Tomato variety "golden canary": advantages and agricultural technology

Tomato variety "golden canary": advantages and agricultural technology
Tomato variety "golden canary": advantages and agricultural technology

Very popular among summer residents, amateur vegetable growers and large farmers are varieties of tomatoes of medium ripening. Tomato "golden canary" is ranked precisely in this category of vegetables. In addition, it is very productive and unpretentious in care. In our article, we will consider in more detail this variety, its advantages and cultivation features.

Tomato variety "golden canary"
Tomato variety "golden canary"

Basic ideas about the variety

In order to avoid simple and at the same time common mistakes in the growing process, you should study this type of tomato.

Golden Canary tomato is characterized by low-leaved and strong bushes, which are predominantly stretched in height rather than in width. The foliage is medium in size and ovoid with slight wrinkling.

The flowering of tomato bushes is lush and friendly. The first ripening of tomatoes begins 95-105 days after planting seeds or seedlings in the ground. On one fruitful brushthere are from 15 to 30 tomatoes. But only 12-16 tomatoes ripen. To avoid crop loss, gardeners advise to form a prolific brush by the growing season on their own.

Tomato variety
Tomato variety

Fruit characteristics

The medium-sized golden canary tomato has a pronounced nose at the base, which is practically not found in other varieties. During the initial stage of ripening, vegetables have a bright olive hue, and already at full ripeness they acquire a bright yellow color.

The weight of one fruit ranges from 100 to 110 grams. Tomatoes have a thick skin. Inside each instance of the "golden canary" there are from two to four medium seed chambers with a small number of seeds. Vegetables have a perfectly balanced taste. This variety is intended both for the preparation of various dishes, and for the formation of blanks for the winter.

yellow tomatoes
yellow tomatoes

Variety Benefits

According to reviews, the golden canary tomato can be grown and produce a good harvest both in the open field and in the greenhouse. During the active growing season, the height of the plant reaches 170-200 cm, so vegetable growers should tie the stems to a support, cutting off excess shoots. A big plus of the tomato variety is the continuous formation of buds. The Golden Canary tomato variety compares favorably with an extended fruiting period, which makes it possible to regularly harvest from the bush. The first peduncles are formed at the level of 8-12 leaves.

If you follow the simple rules and advice of agronomists, the yieldfrom one bush can be 3-3.5 kg of tomatoes. For maximum yield, the plant is recommended to be grown in two stems. The appearance of a bush with fan-shaped clusters of yellow vegetables with a top that looks so much like a bird's beak deserves a positive response.

yellow tomato bushes
yellow tomato bushes

Cultivation rules

Sowing tomato seeds is important given the growing season of vegetables. When transplanting a plant to a new place where the vegetable will germinate, it is imperative to make sure that the seedlings will not be in direct sunlight throughout the day.

Since the golden canary tomato is a tall type of nightshade crop, it is important to take care of the supports in advance. Timely tying up tomato stems will significantly reduce the risk of developing fungal and infectious diseases of the fruit and the bush itself. To extend daylight hours in greenhouse conditions, you can use a fluorescent lamp. It is also important to note that regular watering should be carried out during the growing season and airflow near the root system should be ensured by weeding.

In order for the tomatoes to ripen on time, there must be a distance of 500 mm between the bushes. The spacing between rows should be 600 mm. An important indicator for obtaining a good harvest is soil pH, which must be constantly monitored. It must be at least 6, but not more than 6, 7 units. For the entire time of cultivation of "golden canary" tomatoes, seedlings should be fed three times with weak complex fertilizers. You also need to regularlysoil to introduce calcium solutions that have a positive effect on the growth of foliage and stems of vegetables.

According to the description of the golden canary tomato, it is not only tasty, but also a he althy vegetable that will become a real decoration of the site. This version of the plant is perfect for connoisseurs of unusual varieties and original dishes.
