"Gazelkin": driver reviews about work, company description

"Gazelkin": driver reviews about work, company description
"Gazelkin": driver reviews about work, company description

Moving is an extremely difficult event. It is impossible to transport a large number of heavy and bulky items on your own. One way or another, you will have to use the services of carriers. How to choose the right company? Or maybe you should use private carriers?

Specialists highlight several drawbacks of the last option. For example, such drivers are completely independent, which means that your transaction will not be tracked or protected in any way. Therefore, in the event of force majeure, no one will stand up for your rights. Thus, it would be wise to turn to specialized companies. This means that it would be much more profitable for drivers to work for such an organization.

Why? Consider the example of the Gazelkin company. What services does she provide? How is work carried out at Gazelkin? Feedback from drivers in St. Petersburg or Moscow can tell a lot. It is them that we will consider in this article. Among other things, the features of the activity of the company in question will be considered in detail.

About company

"Gazelkin" is a company that has been engaged in transportation across Moscow for fourteen yearsand the entire Russian Federation as a whole. Operators are ready to take your order at any time of the day, seven days a week. The company's fleet is incredibly rich. It consists of more than seven hundred vehicles that fulfill at least nine hundred orders daily.

Even at the stage of placing an order, the operator will be able to tell you the exact cost of the service. The company's rates are fixed, which means you don't have to pay extra. The company in question really goes to meet its customers, taking care of their savings. You can make a payment either directly when placing an order to the driver in cash or by bank card even before the arrival of the car. You can choose the payment option that suits you.

No matter what time of day you place your order, the car will arrive at exactly the specified time. A qualified operator will help you choose the type of car, as well as the optimal number of loaders so that the transportation goes smoothly and as quickly as possible.

Employees of the company will be able to carefully and securely pack any transported items. Packaging materials are of the highest quality. Even your most fragile things will remain absolutely safe. The boxes will be placed in the car in such a way that nothing is damaged or scratched. You can be sure of an excellent result.

The company's fleet is so diverse that employees will be able to choose the right vehicle for your cargo. Also, loaders always have special loading equipment with them. Required in advancewarn the operator about the type of cargo being transported.

gazelkin driver reviews
gazelkin driver reviews


So, what services does the organization in question offer its clients? Feedback from drivers about working at Gazelkin (Moscow) tells about the following types of services that they have to provide to customers:

  • Moving:

    • dacha;
    • shop;
    • warehouse;
    • apartment;
    • office.
  • Cargo transportation:

    • furniture;
    • newspapers;
    • equipment;
    • personal items;
    • food;
    • building materials;
    • household appliances;
    • spare parts.
  • Rigging:

    • safes;
    • ATMs.
  • Packaging.
  • Delivery to your customers.
  • Meeting the cargo at the store.
  • Loading and unloading.

The variety of services offered allows everyone to choose the one that he really needs.

For what other reason can I contact Gazelkin (Moscow)?

Vacancies: driver

Reviews say that you can always find current vacancies on the official website of the company. As a rule, drivers are required. What does the company offer to employees? What does the company require from its employees? We will discuss all this further.

The company is ready to provide its employees with an endless stream of orders for transportation. The driver can work both on the company's car and on his own, if he has a decent appearance and ison the run. It is also possible to drive vehicles that are designed for medium or large-tonnage cargo.

What are the other benefits of working at Gazelkin? Driver reviews highlight the following:

  • Official registration in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
  • Daily payments of wages in accordance with the amount of work performed and their quality.
  • Flexible working hours, everyone can choose the alternative that suits them.
  • There is always an opportunity to earn extra money.

The driver, in turn, must be ready to work with different people and remain polite with everyone. He must also be qualified, have good driving skills and rich experience. Drivers must provide high-class services to customers. This directly affects how high their wages will be.

In order not to be disappointed, before starting employment at the Gazelkin company, the reviews of employees (drivers, in particular) must be carefully examined. So you can avoid unpleasant surprises in the process.

gazelkin moscow driver reviews
gazelkin moscow driver reviews


As the drivers' reviews tell about the Gazelkin company (Moscow), often customers resort to the services of the company in question solely because they were attracted by certain promotions. And their company offers a lot. So, for example, regular customers can get a special discount card that allows you to do everythingsubsequent trips are much cheaper. Among other things, many consumers have the right to receive a discount coupon, which also significantly reduces the cost of services. If you need to transport a few things and not far (that is, the services of only one loader will be enough for you), then an evening half-hour trip will cost no more than one and a half thousand rubles. For the same price, you can order a complete move to another apartment on a turnkey basis. Just order this service and don't worry about how to deliver your things to your new place of residence.

But what if you only need to move one item, such as a refrigerator or cupboard? It seems that ordering a whole car for this is too expensive. However, not in the case of the Gazelkin company. Reviews of drivers (St. Petersburg) say that the service of transporting one item is incredibly popular. Probably because its cost is incredibly low and is only three hundred and ninety rubles.

Office relocation is also very inexpensive. The cost will be just over one and a half thousand rubles for one workplace. Also, from six in the evening to nine in the morning on weekdays and throughout the day on Sunday, all prices can be safely divided into two - another nice bonus from the company. And as always, shipping in bulk is much cheaper.

Pay attention to the current promotions held by the Gazelkin company, and then you will definitely not have to overpay for transportation!

reviews of work as a driver in the company Gazelkin
reviews of work as a driver in the company Gazelkin

Positive Feedbackemployees

Earns both positive and negative feedback from Gazelkin drivers. So, employees like that the level of wages directly depends on how and how much they work, which means that everything is in their hands, there are no factors independent of drivers. Remuneration is paid on time, and sometimes even encouraged with bonuses. It is possible to work on your own car if it meets the requirements of the company. All consumables are paid directly by the company. The number of orders does not decrease depending on the season or the next round of the economic crisis. There is enough work for absolutely everyone. Also, many people like the friendly and pleasant atmosphere in the team. It is often noted how developed among the drivers of the company is mutual assistance and willingness to help. The main advantage is still considered the opportunity to make good money, especially during the holidays.

Should I go to work in "Gazelkin" (cargo taxi)? Driver reviews are not only positive, so you should pay attention to the other side of the medal. More on this later in the article.

Negative employee feedback

You can also find negative feedback from drivers about working at Gazelkin. Most of them are related to the inadequate reaction of some customers to the delay of the car. After all, often the delay occurs for reasons that are not fully dependent on the employee. For example, due to traffic jams, which the driver cannot influence in any way. The client must himself be aware of how busy the roads are at that time, onwhich he orders a car. However, not all consumers are able to objectively assess the situation and keep their negative emotions to themselves. Of course, such situations in many ways overshadow the everyday life of the company's employees.

Gazelkin (cargo taxi, Moscow) also earned negative feedback from drivers for an abundance of fines that can be earned by non-compliance with company rules, for example, late deposits or not visiting a car wash when such a need arose. Of course, this is a rather tough measure, but it largely protects customers and ensures a high quality of service. As practice shows, punishment with money acts on workers in any field most effectively. However, for drivers, these are just unnecessary losses and additional responsibility, which is why the Gazelkin company (Moscow) receives extremely negative feedback from drivers due to the presence of fines. However, it is in this case that such reproaches can hardly be called fair, since no one has yet canceled compliance with the rules of the employer by employees.

Also, the responses of workers talk about how easy it is to "go into the red" under the condition of short work, frequent delays in orders (especially in adverse weather conditions). Some only invested their money on a deposit, from which they were subsequently automatically withdrawn by the company for various miscalculations, but could not really earn.

As the reviews about working as a driver in the Gazelkin company show, it all depends on how well you work. If you are not punctual by nature and are not ready to fulfill the requirements set before you, then you will probably not be able to work in this company for a long time.

gazelkin reviews of employees of drivers
gazelkin reviews of employees of drivers

Positive customer feedback

What kind of service consumers leave reviews about the Gazelkin company? Information about it is regularly received from drivers, so it becomes clear that not everyone can become an employee in the company, therefore, according to the organization, one can vouch for their qualifications and professionalism. Many people praise the loaders very much, especially highlighting their punctuality and diligence. As a rule, each review contains a mention of polite and friendly operators, a conversation with which often becomes the final motivation to use the services of the company in question. Customers like that half an hour before their appointed time they receive an SMS message with the number of the car and the name of the driver who will work with them. This adds reliability to the firm, safety to the trip, and the client's confidence in the company.

driver reviews about work in gazelkin moscow
driver reviews about work in gazelkin moscow

Negative customer feedback

Leave customers of a different nature about the company "Gazelkin" reviews. Drivers are often accused of incompetence, negligent driving, unfriendly attitude towards the client. Also, they sometimes, upon arrival, evaluate their services more expensive than the operator had previously done, and, accordingly, they try to take more money from the buyer than was stated when placing the order.

The Gazelkin drivers are accused not only of the above. Reviews say that cars are often significantly late, inexplicably lost on the way to the required final address and, accordingly, they bring the goods much later than the declared time. And according to the rules of this company, if customers use the services of a driver and loaders longer than they should, then they will have to pay extra. Not every consumer is ready for such a turn of events, especially if the delay happened through no fault of his own.

Also dissatisfied with some customers and the work of movers. The latter, according to them, despite the fact that all the details of the transportation were previously agreed with the operator more than once, refuse to fulfill their direct duties if they are not satisfied with the volume or weight of the cargo.

Become a client of the company in question or not against the background of all the reviews described above? The decision must be made by you. However, it is also worth considering in advance how you will act if the company does not fulfill its obligations in any way.

gazelkin vacancies reviews of drivers
gazelkin vacancies reviews of drivers


The company is ready to communicate with customers and demonstrates this with a wide range of feedback opportunities. For example, a consumer can contact a department or official of interest via telephone or email. So, you can communicate with the following structural units:

  • Accounting.
  • HR.
  • Customer support.
  • CEO.
  • Free hotline for residents of the Russian Federation.
  • Advertising Department.
  • Private Clients.
  • Corporate Clients.

Using the existing communication channels, you can get answers to all your questions and resolve any difficulties that arise. It is only important to direct the request to the appropriate department. This will greatly speed up the processing of the case. Therefore, be careful! You should not call the first company number that comes across or write to any email address indiscriminately. Make sure that this department of the company is dealing with your problem, and their employees are competent enough to help you.

work in gazelkin reviews of drivers SPb
work in gazelkin reviews of drivers SPb


So, is the Gazelkin company suitable for you as an employer? It is important to study well the advantages and disadvantages of this possibility. They should be carefully weighed in terms of personal preference. If the reputation of the company you plan to work for in the market among its counterparties and customers is also important to you, then it would be wise to consider their reviews as well. It should also be taken into account that, despite the negative reviews, which, by the way, as a rule, are often not always objective, hundreds of people nevertheless chose the Gazelkin company for themselves and continue to earn their living with its help.

If you want to become a driver of the organization in question, pay attention to your communication skills, ability to keeptheir emotions under control, driving style, the habit of following the rules of the road, punctuality, as well as the ability to smooth out conflict situations and adequately get out of non-standard ones. Your earnings in the future will directly depend on all this. Check how Gazelkin provides vacancies. Driver feedback will help determine which job requirements are key.

Weigh the pros and cons carefully. Let your decisions be as balanced as possible so that you do not have to regret them later. After all, how you will feel outside of it will depend on whether you enjoy your work. May your profession bring you real joy.
