How to find a job to your liking? How to get a job you love?

How to find a job to your liking? How to get a job you love?
How to find a job to your liking? How to get a job you love?

Once every adult has a question: how to find a job to your liking? After all, it is self-realization that gives real pleasure from life and brings decent pay. If you do what you love, then the work is easy, there is a rapid growth up the career ladder and skill is steadily growing. Find an occupation that can be safely called "my business", and any morning will become good, and the whole life will bring much more joy.

how to find a job you like
how to find a job you like

Why choose something you love

The society is arranged in such a way that each of its members must occupy a certain niche, bring their own, most significant contribution to its development. By and large, the question of how to find a job to your liking concerns only certain individuals. Most prefer to take the path of least resistance.

While following the path outlined by someone else, a person may not even think why there is not enough fullness of life, there is no feelingjoy and ease. Our life consists of many moments, happiness is multifaceted. The work takes at least 40 hours a week, and if the chosen occupation does not have a soul, then a significant part of the effort will be spent on overcoming the rejection of empty and bringing nothing but money, time.

If you can say about something: “Yes, this is my business!”, then there will be no feeling of emptiness. On the contrary, a favorite activity will evoke positive emotions and bring satisfaction from the results. The lucky ones who say with confidence: “I love my job” do not grumble about getting up early, do not count the minutes until the end of the shift, and rest on weekends without being tormented by the thought of harsh everyday life. Such people are happy and harmonious.

I love my job
I love my job

Signs that a person is doing "not his" business

Unloved work can really harm your he alth. Prolonged stress leads to certain hormonal changes, which, in turn, negatively affect the functioning of all systems of the human body. However, a number of signs can be detected before serious problems appear.

Not knowing how to find a job to their liking, a person does not do what he wants, often without even realizing the scale of the problem. We list the signs by which you can determine that the work is not suitable:

  • no satisfaction from the results of work - the salary is not happy, even if it is high, the won tender does not inspire enthusiasm, and the praise of the authorities is perceived rather with irritation;
  • there is neither the possibility nor, most importantly,desire to develop in the chosen profession;
  • does not give pleasure to the process of doing the work, it seems boring, tedious and completely useless;
  • categorically do not like either the work team or the management; this, of course, is an indirect sign, but if everything happened again after changing jobs, think: perhaps the point is that this business is not what you want to devote your whole life to;
  • there is a constant feeling that you are giving much more than you are receiving; bonuses, salary, bonuses, praise - everything seems insufficient;
  • The thought of Monday morning poisons Sunday rest as the work hours drag on endlessly.
my business
my business

Of course, all these signs must be considered in combination, both banal fatigue and professional burnout are possible. But when the job is chosen at the call of the heart, fatigue disappears after the vacation, and the problem of burnout is solved with a psychologist. If you answered yes to at least half of the questions, then it's time to think about how to choose a business to your liking. And, perhaps, it is worth changing the field of activity, getting additional education or trying to open your own business.

What gives business for the soul

Each person has a vocation, certain inclinations and predisposition to a particular activity. Having once and for all decided the question "What do I like?", You will receive the happiness of realizing your true destiny.

Every person should strive to bring as much benefit to society as possible. Only doing what you love with fullgiving and putting all your efforts, you will get the maximum result. Those who find their true calling will have a brilliant career and worthy compensation for their efforts.

business for the soul
business for the soul

How to understand that the chosen business is your favorite?

It also happens that you like the chosen job, but you can't determine whether the vocation is being realized. There are a number of signs that indicate that the answer to the question of how to find a job to your liking is given correctly:

  • work is not only a source of income, but also brings satisfaction;
  • there is a desire and opportunity for self-development and professional growth;
  • you get real pleasure from the results of your activities, the peaks taken are pleasing, the encouragement from the authorities is deserved and pleasant;
  • I like the place of work itself - a building, an office, a workplace; colleagues, subordinates and superiors - all, or most, evoke positive emotions;
  • there is a desire to grow and develop in the industry and pass on their knowledge to others;
  • there is a feeling of adequacy of the assessment of the efforts expended.

If you answered yes to half or more of the points, then rejoice - the chosen business is your true calling.

Finding a job you love

It happens that a person does not immediately realize his place in this world and does not consider it necessary to change something. The older we get, the harder it is to turn around and change our lives. However, you should not be afraid of this. Whether in your 20s or 60s, it's never too late to start over.

Toto decide that the time has come to look for a thing to your liking, it is enough to understand that the current occupation not only does not bring satisfaction, but also requires you to spend your spiritual energy on overcoming resistance. It is not worth going along the beaten path all your life if it causes exclusively negative emotions. Having decided on the need for change, feel free to start looking for a new one. Finding a job you love can be a very rewarding and rewarding experience.

how to choose what you like
how to choose what you like

First steps to change activities:

  • consult experts in different fields of activity;
  • find out options for retraining or getting a second education;
  • find out how to get a small business loan;
  • try a radical change of scenery, like going to the countryside for a month.

Obstacles to the job you love

When you find your calling, you may encounter a number of obstacles, but do not give up and change your dream. Take action and do not stop at any obstacles.

Obstacles to the cause of dreams:

  • resistance of relatives and parents, they may consider the chosen case unpromising;
  • lack of funds for retraining;
  • lack of free time to learn new things;
  • problems with employment in the chosen profile.

Despite all the problems, do not give up and do not give up. Go to your cherished goal, let the steps be very small, the main thing is to believe in yourself.

what kind of business do i like
what kind of business do i like

When it's time to say "I love my job"

It will take some time, and you will definitely say this phrase. Happiness, pleasure and fullness of life are the well-deserved results of overcoming obstacles. Leaving the comfort zone always promises new knowledge, useful connections and the joy of discovery. Life doesn't have to be a dull swamp - you deserve a job you love!
