Credit card from "Raiffeisenbank" - "110 days": reviews, conditions, tariffs

Credit card from "Raiffeisenbank" - "110 days": reviews, conditions, tariffs
Credit card from "Raiffeisenbank" - "110 days": reviews, conditions, tariffs

People are increasingly turning to various financial institutions for a loan. No one wants to put off getting what they want until later. Our population is not accustomed to collecting and saving. It is much easier to get a credit card and spend money today. In our country, a large number of banks offer similar products.

raiffeisenbank credit card 110 days reviews
raiffeisenbank credit card 110 days reviews

"Raiffeisenbank" is the largest financial institution operating in the vastness of our country. This bank always offers a high-quality and competitive product. The bank's employees have developed a whole line of various financial products, among which the 110 Days card appeared not so long ago. It is quite capable of becoming a competitor for the cards of other banks. Advertising sloganof this financial product is as follows: "Some people can wait." But you won’t have to wait long for the card to be issued, the registration usually takes no more than a few minutes. But the period during which the bank "waits" for the payment of the spent amounts is quite large - 110 days. The Raiffeisenbank credit card (according to reviews) is a new product that was released on the most favorable conditions for the cardholder.

Description of loan product

This credit card belongs to the MasterCard payment system, supports PayPass technology, which involves contactless payment using Apple Pay, Samsung Pay and Android Pay services. The interest rate outside the grace period of repayment ranges from 29% to 39% per year - not a small percentage, but generally does not go beyond the existing market. It is possible to issue additional cards, the maintenance cost of which is 500 rubles annually. A loan at Raiffeisenbank is now very popular.

raiffeisenbank credit
raiffeisenbank credit

Opportunities provided by the 110 days card

First of all, it is a high credit limit. In some cases, the card limit can be set at 600,000 rubles. Raiffeisenbank has more than 5,000 partners with whom cooperation has been established. They offer bank customers discounts when paying for goods and services with a card up to 30% of the cost. Further, one of the advantages is the zero interest rate, set for a period of 110 days. If your monthly expenses amount toexceeding 8,000 rubles, then the card will be serviced at the bank free of charge. The card is issued and issued on the day of the client's request. Cardholders have the opportunity to use Internet banking and mobile applications, managing their account online from anywhere in the world. The use of modern technologies allows making contactless payments. In addition, a support consultation is available around the clock. The consultants will answer any client's questions about Raiffeisenbank's "110 days" credit card. Testimonials of successful use of the card already abound on the Internet.

Client Requirements

Applicant for a loan must meet the following criteria:

- the age limit is from 23 to 67 years;

- citizenship of the Russian Federation;

raiffeisenbank credit card 110 days conditions
raiffeisenbank credit card 110 days conditions

- the client must be registered in the region where the credit card is planned to be issued;

- work experience at the last place of work must be at least six months;

- official employment, that is, according to the work book.

If you left an application on the bank's website, then after a while an employee will call you back and ask a few questions. They can be quite unexpected. For example, about when you went abroad, whether you own a car and what kind. Then, if everything is in order and your answers satisfied the bank employee, you can go to the branch to get the credit card itself.

What documents are needed to get a loan inRaiffeisenbank? More on that later.

Collecting everything you need to get a card

You must provide the following original documents:

Raiffeisenbank credit card 110 days without interest
Raiffeisenbank credit card 110 days without interest

- passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;

- 2-personal income tax for the last six months (certificate is valid for a month);

- you may need a certificate of income, a form established by the bank, which is filled out by the employer.

In addition, it is advisable to take the following documents with you, which can significantly affect the size of the credit limit and the interest rate:

- a foreign passport with a visa or a stamp on crossing the border at least a year ago;

- Title for the car or a copy of the registration certificate;

- an extract from the pension fund, issued through the public services website.

You can also open a deposit for 100,000 rubles, while applying for a Raiffeisenbank credit card "110 days". We will consider reviews about it below.

Service rates

The following tariffs are set for the credit card "110 days" MasterCard Gold:

- when issuing cash at a bank cash desk, ATM, currency exchange office, the commission fee is 300 rubles + 3% of the withdrawn amount;

- when withdrawing funds at cash desks and ATMs of other banks, the commission will be 390 rubles + 3.9% of the withdrawn amount of money (tariffs for the “110 days” credit card can be found on the website);

- instant executiontransfer will cost 3% of the transferred amount, and an additional fee of 300 rubles will be charged;

- SMS banking on the main card costs 60 rubles. monthly, for each additional card - 45 rubles. per month;

Raiffeisenbank credit card 110 days credit limit
Raiffeisenbank credit card 110 days credit limit

- 700 rubles must be paid for overdue debt;

- getting an extended statement for this card costs 1000 rubles;

- when depositing cash in the amount of up to 10,000 rubles. A fee of Rs 100 will be charged. Over 10,000 top-ups are free.

If all the conditions for the "Raiffeisenbank" "110 days" credit card issued by the bank are fulfilled, the client can use cash during the specified period and not pay interest. To do this, you need to return the money on time.

Grace Period

Let's look at an example of what constitutes a grace period. The bank card holder made a purchase, paid for by bank transfer in the amount of 30,000 rubles. September 7th. The first statement of the account will come only on October 6th. It will stipulate that until 27.10. the client must replenish the card in the amount of a payment of 1,500 rubles. (5% of the amount spent). After you pay the specified amount, the amount of the debt will be 28,500 rubles. On November 6, the client will receive a new statement, which states that until 27.11. the client must pay an amount of 1,425 rubles. (5% of the amount of 28,500 rubles). The amount of the principal debt in this case will be 27,075 rubles. The third statement of the clientwill receive 06.12. It will indicate a mandatory contribution in the amount of 1357.76 rubles, it will be offered before 27.12. pay the entire amount of 27 075 RUB. In this case, the loan will be considered fully repaid. After the statement received on 06.12., and making the entire payment, a new grace period will be in effect, which is 110 days without interest on the Raiffeisenbank credit card.

Raiffeisenbank credit card processing 110 days
Raiffeisenbank credit card processing 110 days

Using the card

A purchase made with a card is considered a payment for a good or service with the "110 days" product from Raiffeisenbank. When making online payments using this card, you must enter the card details.

The concept of "purchase" does not fit: receiving cash through a bank cash desk or ATM, transferring to your own or someone else's card, using an electronic wallet for card transactions, as well as commission fees for completed transactions.

The credit limit on the Raiffeisenbank credit card "110 days", as already reported, is 600,000 rubles.

Banking services for cardholders

The Bank sends monthly messages to its customers about the movement of funds on the account. They indicate the amount of the debt, the amount of the mandatory payment and the mini-statement of the account. In addition, the SMS message indicates the final date for the payment of the full amount of the debt. Of course, this is convenient, since the client always knows exactly when and in what amount he must make a mandatory payment.

How to usecredit card "110 days"? This question interests many customers.

how to use credit card 110 days
how to use credit card 110 days

SMS notifications

The credit card holder receives regular SMS messages on his phone number about all transactions performed, as well as statements containing information about the state of the account.

Internet banking

The client can receive all the information not only by phone, but also in the Internet banking sections on the Raiffeisenbank website. For smartphone owners, there is a special R-Connect offer, which is an analogue of Internet banking created specifically for mobile phones. In addition, you can get all the necessary information at the bank branches.

Credit card "Raiffeisenbank" "110 days": customer reviews

Feedback from 110 Days credit card customers is mostly positive. Of the pluses noted:

  • high speed credit card processing;
  • favorable terms of purchase;
  • long grace period;
  • availability of internet banking.

Customers usually use the card for cashless payments and try to return the money within 110 days. This allows you to use the funds and not pay interest. It is also noted that in the case of urgent purchases (for example, a refrigerator is broken), this is a very convenient financial instrument that allows you to quickly purchase the right thing.

Also cardholders say that in other banks the grace period is usually 50days, and for many this is a significant factor that allows them to make a choice in favor of Raiffeisenbank. In general, summarizing the reviews of the bank's customers about this product, we can draw the following conclusion: the card is convenient and practically safe for your budget, subject to the rules of use and timely repayment of the amounts spent.

At the same time, issuing a Raiffeisenbank credit card "110 days" will not take much time.
