How long a pig bears piglets in time: what determines the duration and timing of different breeds

How long a pig bears piglets in time: what determines the duration and timing of different breeds
How long a pig bears piglets in time: what determines the duration and timing of different breeds

One of the most profitable areas in farming is pig breeding. But in order to obtain a he althy offspring, it is very important to determine the pregnancy of the sow in time and create suitable conditions for her for the entire period of gestation. Moreover, each pig can give offspring twice a year. That is why many farmers prefer to breed them. However, every beginner should know how long a pig bears piglets. The thing is that the care and feeding regimen of the animal depends on what period of pregnancy it is in. This does not require large financial costs, but it is necessary to include in the diet some foods rich in vitamins, minerals and nutrients. Let's try to understand the features of the content, and also find out how many pigs bear piglets, how to determine pregnancy and properly deliver.

Reproducing ability

sow nutrition
sow nutrition

Puberty in pigs occurs approximately at 5-6 months of life, however, at this age, the animal's body is not yet fully developed, so it is not recommended to use too young individuals for mating, because they are not able to produce high-quality and he althy offspring. Experts recommend selecting sows whose weight has reached 100 kilograms. In most cases, with proper care and a complete diet, this occurs at 9 months of age.

You can independently determine the readiness of an animal for reproduction by the following signs:

  • sow refuses food and becomes more aggressive;
  • the animal's genitals swell and estrus begins;
  • a female at the sight of a boar seems to fall into a trance and stops moving.

If you notice all the symptoms listed above, then the sow is ready to mate. And how much a pig bears piglets in time will be discussed later in this article.

How to select the best female?

pig gestation period
pig gestation period

Not every pig is suitable for breeding. In order for piglets to be born strong and he althy, it is very important to select an adult that is well physically developed.

In the selection process, you should pay attention to the following:

  • zoned breeds are best suited for pig production;
  • the body of the animal should be well built and strong;
  • cheerful behavior, without visible manifestations of any disease;
  • the back of the body is wide, andthe belly does not sag;
  • number of nipples - at least 12, and there is enough free space between them;
  • The animal's appetite must be good and behavior must be active.

In addition to all of the above, it is recommended to give preference to individuals that were born from a he althy sow. Mating is usually carried out at 9-10 months of age. As for how much a pig bears piglets, the breed of animals plays a role. The exact figures will be discussed a little later.

Main signs of pregnancy

how long does a pig pregnancy last
how long does a pig pregnancy last

What should I pay attention to? Before we talk about how many piglets bear piglets, let's first learn about the signs of pregnancy. Its first symptoms appear already on the fifth day after mating with a boar.

The main ones are:

  • heat stops;
  • animal behavior becomes lethargic;
  • the sow completely loses her appetite;
  • Cheese-like discharge of white color appears from the genitals;
  • pig's weight starts to increase rapidly.

It is worth noting that cases of false pregnancy are very common. It manifests itself in the same way as the genuine one, however, the symptoms disappear after about 14 days, while in the real case it persists throughout the entire period of gestation. How long does a pig bear piglets? We will definitely find out the answer to this question, but a little later.

How to confirm pregnancy?

caring for a pregnant pig
caring for a pregnant pig

Only a qualified veterinarian can confirm successful mating, who can use one of the following methods:

  1. Pregnancy test. It is carried out on the 22nd day after intercourse and involves a blood test for chemical composition.
  2. Vaginal biopsy. The specialist takes a swab from the genitals using a special tool.
  3. Ultrasound examination. This method is similar to conventional ultrasound, which is done to women with suspected pregnancy. It is the most common because it has high accuracy and affordable price.

As for the timing, the most reliable are the test results obtained on the 22nd day after mating.

Length of pregnancy

feeding a pregnant pig
feeding a pregnant pig

So, here we come to the answer to the question of how many months a pig bears piglets. The average duration of carrying offspring is 110-115 days, however, each case is unique in its own way, since everything here depends on many factors.

The main ones are:

  • animal breed;
  • sow age;
  • number of matings an individual had;
  • Climatic conditions of the region and seasonality;
  • number of piglets in the womb;
  • Containment conditions.

It is worth noting that farrowing may occur a few days earlier or later than expected. Average periodpregnancy takes 114 days. Moreover, if the gestation of the fetus lasted less than 110 days, then it is likely that they will die. Premature individuals, as a rule, are born very weak and sick. How many piglets does a Vietnamese pig bear? The duration of their pregnancy does not differ from other breeds, so many farmers are breeding them.

How to care for pregnant animals?

lactating sow
lactating sow

You already know how many days a pig bears piglets, so now we can talk about the proper care of a sow throughout the entire period of pregnancy. Good living conditions are one of the key factors that determine not only the duration of gestation, but also the quality of the offspring. If you are raising pigs on a large scale, then it is best to put all the animals together with the same duration. This will make it much easier to care for them.

The following rules are recommended during containment:

  1. In the early stages of pregnancy, sows are placed in separate enclosures of four. As for the size of the pen, there should be at least three square meters per animal.
  2. At 4 months, sows are transferred to larger rooms, in which each individual has 6 square meters. m.
  3. At the fifth month, animals are transferred to separate keeping in large enclosures. There they will stay until farrowing.

As for the enclosures themselves, they should be rectangular and have2.5 meters deep. Width and length are calculated based on the required dimensions.

A few words about feeding

When answering the question of how many piglets bear piglets, you need to dwell separately on the feeding regimen, since it greatly affects the duration of pregnancy. Pig experts recommend switching an animal to a special diet as soon as successful mating has been confirmed.

The essence of feeding is as follows:

  1. Young animals that are still growing need to be fed foods that are rich in nutrients not only for developing fetuses but also for the sows themselves. For weight gain, protein-rich foods are used. However, they should be given with extreme caution, since too much of such feed can lead to the death of the embryos.
  2. Full, physically mature pigs are given feeds intended only to maintain body weight. However, it is very important that the sow is not obese, so if she begins to gain too much weight, then the diet is revised.
  3. In the last month of pregnancy, animals are given easily digestible foods rich in proteins and carbohydrates that do not provoke high gas formation processes.
  4. Feeding is done three times a day. They must have fresh drinking water around the clock.

As for prohibited products, these include sunflower husks, hard cake, chaff, as well as food that has been frozen or has begunspoil.

Preparing for farrowing

pig with piglets
pig with piglets

Knowing how many weeks a pig carries piglets, you can properly prepare the animal for the upcoming farrowing.

For a normal birth, you will need the following tools:

  • scissors;
  • strong thread for tying the umbilical cord;
  • newborn wipes;
  • brilliant green for processing the umbilical cord of piglets.

Approximately one week before farrowing, sows should be given only fresh quality food, regular replacement of drinking water, keeping the barn clean and tidy, and creating a comfortable psychological environment for the animals.


Having an idea of how many piglets bear piglets, you will be able to ensure the correct care of the animal throughout the entire period of pregnancy, so that the offspring will be born he althy and strong. And in order for farrowing to go smoothly and without any problems, it will be better if the birth is taken by an experienced veterinarian. This will significantly increase the survival rate of newborn piglets.
