What is holding? Definition of the concept and its structure

What is holding? Definition of the concept and its structure
What is holding? Definition of the concept and its structure

What is holding?

Holding is the main company that owns controlling stakes in all subsidiaries combined into a single structure. The main company controls the activities of all organizations that are part of it. Very often, such enterprises are independent of each other and have different areas of activity. For more than half a century, such forms of holdings as circular and cross have been strongly developed.

what is holding
what is holding

Circular holding is such a system when a subordinate company can simultaneously become a co-owner of the capital of the main company if it acquires shares of a higher founder. As a result, the subsidiary can control the activities of the parent to some extent.

What is cross holding? This is a form of capital participation, when the parent company of one structure can become the owner-partner of blocks of shares in subsidiaries included in the holding structures of other parent companies.

These two types of holdings are more suitable for commercial structures that are difficult to regulate by state bodies. The founders of a holding can be both individuals and legal entities.


Organization properties

To better understand what a holding is, let's look at its distinguishing features. These include the totality of shares of firms in various industries and sectors of the economy, which are dispersed over many regions. If you draw a pyramid, you can imagine that at the top there is one or two firms, from which subsidiaries, grandchildren and other related companies go down. This is how the gradation of such an organization as a holding looks like. The definition of a holding indicates that its management is usually centralized. It is almost always in the hands of the parent company.

The holding structure is an association of companies whose capital is owned by the parent company. What is a holding in terms of relations between subsidiaries and the parent company? Subsidiaries are legal entities and are completely independent, while the parent company receives profit from investments in their capital, and at the same time is not responsible for their obligations.

holding structure
holding structure

Unification paths

Enterprises can be combined into holdings in six ways:

The first way is called horizontal integration - joining enterprises that are united by a common activity. This is done to conquer new market segments, to strengthen the power of one company with the help of the strengths of another.

The second way is vertical integration - organizations are combined into one technological cycle, mainly to reduce overall production costs.

The third way is to create new companies andtheir subsequent joining to the created holding.

The fourth way is the creation of a new management company on the shares of two different organizations and its subsequent development, already without these organizations.

The fifth option is essentially the same as the previous one, only national and transnational corporations merge.

Last, but no less common and popular way, is the division of large companies after their restructuring.
