Horse mowers: device, reviews. How to make a horse mower with your own hands?

Horse mowers: device, reviews. How to make a horse mower with your own hands?
Horse mowers: device, reviews. How to make a horse mower with your own hands?

Today, during haymaking, it is rare to find tools such as a scythe and a rake. Almost no one uses them anymore. There are a huge number of devices and technologies that make life easier for the modern farmer. These include horse mowers. They are able to speed up hay harvesting at times. Therefore, we will consider this tool in more detail and get acquainted with all its advantages and disadvantages.

A few words about the scope

Hay harvesting, like any other job, has certain requirements. They include:

  1. Speed. Hay harvesting should be done as quickly as possible. In the process of flowering, the grass accumulates the maximum amount of nutrients. Therefore, you need to have time to collect it at this very moment.
  2. Quality. The grass should be cut as low as possible. The better the work of the scythe, the more hay will be harvested.
  3. Neatness. When making hay, the scythe should not touch the ground. The presence of dirt and turf in the cut grass is unacceptable.


Horse mower - a device designed for cleaning grass. The principle of its work is quite simple. With the forward movement of the horse, the grass falls under the blade and is cut off. Mowed herbage remains in place of the cut. Then it remains only to dry the grass and collect.

horse mowers
horse mowers

The mower frame is made of cast iron. It rests on two running wheels and a drawbar. The cutting unit is located on the right side of the frame. It is attached with a hinge. Above is a seat for a scythe. Near it there are levers to control the horse mower. In addition, the mower consists of the following parts:

  • Cutter.
  • Drawbar.
  • The lever that adjusts the inclination of the cutterbar.
  • Road wheel.
  • Seat.
  • Lift arm.
  • Ratchet.
  • Spur and bevel gears.
  • Field divider.
  • Valek.
how to make a horse mower
how to make a horse mower

The cutting unit is the main part of the mower. It is he who cuts the grass stalk. Its design includes:

  • Beam.
  • The back of the knife.
  • Segment.
  • Presser foot.
  • Friction plate.
  • Finger.
  • Finger plate.

Working principle

Horse mowers are ideal for cutting grass over large areas. Using this device is not difficult even for a beginner. First you need to harness a horse to it. A seat is provided for the worker on the mower, on which the mower directs the horse and controls the device using levers.

horse mower device
horse mower device

Knives in the cutter must be well sharpened. If you notice that the mowerI started not to cut, but to tear the grass, which means that it's time to sharpen the blade. To do this, resort to the help of a special sharpener.

Horse mower technique

In order for the mower to work properly, you need to check its serviceability. After that, you need to be able to properly adjust it. It is worth paying attention to the following nuances:

  1. Tighten the string. The plates must be in the same plane. Anything that protrudes must be lowered, and lowered plates must be raised.
  2. If there are defective fingers on the cutting unit, they must be replaced with new ones.
  3. Knife must be straight. It should also move freely between the fingers.
  4. The distance between the segment and the presser foot should not exceed 1 mm.
  5. Check the shape of your finger. It should be in the shape of a cylinder. If it is deformed or loose on the diene, it should be replaced immediately.
  6. The location of the knife and connecting rod must be strictly parallel to the axis of the wheels.

When using the horse mower, remember to lubricate all its mechanisms.

Safety rules

When working with any cutting tool, you must strictly observe safety precautions. Horse mowers have simple operating rules:

  1. Do not check if the mower is powered on.
  2. Cleaning the cutterbar must be done standing behind the mower, and only with a stick.
  3. When lifting the beam, you must hold on strictly to it, without touching the fingers of the cutting parts.
  4. You can lubricate the mechanisms only when themechanism.

User reviews

As a haymaker, the mixed-view horse mower has its pros and cons.

Horse mower reviews
Horse mower reviews

User reviews indicate that these devices have a number of advantages and disadvantages. In particular, the disadvantages include large dimensions, leading to rapid fatigue of horses during haymaking. In addition, the mowing process should only take place in dry weather, otherwise the cutting blades will become clogged with grass and blocked.

However, insignificant disadvantages are covered by existing advantages. Firstly, the use of horses greatly speeds up the haymaking process. The manual way is not so productive. Secondly, if, in addition to everything, a do-it-yourself horse mower was made, its owner significantly saves on components. Thirdly, working with horses is a great pleasure for those who love animals.

Horse mower DIY

If your financial capabilities do not allow you to purchase a horse mower, you can make it yourself. There are many craftsmen who manage to build a device that is not inferior in its characteristics to factory mowers.

do-it-yourself horse mower
do-it-yourself horse mower

So after all - how to make a horse mower with your own hands? For this you will need:

  1. Scheme. You don't need to draw it yourself. All possible drawings can be found in the special literature with detailed descriptions of parts.
  2. Spare parts. After studying the diagram in detail,make sure you get all the necessary parts. The basic set consists of drawbar, cutterbar, road wheels, crank mechanism, connecting rod, landboard, landboard rod, tine tilt lever and tine bar lift lever. Once you've made a list, head to the farm equipment store where you can find everything you need to build a horse mower. However, for some details, you can use improvised materials. For example, car wheels can be used as running gear.
  3. Assembly. It should be carried out only if you are familiar with the principle of operation of the device. Otherwise, it is better to seek help from a competent specialist, since the design of the mower involves the connection between the main mechanisms. Failure to follow the links will result in incorrect assembly and inoperability of the device.
  4. Tool. For assembly, you will need a set of keys, sockets, a welding machine, etc.
  5. Savvy. Factory-made horse mowers are made using various modern technologies. Don't try to completely copy their device. Perhaps somewhere you have to go for a trick and be smart. But that is why the horse mowers of our own assembly are distinguished by their uniqueness and originality.
