How to keep roses longer in a vase

How to keep roses longer in a vase
How to keep roses longer in a vase
how to keep roses in a vase longer
how to keep roses in a vase longer

Rose is the queen of flowers. She is noble and beautiful, majestic and capricious… A bouquet of roses is a wonderful gift for any occasion. According to the sign, roses donated from the heart will last longer in a vase. But is it worth trusting folk signs, thereby testing the feelings with which they were presented? Or is it still better to take care of the beauty and holiday in the house, providing flowers with the best conditions?

In a favorable atmosphere, cut roses can live, delighting with their bright colors, for a whole month. Of course, there is no guarantee that the flowers donated or purchased came into your home straight from the garden. Perhaps they have already been stored for some time somewhere in a store or warehouse - after all, roses are bought there in bulk. Moscow and other large cities make huge profits from the sale of flowers, especially such popular ones as roses. Sellers cannot afford to wait for a new batch of flowers for a long time, so they buy a huge amount of them for sale, which is why roses are sometimes stored for a long time.

cut roses
cut roses

So, before thinking about how to keep roses in a vase longer, you need to properly prepare them. Before placing the flowers in water, it is necessary to make the cut fresher. This will require a very sharp knife. It is a knife, not scissors - they will damage the stem of the plant. The larger the cut, the larger the surface that absorbs the water the flower needs to live. That is why the cut is always made obliquely, trying to create a greater slope. The cut of the stem should not dry out, so all the above operations are best done under running water, and immediately after that, put the roses back into the water.

Another tip on how to keep roses in a vase longer: before placing flowers in it, you need to let them settle in a large amount of water, for example, in a bucket. It is a mistake to lower the roses into the bath entirely, along with buds or flowers. You should not do this - it is better to leave the flowers in the air, otherwise they will begin to darken soon after being removed from the water. The procedure with such "soldering" can be repeated if necessary. This is very refreshing.

To fill the vase, use water that has settled for several hours. If possible, it is necessary to regulate the temperature in which the flowers are located (by changing the water frequently). The ideal temperature is individual for different seasons - in winter it should be close to room temperature (not cooler than 18 degrees), in summer it should be cooler (about 10-12 degrees).

wholesale roses moscow
wholesale roses moscow

The part of the stem that is in the water should be cleaned of leaves - they canstart to rot, thereby provoking an early deterioration of the entire flower.

Roses are very capricious. They don't like drafts. They need a lot of light, but should not be placed in direct sunlight. The temperature in the room must also be at a certain temperature: roses do not like too warm air, the recommended temperature is 18-19 degrees. At night, it is better to leave the flowers in an even cooler place - about 12-15 degrees. Don't forget to spray your roses daily. This will refresh them and give them a brighter scent.

Roses do not tolerate competition. Therefore, they cannot be placed in a vase along with other flowers.

Another tip on how to keep roses longer in a vase: you can put various additives into the water. To remove bacteria from the water, you can add half a teaspoon of sugar and an aspirin tablet. Often, a mixture of sugar and vinegar is used for the same purpose.

That's pretty much all there is to it when you're worrying about keeping roses in a vase longer. Pay attention to them, please, fulfill their desires, while taking into account the tastes and needs of roses. And they will delight you with their beauty and fragrance, regardless of whether they were given from the heart or not.
