How to plant lilies correctly

How to plant lilies correctly
How to plant lilies correctly

Lilies are one of the most spectacular flowers grown in summer cottages. Despite their external "tenderness", these plants are quite hardy and not too whimsical to care for. Growing them is not at all difficult even for a novice gardener. So, how to plant lilies?

how to plant lilies
how to plant lilies

Bulbs can be pre-sprouted, or you can do without it. Lilies are planted both in spring and autumn. Both of these methods have their advantages and disadvantages. Lilies planted in spring bloom faster and produce more shoots. However, during this period of time, the roots of the onions are thin and tender. Therefore, it is almost impossible to transport and plant planting material in the garden without damaging it. In this case, the plant may not bloom at all.

Autumn planting of lilies is devoid of this shortcoming. The plant tolerates frost quite easily. You can start planting lilies as early as the second decade of August or in September. The depth of the hole depends on the size of the bulb. In order to determine it, it is necessary to multiply the diameter of the planting material by three. Usually it is 10 - 15 cm. As an unpretentious plant, the lily is not toodemanding on the composition of the soil. However, it is better to add sand to the bed: on loose soils you can get more abundant flowering.

How to plant lilies - in the shade or in the sun - largely depends on the desire of the owner and the availability of free space. Flowers will grow well in either case.

autumn planting lilies
autumn planting lilies

However, in sunny places, the buds are larger. In addition, when grown in sufficient light, the flowers seem to gain mother-of-pearl and look more spectacular.

Delicate lily sprouts need protection from the sun, as they can burn out. Therefore, when planting in the spring, it is better to choose more shady places. In addition, you can simply lay the overgrown stem horizontally and dig in the ground. True, flowering in the same year is unlikely to be achieved, but the next lily will give a lot of buds.

Some dacha owners are wondering how to plant lilies to get a thick "bump" of short plants. To do this, when planting, the bulb simply needs to be laid on its side. In this case, the escape will not go up, but to the side.

lily transplant in autumn
lily transplant in autumn

If you want to grow tall flowers with large buds, planting is done in the usual way, that is, the bottom of the bulb rests on the next layer of soil.

These flowers tolerate thickening very well. However, it is still necessary to thin out the bed from time to time. Lilies, whose autumn transplantation is also considered desirable, are carefully dug up and, cutting off the stem to a height of about 4–5 cm, are transferred to a new place. At the same time, the holethe same depth is made as usual, that is, 10 - 15 cm. After planting or transplanting, the plant requires abundant watering. Lilies do not tolerate excess moisture. Therefore, in the future, they need to be watered only during dry periods.

Lily is not too afraid of weeds. The only problem may arise with the so-called birch (field bindweed). Weeding it out of thick, well leafy stems is quite difficult. Blooming lilies experienced gardeners are advised not to cut too close to the ground. If you leave a long enough stem on the bulb, it will grow larger.

So, now you know how to plant lilies, and it will not be difficult for you to grow them on your site. These chic plants can become a real decoration of the yard, garden or vegetable garden.
