2025 Author: Howard Calhoun | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:10
Herman's hybrid variety of cucumbers is characterized by rapid maturation and high yield. No wonder he is preferred and loved by gardeners. Herman cucumbers with reviews and photos will be devoted to the article.
General characteristics
Judging by the reviews, German cucumber is a common plant in the garden. It is cultivated in greenhouses and outdoors. The variety was bred by Dutch breeders. Its early maturity attracts many gardeners.
Cucumber German F1 (description and reviews will be presented below), bred by the Dutch company Monsanto Holland. It was registered in Russia in 2001. When working on a variety, breeders set the task of breeding cucumbers that are not bitter, have the sweetness of the pulp and are able to self-pollinate. The result satisfied the specialists, because they managed to achieve their goals.
Let's dwell on the designation of the variety. It should be noted that the letter F in the name of the variety comes from the Italian word "figli", that is, "children", and the number "1" means the original offspring.
Cucumber bushes grow strong, each of them has 6-7 ovaries.

Properties of fruits
The fruits of this vegetable crop are colored dark green. Shape of cucumberscylindrical crescent, 11-13 cm long. Fruit weight - 70-100 grams. The peel is densely covered with light hairs that dry out over time.
The flesh of the fruit is crispy, with small seeds. It does not carry bitterness, even if the cucumbers were grown in conditions of insufficient humidity, as is the case with other varieties.
Fruits are 95-97% water, suitable for people with diabetes and strict diets.
Fruiting occurs 38-41 days after planting. The variety loves sunlight, does not require pollination by bees.
Each bag of seeds yields up to 20 kg of crop. When cultivating seedlings from eight bushes, 10-20 kg of cucumbers are obtained every 2-3 weeks.

This hybrid has the following advantages:
- can be grown in greenhouses and outdoors;
- easy care;
- immunity to powdery mildew, mosaic virus and cladosporiosis;
- pleasant taste of both fresh and canned cucumbers;
- juicy flesh and no bitterness;
- excellent product features;
- early and higher yield - 15-18 kg per square meter;
- long shelf life.
A good harvest of this hybrid is guaranteed even with inattentive care. The use of competent agricultural practices significantly increases the yield of bushes.

Cons of the variety can be considered:
- graft sensitivity;
- low temperature intolerance;
- susceptibility to "rust".
Variety Herman gives not too strong seedlings. For this reason, seeds are planted in large containers, from which seedlings can be removed without damaging the plants.
Intolerance to low temperatures requires planting seedlings in the ground when the temperature reaches 20 degrees. If the cultivation takes place in a greenhouse, you can forget about this minus.
Exposure to fungal infections can damage plants. Gardeners should remember this in order to take preventive measures in time. Otherwise, all landings are doomed to death.
If we analyze the reviews about the Herman cucumber, the conclusion suggests itself that the hybrid does not have so many shortcomings. Careful care helps to avoid the occurrence of these disadvantages. And the numerous benefits, according to experienced gardeners, overlap them.

Cultivation in open beds
Cucumbers "Herman", a description of the variety, the reviews of which we are considering, germinate well in open-air beds. Most likely, there will be no problems during landing. Homeowners say the seeds germinate even if just thrown into the ground. So cope with the task according to the forces and beginners in the garden business.
Before sowing, the seeds are hardened. They are placed in a s alt solution and kept for 10 minutes. The ones that pop up are not suitable forlandings, they are thrown away.
Suitable seeds are disinfected in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Next, the seeds are treated with fertilizers. It can be ordinary wood ash, seeds are placed in it for 6 hours.
At the very beginning of the growing season, mechanical damage is dangerous for the root system of cucumbers, so they are planted in peat containers. So when transplanting, the roots will not collapse.
To carry out heat treatment and hardening of seeds, they are kept for two days at a temperature of 48-50 degrees.
Seedling method of growing
The seedling method is often used in the cultivation of Herman's cucumber. Description and reviews refer the plant to heat-loving, so the initial cultivation in a greenhouse is quite understandable. And plants are planted in open ground when the temperature is set at 17 degrees.
To get German cucumbers by seedlings, the seeds are planted in special pots filled with soil for vegetable crops. In this case, the largest seeds are selected. They are soaked for two days in a damp cloth. Sprouted seeds are placed for a day in a cold place, then planted in the soil.
Cups with planted seeds are covered with foil and put on the window. When sprouts appear, the film is removed. Leave a strong sprout. Grow seedlings on a sunny windowsill. After 20-25 days, seedlings are formed, ready for planting.
Seedlings are planted in the garden when there is no danger of frost. Usually it is the middle of June. Seedlings are deepened to the level of cotyledon leaves.

When andwhere to plant?
Cucumber Herman F1, (description, reviews, photos of the variety are presented in the article) is considered a heat-loving crop, so its planting does not begin until May. At the same time, the temperature during the day should reach 15 degrees and above, and at night - not lower than 8 degrees.
Aerated soil is suitable for seeds. To accomplish this task, they dig up the earth and pass it with a rake. It is good if mulch is made from rotted leaves. This variety can be planted in partial shade. The predecessors of cucumbers can be corn, spring wheat.
Plant pattern
Seeds are planted in holes. An interval of 25-30 cm is left between them. The row spacing is 70 cm. It is this distance that will allow the bush to grow freely, and the gardener will be comfortable picking fruits.
Compositions containing nitrogen or humus with sand are introduced into the hole. Add warm water in a small amount. Cover with a small layer of humus and stretch the polyethylene until shoots appear.
How to properly care?
Based on numerous reviews, German cucumber requires proper personal care. However, the plant will not take much strength.
Basic care measures, on the advice of gardeners:
- Regular watering. After the first shoots, cucumbers are watered once every three days, preferably in the evening. For one square meter you will need a bucket of water - 10 liters. It is important not to flood the plant, but drought is also dangerous. Watering five times a week is optimal. If the weather is hot, then water more often. If cloudy and humid, reduce the amount of watering. Take for wateringwarm settled water.
- Loosening. After moistening, a crust may form on the surface of the earth, so you need to loosen the soil. A rake or cultivator will do. The ideal time for the procedure is the next day after moisturizing. Loosening is carried out until the soil is completely leveled, when all lumps disappear. Care must be taken not to damage the roots. To this end, the rake does not deepen more than 10 cm.
- Moustache removal. The procedure is necessary so that the mustache does not take important trace elements from the bushes. By the mustache, one can judge the development of the plant. If the mustache grows intensively, then everything is in order with the bush.

The hilling procedure is carried out very carefully so as not to damage the root system. Some experts advise against hilling when growing cucumbers. However, the process will not bring harm.
Benefits of Hilling:
- root extension;
- bush is not waterlogged;
- no crusting on the surface;
- better mineral supply.
According to reviews, German cucumber is not afraid of diseases and gives a large amount of harvest. But the volume of the crop is easy to multiply if fertilizer is applied. Suitable mineral top dressing and organics.
Fertilize 3-4 times throughout the growing season. Apply root and foliar application methods. The scheme for introducing nutrients can be as follows:
- first feeding two weeks afterlanding;
- second - during flowering;
- third - simultaneously with the ripening of fruits;
- fourth - at the end of fruiting.
To improve yields, use ammonium nitrate, azophoska, ammophoska. Chicken manure and any manure are also used. Organics are applied by the root method.
Organic compounds contain vegetable and animal elements. When decomposed, they form mineral microelements, and carbon dioxide, which is necessary for photosynthesis, enters the earth's layers.
Mineral fertilizers consist of various s alts. They can be single or complex. Spraying is classified as a foliar fertilizing method.

How to harvest and preserve the harvest?
Cucumbers Herman F1, according to reviews, grow well both in greenhouses and in the open air. The method of cultivation does not affect the yield. Of course, if we are talking about regions with a cold climate, this hybrid is better to plant in a greenhouse.
Fruits are harvested 38-41 days after planting. Collection continues until the onset of cold weather. If nitrogenous fertilizers were applied, the yield will increase, it will be necessary to harvest more often. Usually cut cucumbers every one or two days in the morning or evening.
Fruits 9-11 cm long are sent for conservation, the rest are s alted. The main thing is to prevent the fruits from overgrowing so that they do not turn into “yellows”. The fruits are cut near the stem. After that, they are placed in a cool place to ensure longer storage.
To keep the hybrid green for a long time andfresh, you can use some ways:
- Freshly picked cucumbers are wrapped in polyethylene and placed in the cold.
- Before the onset of cold weather, you can pull out the bushes along with the fruits. The plant is placed in a jar of water with the roots down, the water is changed after two or three days.
- If you smear the fruits with egg white, they will lie for 2-3 weeks even in a warm place.
- The barrel containing the cucumbers is immersed in the pond for the winter. The main thing is that the pond does not freeze to the bottom. This method will allow you to consume fresh cucumbers throughout the winter.
Opinions of gardeners
Cucumber variety Herman collects positive reviews about himself. The size of the fruit is considered ideal for sale and for conservation. A stable yield of bushes is noted by all gardeners.
Herman cucumbers (reviews, photos, description of the plant are presented in full) can be stored for a long time without turning yellow. They grow well in the southern regions and in areas of the temperate climate zone.
Excellent taste properties are noted by everyone who has ever tasted these cucumbers. Taste is rated 5 out of 5. The absence of bitterness in this variety is at the genetic level; many specialists have worked to achieve this goal. Cucumbers do not need to be soaked before eating and preserving.
Growers also emphasize the variety's high disease resistance. This makes it easier to care for the bushes. The plant does not require chemical treatments. Bushes grow powerful and strong, can reach a height of 4-5 meters. They are not damaged by the weight of the fruit.
Gardeners,German cucumber growers, whose reviews and photos are shown to the reader, pay attention to its high yield. With modest care, you can collect up to 25 kg from each square meter of plantings. And with careful care, this figure can increase to 35 kg.
Thus, Herman cucumber, the description and reviews of which the article is devoted to, is a fairly common plant in the beds of Russian gardeners. This is due to its undeniable advantages and a modest percentage of disadvantages.
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