What is coaching, what is it for?

What is coaching, what is it for?
What is coaching, what is it for?

Most often, the foreign word "coaching" (coaching) can be heard in the office of a large company, which by the nature of its activities is associated with foreign firms and has access to the market abroad. This word is unlikely to say anything to an ordinary citizen. It will only raise a number of questions: what is it, "coaching", in simple terms, why and who needs it. Is training the same or something else?

Coaching at a large firm
Coaching at a large firm

This relatively young phenomenon is often confused with business or psychological counseling. But we dare to assure you that coaching, helping people to formulate their goals and achieve real results in their professional activities and personal lives, occupies its own niche, and only it belongs to it. Clients who receive such a service significantly improve their quality of life, increase their general level of knowledge and begin to feel more confident in terms of their creative potential. So what is coaching? What problems does it help solve? Let's figure it out.

Coaching what the term stands for

The word "coaching" comes from the English coaching, which means the process of preparation,tutoring or training. You can choose any of the three translation options that you like the most. Someone who helps to learn is called a "coach" (coach), that is, a coach, tutor or mentor.

What is the job of a coach? By asking a large number of questions to his client (perhaps that the person has never asked himself before or did not want to do this), the trainer allows you to look at the problem from a different angle. In the process of coaching, in the mind of a person who applied for help, the stereotypes that have developed over the years are destroyed and new habits are naturally formed. Moreover, the analysis of everything that happens is carried out by the client himself, and the coach only helps him in this.

Coaching helps boost self-esteem
Coaching helps boost self-esteem

What problems does a coach help to solve

When you go to coaching, you must clearly realize that no one will solve your problems for you. And only you are the "blacksmith of your own happiness." Okay, so what is the function of a coach then? The role of the coach is as follows:

  • define your desires;
  • highlight the main idea;
  • identify what exactly is preventing you from developing in the right direction, and help fix this problem;
  • gain faith in yourself;
  • find the motivation to develop an effective solution to achieve your goals;
  • determine the main vector of development in terms of professionalism and life;
  • help to see new horizons;
  • make a plan to achieve your desires.
Coaching helps solveProblems
Coaching helps solveProblems

That is, the coach does nothing for his client. It simply helps a person to find resources and draw up a specific plan of action. The main goal of the coach is to bring the client to the realization of what needs to be done to achieve the intended goal. But the person will achieve this on his own, and only on his own.

Coach personality

Coach - who is he? This is a successful and accomplished person, all the time in the process of working on himself. That is, he is constantly developing not only as a professional, but also as a person.

To become a coach, you need to get an international certificate. Only this way and nothing else. And the level of professionalism of a coach is determined solely by the number of hours worked. The coach should be:

  • Pleasant to talk to. Then clients will be able to open up to him and tell him about the sore.
  • Inspire confidence.
Coach personality
Coach personality
  • Be able to listen.
  • Ask questions in the right way.
  • Read the client's reaction to various stimuli.
  • Be able to adapt the technique for each individual.
  • Flexible. That is, do not put pressure on the client and be able to stop in time.

What is the difference between coaching and training?

Basically nothing. Formally, it is believed that training is a session conducted with a group of people, and coaching is exclusively personal work with a client. But who prevents the coach from working with a certain individual, and the coach from advising many at once?

Who needs coaching

He is needed by thosewho wants to develop, understand themselves and their desires to the full extent, reveal their potential to 100%, improve their lives, and also achieve significant efficiency in their business. And there are more and more such people in our country.

Who doesn't want to be successful in love, love or work? Everyone. But not everyone knows how to do it. But it was not in vain that Kozma Prutkov said: “If you want to be happy, be it.” That is, everything is in the hands of the person himself. There are simply questions that he should be helped to answer. This is where the help of a professional coach is needed, who, using a system of special questions, will help a person determine the blocks that prevent him from approaching his goals.

Coaching basics

The philosophy of the method is quite simple. Each individual:

  • knows what he wants;
  • sure he can do more;
  • wishes to be successful and happy;
  • he is responsible for how his life goes on planet Earth;
  • knows he can do anything if he wants to.
Coaching helps you discover yourself
Coaching helps you discover yourself


Coaching affects a variety of areas of human life. And this is quite natural. Based on this, coaching is divided into several types:

  • personal effectiveness (or life);
  • in education;
  • career;
  • in business;
  • sporty;
  • in management.

By the number of participants, coaching can be:

  • corporate;
  • personal.

According to the format of communication:

  • face-to-face (in person);
  • in absentia (by phone or skype).

Life training

What is life coaching? The client wants to get rid of personal disappointments that haunted him in a past life, to believe in his own strength (both physical and moral) again. Stop thinking in a negative way, start thinking positively and doing what he wants, and not everyone around him.

He can be helped by a coach who, by observing, asking and listening, provides him with support in making independent decisions about the most effective ways to achieve what he wants. The client's self-esteem rises, he begins to appreciate himself as a person, and also believe in his exclusivity.

life coaching
life coaching

Educational coaching

How to increase the motivational component of students for self-development? Is it possible? Coaching in education is able to cope with the tasks. As a result of the work of coaches, students begin to achieve high results. And without any coercion on the part of teachers. The coach also works with teachers, changing their attitude to their professional activities and motivating them to use progressive teaching methods.


What is career coaching? Recently, this is what they call consultations about assessing their professional capabilities, career planning, choosing a certain development path, as well as all issues related tolooking for a job.

Career Coach works with people who want to create their own future, increase their income and enjoy all the positive things that happen.

Career coaching
Career coaching

Naturally, the coach does not offer ready-made recipes, but tries to inspire a person to find independent solutions and motivations for certain steps.

Business coaching

What does this mean in terms of business? Everything is very simple. The main task of this type of coaching is to help a person who has his own business (whether small or medium), to develop it properly. The coach should focus on a rigorous analysis of the decisions made by the leader, as well as to determine how much his personal life and friends influence the course of the business as a whole.

The coach helps the client and his company to reach a radically new level of development. Moreover, the work is carried out not only with each leader and manager individually, but also with groups of employees. That is, individual progress is assumed, which implies the development of a more effective leadership style, as well as the development of motivational and emotional competence. It also provides for teamwork, which implies its rallying to solve common problems, the formation of a specific strategy and analysis of the interaction of employees with each other.

Business coaching helps the client learn how to give the correct and quick response to situations that may arise in the course of work, resolve conflicts that have arisen and build working relationships with employees.


This type also exists. What did you think? And who will save athletes from all those fears to which they are subject? Who will help to cope with emotions and inspire future champions with self-confidence? Of course they are coaches.

sports coaching
sports coaching

Management coaching

Coaching in this area is:

  • Motivation and planning.
  • Analysis of relationships (professional and personal) between employees in a team.

What is management coaching? It helps employees reach their full potential, learn how to work in a team, become more proactive and more conscientious about their duties.


This type of coaching is carried out with a small group of people (for example, employees of one department) who are united by a specific goal (working on a project) and for whom teamwork is very important.

In addition, corporate coaching can be used by members of one large family or sports team.


Individual coaching helps a person to discover the potential that was not previously revealed, increase self-esteem, concentrate on real tasks and ways to achieve them. Sometimes a person is not quite sure of his abilities. The coach helps to move to a new stage in development, achieve tangible personal changes, get rid of bad habits, implement not only current but also new projects, as well as balance your personal life with professionalactivity.

Personal coaching
Personal coaching

Coaching Methods

There are several formats for coaching:

  • A specially organized conversation between a trainer and a client. It is called a session.
  • A method that involves the use of a specially prepared questionnaire. Technology helps to better understand the reality, based on the analysis of the tasks. Moreover, the collection of information that is necessary to achieve a certain goal, and the analysis itself, the client makes independently, but under the strict guidance of a mentor.
  • Interaction of a coach with a person who asked for help, with the involvement of elements of yoga. The method contributes to a better understanding of the task and the choice of measures to achieve it.
  • To ensure better cooperation with the client, the conversation can be structured using breathing exercises.

How to become a coach

How can you become a coach? To do this, it is not at all necessary to graduate from a higher educational institution and receive a diploma in psychotherapy or psychology. There is no need for this. It is enough just to be an educated person, improving both personally and professionally. And also have basic knowledge of psychology, and to be more precise, the psychology of communication.

Coaching training
Coaching training

Earlier (10 years ago) coaching training could only be done abroad. Today in Russia there are a great many such schools. For example, you can contact the International Academy ofcoaching” and get training online. Upon completion, graduates receive international certificates. The academy accepts both beginners and professionals who have a desire to improve their skills. And why not!

Another option to get coaching training could be courses. They are organized either as master classes (with personal participation) or as online classes. Coaching can be useful not only for leaders of large companies and their employees, but also for ordinary people who are not afraid of change and want to live in harmony with themselves.

Erickson and his principles

The method is named after the American psychotherapist Erickson, who in 1923 developed the technology of hypnotherapy, based on the functioning of the human brain and psyche. The scientist's principles on how to take control of your life and move forward towards your goals shocked the enlightened public. But life in practice confirmed the correctness of Erickson's ideas.

The method is based on three main principles:

  • Any individual can make himself different, as well as change his attitude towards people around him, towards the business he is engaged in, towards strategies. Moreover, the results will not have to wait long.
  • Every person who asks for help has all the resources (sometimes hidden) to solve their problems on their own. The coach only helps to find the best way out of the situation by asking questions according to a certain algorithm.
  • Personal change is possible.

The core of Ericksonian coaching isfour-square model. It confirms the idea of balancing the spiritual and the material: business plans and personal relationships, innovations and strategies, art and science.

In closing

Now you know what it is - coaching - in simple words, as well as what tasks it helps to solve. Yes, this phenomenon in our country is only gaining momentum, but we can confidently say that coaching is not at all a useless event, but a very necessary one. By the way, coaching and "jospars" are the same thing, what was described above, only for residents of Kazakhstan and in their native language.