When tomatoes are spudded, what is it for?

When tomatoes are spudded, what is it for?
When tomatoes are spudded, what is it for?

Before answering the question of whether it is necessary to hill tomatoes, let's deal with the very definition of this word. Hilling is the loosening and rolling of the earth, preferably wet, to the lower parts of the plant.

when the tomatoes are piled
when the tomatoes are piled

Why is this being done?

Firstly, in order to provide air access to the roots. This is achieved by loosening the soil during hilling. Secondly, to further develop and strengthen the root system of the plant. The stronger it is, the better the plant absorbs nutrients. Thirdly, when tomatoes are spudded, water after watering or rain accumulates in the pits between the mounds. This retains moisture until the next watering and prevents the plant from drying out. This is especially true in hot weather and in cases where watering the plant cannot be provided daily. Fourth, hilling protects against penetration of various pests into the stems.

do you need to hill tomatoes
do you need to hill tomatoes

When do tomatoes grow?

If you notice some tubercles at the bottom of the stem, almost near the ground, especially during the flowering period of tomatoes, then it'stime for hilling. The tubercles are an additional root system. And as soon as you sprinkle them with earth, roots will immediately begin to appear from them. Such a situation, by the way, may be a signal that the plant lacks nutrition, and in order to help itself, it begins to look for additional ways to obtain these nutrients.

But is it always necessary to hill tomatoes?

No, not always. If your tomatoes do not have the tubercles described above, then you do not need to spud such a plant. Otherwise, you will simply block the passage of air to the existing roots. When spud tomatoes, follow some rules. The ground must be moist. The best time for hilling is the period after rain or watering. It is best to do this with a chopper. With its help, you redistribute the soil between the rows closer to the base of the plant. This must be done very carefully so as not to hurt the existing roots. You simultaneously loosen the soil and increase air permeability to the roots. First you need to process a row of tomatoes on one side, and then go to the other side, so that the result is some kind of mounds near each bush.

do you need to shovel tomatoes
do you need to shovel tomatoes

How often should plants be hilled?

In general, ideally, you need to spud tomatoes 2-3 times per season. The first time you need to do this procedure 10-15 days after planting the plant in the ground. Although this is a conditional term. But hilling, as you remember, should be carried out only if an additional root system at the stem has begun to develop. And this can happen either earlier or later. The second hilling is carried out only when the lower part of the stem turns blue in the plant. It also speaks of the development of the root system. When tomatoes are spudded, and there is not enough land in the beds, then it is worth borrowing it from another place. If the tomatoes are not covered with the necessary layer of earth, they will begin to dry out from lack of moisture. All of the above are just tips to help gardeners. And the decision on hilling is up to you.
