be picked up, while fixing its front part, after which you need to lightly press on the cloaca. In the event that the egg is formed, it is quite palpable.

The distance between the pubic bones is another sign that the hen is laying eggs. How to determine? In a bird that rushes, more than 2 fingers enter between the pubic bones. If the distance is much less, then you should not expect eggs from her.

An important point: even the most exemplary and productive layers sometimes have so-called "rest periods", during which productivity noticeably decreases. But according to themat the end of the reproductive function is restored.

External signs of laying hens

Despite the fact that palpation allows you to more accurately determine the laying hen, often farmers are interested in how to tell if a hen is laying or not, by external signs. After all, under certain conditions, this option can be useful.

External signs of a laying hen
External signs of a laying hen

First of all, you should pay attention to the condition of the non-feathered part around the eye sockets, crest and earrings. If they are pale in color, look shrunken and hard, and feel colder than the rest of the bird's body, then it is clearly not rushing. In a laying hen, from a rush of blood, the earrings and comb will be enlarged, bright scarlet in color, and soft and warm to the touch. It is also believed that a hen preparing to lay or just laying eggs has a tendency to cackle loudly.

Another way to determine if a chicken is rushing: the state of the cloaca is considered a characteristic sign. Before inspection, the bird must be fixed with its tail up between the knees. Gently parting the feathers around the cloaca, examine its appearance. In a laying hen, it is quite wide and slightly swollen. It should also be moistened with a special secret. A bird that does not lay eggs has a dry and constricted opening.

Other ways to determine

There are several other ways to determine if a chicken is laying or not. True, they are less convenient and will require much more time. One of them is isolation. To do this, you need a free room or the ability to fence off part of the main one. Each bird should be planted for 2-3days to see if she lays eggs or not.

The only drawback of this method is the possible stress for the animal due to the change of scenery. Sometimes this can lead to a complete cessation of masonry. So that the laying hen is not afraid, you can fence off the corner with a net. This will allow the bird to see the rest of the flock and feel more comfortable.

Method for determining laying hens
Method for determining laying hens

The second way to determine whether a chicken is laying or not is marks. Not the most convenient option, but quite effective. For its implementation, it is necessary to visit the chickens as often as possible and mark with ribbons or paint those individuals that are sitting on the nests. After a few weeks, you will be able to evaluate the result. Chickens that don't lay will go unmarked.

Reasons for reducing laying frequency

There can be several reasons why chickens stop laying eggs or even lay eggs:

  • Diseases. With certain pathologies of the ovaries, which are most often caused by inflammatory processes, the bird stops laying. It is important to carry out preventive treatment of the chicken coop from parasites in a timely manner.
  • Shedding period. Since the change of plumage requires energy costs, the egg production of individuals can significantly decrease. The molting period begins in autumn and lasts no more than 2 months. The first molt occurs in the 3rd year of the bird's life. At the same time, it must be fed well.
  • Stress. It has a strong influence on the ability of a hen to produce eggs. Anything can be the reason for it: from the appearance of a new rooster tothe presence of a predator.
  • Containment conditions. Sudden changes in temperature and poor lighting contribute to the deterioration of egg production. Chickens are especially sensitive to these parameters in winter.
  • Feeding. An excessive fat content in the feed negatively affects the condition of the birds. Also, hens may stop laying with insufficient nutrients or a poor feeding regimen.
Factors affecting egg production
Factors affecting egg production

It should be remembered that the age of the bird is important. For the first 6 months, the hen does not lay eggs. The next year of life is considered the most productive in terms of egg production.

Ways to improve performance

Every farmer needs to know more than just how to tell if a chicken is laying or not. It is also important to be able to improve the masonry. Here are some time-tested tips to help you get the best performance.

The most effective way is to increase the daylight hours in the room where the birds are kept. To do this, using an artificial light source, the day is extended to 14 hours a day.

Performance Improvement
Performance Improvement

It is equally important to properly organize the feeding process. It is necessary to strictly ensure that each individual receives the required amount of nutrients. At the same time, there should be enough food so that the birds do not compete for food. The feeding regimen involves two or three meals a day. The first feeding should be done immediately after turning on the lights in the house. The last one is an hour before it turns off.
