Profiler - what is it? How to become a profiler?

Profiler - what is it? How to become a profiler?
Profiler - what is it? How to become a profiler?

How sometimes you want to be able to distinguish a lie from the truth. After all, you can say whatever you want! But it's the 21st century, and in addition to the lie detector, there is a profiler. It is about him that will be discussed in our article.

Historical background

The meaning of the word "profiler" has English roots. Literally, the word profile, from which the concept originated, is translated as "psychological profile". Initially, these specialists were useful only in forensic science, where the method of solving crimes by creating a psychological portrait was actively used. The art of the profilers was that the portrait of the criminal they created was absolutely identical to his real appearance.

profiler what is it
profiler what is it

Profiler. What is it or who is it?

Profiler - a person who owns certain psychological methods, thanks to which he manages to predict a person's behavior in a given situation. Based on seemingly elementary things, such as the characteristics of appearance, verbal and non-verbal behavior, he sees the interlocutor "from the inside".

Technological aspects

Profiler uses in its worktechnology of "reading" body language, facial expressions and reading between the lines. For example, there is a suspect to whom they want to “sew” a case of committing a terrorist act. Naturally, when interviewing an investigator, this person monitors his speech and tries to control his behavior. But when an operative asks a question about the luggage that was left at the station, his eyes fill with slight anxiety, he almost imperceptibly strains his arm - this is what an experienced specialist should notice.

meaning of the word profiler
meaning of the word profiler

The art of identifying the smallest details in the manners and behavior of another person requires considerable knowledge and professional skills from the profiler. It is necessary to clearly understand what exactly you need to pay attention to, and what can be relegated to the background. Often in his work, the profiler (verifier) uses a voice recorder or a video camera to record a conversation or videotape the situation as a whole. This method works effectively, because with personal contact you can miss seemingly insignificant details, and the film captures everything. After the conversation, you will just need to turn on the recording and listen / watch it, doing some analysis.

work as a profiler
work as a profiler

The verifier observes facial expressions, gestures, behavioral features, examines the psycholinguistic patterns of speech, paralinguistic signs of verbal production.

profiler profession
profiler profession

The key mission of a profiler is to understand where the lie is. But at the same time, the specialist must understand when a person is sincere. After allalmost every one of us, listening to a person whose dialogue is characterized by verbosity, confusion of the story, thoughtfulness over answers, nervousness, will immediately decide that he has become a victim of deception. As practice shows, such characteristics still mean nothing.

Profiler tasks:

  • people watching;
  • predicting the actions and deeds of people;
  • an unmistakable definition of "empty" words and the real intentions of a person.

Highly qualified profiler - a living analogue of a lie detector.

profiler verifier
profiler verifier

The main directions of profiling, or What are profilers

Business profiling. This is a modern model of conducting business negotiations, in which not only partner parties take part, but also a third party - a profiler. What is this innovation in the business sphere, modern business people know firsthand. This specialist is closely monitoring the interlocutors of his client. He draws a conclusion about the seriousness of the partner's intentions, evaluating the manner of his behavior.

specialist profiler
specialist profiler

Bank profiling. The main actor is a banking profiler. What it is? An innovative direction of control and a tool, the use of which allows to reduce a significant share of non-performing loans. But not everyone knows this. However, it is not uncommon to see that an interview of bank employees with a potential borrower who has applied for a loan is observed by a professional profiler.

Audit profiling. Actively began to be applied by various audit companies in order to check the honesty of accountants. Now, in financial reporting, attention is paid not only to the equality of debit and credit, but also to the behavior during the next check of the accountant. This is handled by an audit profiler. What it is? Almost all audit firms already know this new "means of protection" from all kinds of fraud in the financial sector and, if possible, introduce such an "innovation" in their own countries. It is worth noting that such a check is an effective addition to the standard check of accounting papers.

Insurance profiling. Used by insurance companies to prevent or detect all kinds of fraudulent schemes when applying for insurance.

Transport profiling is a way to identify passengers who may pose a danger to the public: mentally unbalanced and aggressive persons, people who carry this or that weapon, etc. After all, such specialists have the ability to identify such faces seamlessly.

Hotel profiling. It is used as a preventive measure in the name of avoiding various crimes that can occur in the hotel.

Personnel profiling. It consists in "exposing" the applicant for the position and allows you to get to the bottom of what he will not write about himself - gambling addiction, criminal past, the presence of debts on an especially large scale, etc.

Most recently, such a concept as family profiling was introduced - the ability to recognizethe real intentions of the future husband, the difficulties in the life of a teenage son outside the family and more.

In fact, there are a lot of areas for applying this speci alty, and the most interesting thing is that this list continues to grow.

If taken subjectively, then each of us can distinguish lies in a particular industry.

How to become a profiler

Profiling is one of the specific forms of activity that combines various branches of the humanities, including art, history and others. Therefore, the future profiler must have a higher or incomplete higher education.

how to become a profiler
how to become a profiler

However, it is widely believed that a "live lie detector" must necessarily have not only a humanitarian education, but also a basic psychological one. This is explained by the fact that profiling belongs to the psychological sciences. At the moment, there is no unequivocal answer regarding the mandatory presence of such an education for an applicant for the position of a profiler.

Personal qualities

The future professional profiler should be characterized by:

  • great memory;
  • analytical thinking;
  • increased attentiveness;
  • observant;
  • honesty;
  • restrained emotionality;
  • the ability to correctly put a competent speech;
  • clear diction;
  • pleasant manners;
  • resistance.


Working as a profiler implies a clear distinction between truth and lies and their analysis. "Live Detector"possess the art of conducting a dialogue in such a way that the interlocutor opens up as much as possible both from the verbal side, and from the side of gestures, facial expressions.

Profiler must understand:

  1. Human psychology.
  2. Emotional psychology.
  3. Human physiology.
  4. Emotional physiology.
  5. Typologies and methods of deception.
  6. Signs of deception not only in speech, but also in facial expressions, as well as movements.
  7. Techniques and methods for detecting deception.


The profiler is responsible for:

  1. Organization and conduct of observations.
  2. Determination of a person's psychotype by external signs and behavioral characteristics.
  3. Identification of lies and truth, based on the technique of statements and the construction of speech.
  4. Finding one or another emotion of the interlocutor in microexpressions.
  5. The difference between blurry emotional expressions.
  6. The difference between emblem gestures and illustrative gestures.
  7. Finding leaks of reliable information.
  8. Using lie detection techniques.


There are professions related to profiling:

  • psychiatrist;
  • psychologist;
  • psychotherapist;
  • investigative officer;
  • detective;
  • caregiver;
  • polygraph examiner;
  • recruitment and staff selection manager.

Where to study

Profiler is a profession, the basics of which can be learned at specialized courses and trainings at schools, academies, detection centerslies.

profiler what is it
profiler what is it

The desire to become a profiler will cost you 5-10 thousand rubles. The term of study, as a rule, is 2-3 courses of 7 days each. The educational process consists of the theory of profiling, test trials, business games, trainings, practice.
