Nina (name): meaning, character and fate

Nina (name): meaning, character and fate
Nina (name): meaning, character and fate

Now it is quite rare to meet girls and women whose name is Nina. The name, the meaning of which is of particular interest, has become rare in our time. But its popularity may soon rise. People like unusual and mysterious names. Nina is one of them. This name has an obscure etymology and ancient origin. It came to the Russian language from Georgian, and is supposedly translated as "queen". However, much more interesting facts can be told about him.

nina name meaning
nina name meaning


It goes back to the distant IV-III millennium BC. Nina is a name whose meaning is related to the culture of the ancient Sumerians, who existed just at that time. It was they who invented the cuneiform script, thanks to which a lot of information about those times has come down to us.

According to the facts, the element "nin" (translated as "lady") was present in the names of many gods and goddesses. By the way, certain epithets of Inanna began with him. She was the central female deity inSumerian religion and mythology, as well as the patroness of love and food.

Reference to the Sumerian gods

It is worth paying a little attention to the history. It is interesting. So, for example, the Sumerians had the god Ninazu, who personified rejuvenation and healing. Of special honor was Ningal, the interpreter of dreams. Ningishzida was the guardian of evil demons and heavenly gates. Ninisina was the goddess of healing. Ninlil was called the Lady of the Air and the Open Field. She patronized fertility. Ninurta was the god of a happy war and the brother of Ninazu. Ninsun was the patroness of flocks and shepherds, and the mother of the hero Gilgamesh. And Ninmah was revered as a mother goddess.

So, as you can see, Nina is a name whose meaning is definitely positive. Historical facts allow us to verify this.

name nina name meaning and fate
name nina name meaning and fate

Positive traits

Now you can dive into the mystery of the name. Everyone knows very well that people who have the same name are somewhat similar. This is not surprising, since the name gives them some common features.

Ninas have a lot of positive qualities. These include vigor, diligence, diligence, purposefulness, efficiency, prudence and he althy realism. These women are not dreamers. They don't make unrealistic plans. And they know exactly what they are capable of.

Also, these persons are distinguished by independence. They solve all life's difficulties themselves, and it would never even occur to them to ask for help or advice. And it's not arrogance, it's justresponsibility for one's life, adherence to principles, as well as the habit of relying on oneself and experiencing independence.

Negative traits

They also bear the female name Nina. The value of negative qualities to a certain extent is always reflected in the personality. In this case, we are talking about self-love, pride, as well as jealousy for other people's success and envy.

Besides this, Nina has an urgent need for material values. Often in the life of a woman named by this name, expensive things are above the cultural and spiritual aspects. This eventually becomes an obstacle to her self-realization, as Nina turns her life into a race for material values. No matter how many of them, it will always turn out to be few, which will make the woman angry. And envy of more successful and successful people will firmly settle in her heart.

female name nina meaning
female name nina meaning

About little Ning

Girls with this name are good kids. At least, that's what happens most of the time. The secret of the name Nina and its meaning is manifested even at a very early age.

These girls delight their parents with their amazing practicality for such a young age. They bring all the toys home, they study perfectly at school. They don’t let you write off, considering your control intellectual property, but they won’t look into someone else’s notebook either.

True, a certain stubbornness, self-love and incontinence distinguishes Ning. With the opinion of the elders, these girls rarely take into account. But they are not lawless, it's just that their strong-willed qualities begin to manifest themselves too early. ToPlus, they're doing great! Understanding this, Nina starts from an early age to try to be the best in everything. And we need to help them in this.

The most important thing is not to compare Nina with anyone. She will take it as an insult and may be very offended. True, having matured a little, the girl will learn to control herself and understand that the successes of other people also deserve attention.


When a person named by this name becomes older, the previously mentioned meaning of the name Nina begins to appear in her character. For a girl, all the qualities reflected in her are very important. After all, we are talking about really significant features.

Nina grows into a hardworking and practical girl who does not build castles in the air. She chooses a good profession and is not mistaken in this regard. Here the prudence developed from childhood helps her. Thanks to this quality, Nina knows exactly what to do in order to stand firmly on her feet, without depending on anyone.

Such a girl is distinguished by integrity and responsibility. She is self-confident, but does not strive for leadership. However, the reins of government themselves go into her hands precisely due to the mentioned qualities. So career growth for girls with that name is often successful.

the secret of the name Nina and its meaning
the secret of the name Nina and its meaning

Female destiny

As mentioned earlier, Nina is a name whose meaning brings a lot of good to its owner. But in her personal life, things may not turn out as well for her as in her career.

This woman responsibly approaches the choice of a spouse. She will never find an ideal, because she is extremely demanding of people. Even if a man is good in everything, sooner or later she will reveal a flaw in him and will definitely point him out to him. However, for her the most important thing is that he be faithful and devoted. She will never be able to forgive betrayal. If the fact of betrayal is revealed, Nina will immediately file for divorce.

By the way, the expression of feelings of women born under this name is stingy. However, next to them, a certain security and comfort is felt. Perhaps that is why they often choose men who are weaker than them.

What about compatibility? An interesting point, and it is also worth mentioning when talking about the name Nina. Its origin and meaning is specific, and it is believed that it is better for girls named by him to avoid relationships with Fedor, Ivan, Dmitry, Vladimir, Philip, Roman and Anatoly. But they are getting married with Maxims, Sergeys, Semyons, Georgy, Mikhails, Viktors and Valentins.


This area is also worth mentioning when talking about girls named Nina. The meaning of the name, character and fate are closely related to each other. And since everyday life is the most important part of the social and physical life of every person, all of the above simply cannot but manifest itself in it.

So, everything previously mentioned does not mean at all that these women are harsh owners of a cold heart. No, they are magnificent and diligent hostesses. True, they refuse to solve all household chores alone, therefore they attract household members to them.

Children, by the way, Ninabrings up strictly. And often breaks down on them because of their disobedience. But she is capable of expressing love. Children feel it. Sooner or later, it becomes clear to them that their mother just has a difficult character and an incredible desire to make her family perfect.

the meaning of the name nina for a girl and fate
the meaning of the name nina for a girl and fate


The personal life of girls named after Nina is very scarce for romantic adventures. They do not attach any special significance to sex. There is no passion in them, and these girls go as carefully as possible towards rapprochement with men. This, again, shows their inherent exactingness. Nina can only be with someone she likes a lot, with someone she considers worthy of herself.

In sex, Nina does not tolerate fuss. As in everything else. She also cares about specifics. She can even clarify in advance the wishes and preferences of her partner. And if something does not suit her, she will tell about it right away.

By the way, caresses are more important to her than sex itself. Perhaps because in reality her tenderness and sensuality are hidden somewhere in the depths of her soul. And intimacy is a way to show these qualities and get a return.

Friendship and communication

We should also talk about the meaning of the name Nina in this area of life. The girl named by him will never be the soul of the company. Although friends and comrades can often gather in her house, because she needs their recognition and presence in order to feel better and above them. Nina may even despise them a little deep down, laughing at somequalities.

However, it may seem that she is characterized by humanity. This girl will not refuse help. She is true to her word and fulfills her obligations. But this will only amuse her vanity. Such a person likes to realize that they turned to her for help. It makes her feel even more unique.

However, there are times when Nina suffers because of her inability to let people into her soul. She understands that she does not have a person with whom she could sincerely share something or talk heart to heart. Nevertheless, Nina is unlikely to reconsider her attitude to communication and people.

name nina origin and meaning
name nina origin and meaning

What brings good luck

Talismans is another topic that I would like to pay attention to when talking about the meaning of the name Nina. For a girl, fate will turn out well if certain factors appear. In any case, this is what experts who study this topic say.

Here, for example, the sign of the zodiac. They say that if a girl born under the sign of Aquarius is called Nina, then the positive qualities of this name will be revealed in her character most fully. Activity, good he alth and personal integrity will accompany her through life.

Lucky colors are blue, purple and red. The totem animal is the deer. It symbolizes well-being, abundance, renewal and spirituality. Like many of the previously mentioned Sumerian deities, by the way.

The owl is considered totem bird. A controversial symbol, like the character of Nina. On the one hand, this bird representslongevity and wisdom, and on the other hand, loneliness and sadness.

Nina's mascot stones are carnelian and sapphire. The first of these is able to bring good luck in personal life, contribute to the sharpening of intuition, as well as the development of eloquence and the disclosure of emotions. And the second symbolizes chastity, modesty and fidelity. What Nina appreciates most in people.


They also play a role. And it is also important to note them with attention, talking about the name Nina. The meaning of the name and fate often depend on the season in which the girl was born. It's a fact.

Zimnye Nina, for example, are quick-tempered natures who are simply unrealistic to convince of something. Compromise is a completely unfamiliar phenomenon for them.

Spring Ninas are intriguers and egoists who hate the monotonous life. They need constant change and vivid impressions. Their motto is to live each day as if it were your last.

But the summer Ninas are very cold, vindictive and secretive. They like absolute solitude. They feel as comfortable as possible in it.

Autumn Ninas are their complete opposite. They are distinguished by the ability to find positive and pluses in everything. They are cheerful, interesting, attentive towards the rest. Such girls are ideal companions and sensitive companions.

what is the meaning of the name nina
what is the meaning of the name nina


Everyone is well aware that the horoscope is the most reliable when not only the zodiac sign is taken into account, but also a lot of other personalfeatures. Among them is the name.

What interesting things can astrology tell about a girl named Nina? The meaning of the name of the character, of course, determines to some extent, but the sign of the zodiac can fundamentally “rebuild” it.

Taurus, for example, are very sociable. Ninas born under this sign know how to be charming. But they are characterized by exactingness, pride and other previously mentioned qualities.

Nina-Aries become strong-willed, prudent and somewhat adventurous. Gemini is distinguished by waywardness, secrecy, arrogance, unpredictability and capriciousness. Nina-Raki, in turn, are very reserved and scrupulous. It is they who value loved ones more than anything in the world and are ready to move mountains for them.

Nina-Lions, in turn, are extremely picky, domineering and proud. Virgos, on the contrary, are balanced, delicate and patient. Nina-Libra surprises with her activity, correctness and looseness. Scorpios are proud and independent, while Sagittarians are solid and stubborn. Nina-Capricorns are distinguished by reliability and goodwill, Aquarians can boast of cheerfulness and friendliness. But the most sincere and grateful are Pisces.

This is how the name Nina manifests itself in completely different aspects. The meaning of a name and Fate are indeed very complex and interesting concepts, and looking at them from another realm can reveal them in a completely different direction.
