How and what to feed broiler chickens

How and what to feed broiler chickens
How and what to feed broiler chickens

If you decide to go into agriculture, the easiest way to start is by breeding chickens. Chickens are less whimsical than other birds and livestock. And the cost of maintaining them is not so great. Broiler chickens are now very popular with chicken breeders. In this article, you will learn how to feed and care for broilers.

what to feed broiler chickens
what to feed broiler chickens

Feeding chicks in their first days of life

Broiler chicks should be fed properly. Their feeders should be constantly filled with dry food. For the first few days, give broilers a mixture of finely chopped corn, barley, bran, wheat, and thoroughly mashed boiled eggs (1 egg per 20 chicks). How to feed chickens in the first days? At this stage, frequent meals are important. Give chickens food every 2-4 hours and leave a short break for a night's sleep. Already in the first days of life, broilers can be fed with yogurt from skimmed milk. Fresh cottage cheese is a very useful food. After 3 days of cultivation, greens are introduced into the diet.feed (3 grams per head). They contain many vitamins, which forms the immunity of the broiler. Cabbage leaf, young nettle, beet tops and carrots are useful. It is better to give such feed fresh, but for the winter period you can stock up on grass meal and dried nettles.

What to feed broiler chickens after 2 weeks of rearing

how to feed broilers
how to feed broilers

After 2 weeks, start adding some boiled potatoes to the main mixture, gradually increasing the amount. From 10 weeks of age, you can feed chickens with fish waste. They need to be well boiled and finely chopped. This food has a good protein value. Fish should be given at 5 grams per 1 broiler per day. What to feed broiler chickens when they grow up? In the main mixture, start adding vegetable proteins in the form of sunflower, soybean or other oilcake in an amount up to 20 grams per head. Innovations in the diet should be gradual. Chickens must first be accustomed to new food, and then increase its amount. When growing broilers, crushed carrots are very useful. It needs up to 20 grams per chicken. Protein is very important in the growth of a broiler, as it is responsible for the formation of muscle tissue. When growth slows down, its amount is reduced. Also, in order for the food to be well absorbed, fodder fat should be added. Drinkers, like feeders, should always be filled. Water improves appetite and metabolism.

What to feed broiler chickens a couple of weeks before slaughter

how to feed chickensfirst days
how to feed chickensfirst days

A few weeks before slaughter, feed that spoils the quality and taste of meat should be excluded from the diet of broilers. To avoid an unpleasant smell, they are no longer given fishmeal and waste. It is not recommended to arrange frequent walks for chickens. Because of this, they spend more energy, and the food consumed is used to restore it instead of gaining weight.

This article discusses in detail the question of how to feed broiler chickens. Follow these tips and get good results. Good luck growing and breeding broilers!
