How to find out OKPO by TIN of an organization

How to find out OKPO by TIN of an organization
How to find out OKPO by TIN of an organization

Statistical codes (OKPO, OKVED, OKOPF, etc.) the newly created enterprise receives upon registration. They have different purposes - they may be required in the preparation of reports, in the preparation of primary documentation, and so on. It is worth noting that in addition to your statistics codes, it may be necessary to find out the codes of the counterparty with which the company operates. How to find counterparty statistics codes? To do this, it is not necessary to contact the Rosstat authorities or use the services of companies that will provide you with all the necessary information for a fee. You can find out the OKPO code by TIN or OGRN online on the websites of the territorial bodies of Rosstat, and you don’t have to pay for anything. How to do this - we will consider in this article.

how to find OKPO by TIN
how to find OKPO by TIN

The concept of OKPO code

The abbreviation OKPO stands for the All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises andOrganizations. This statistics code is considered the most important in the Rosstat database. His entrepreneur receives upon registration of the company, and he remains with her until the termination of her activities. It may change when the type of activity of the enterprise changes.

You can first find out the OKPO number from the extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or EGRIP.

The main purpose of the code is to simplify the search for an enterprise or individual entrepreneur in the database of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, EGRIP and EGRPO and allow you to get all the information about them. It also allows you to systematically keep statistical records and reports.

OKPO code structure

The OKPO classifier has two sections, each of which reflects the correct data on all business entities. The first section contains information about legal entities, their representative offices and branches, and the second - about individual entrepreneurs.

how to find out the OKPO IP code
how to find out the OKPO IP code

Each of these sections has its own subsections reflecting information:

  • about classification features;
  • about naming objects;
  • about identification data.

How to get an OKPO number

To obtain an OKPO code, you must have the following documents:

  • for individual entrepreneurs and limited liability companies - this is an extract from the register with all changes;
  • for joint-stock companies - Charter, extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, extract from the register of shareholders of the company.

As a rule, after legal entities and individual entrepreneurs have passed the registration procedure by the authoritiesRosstat issues an information letter that reflects statistics codes, including the OKPO code. If the company has not received the letter in hand, it will be sent by mail to the place of registration with the tax service. It is recommended that you save the received letter, as it may be needed in the future. For example, when opening an account, most banks require a letter with statistics codes.

OKPO statistics by TIN
OKPO statistics by TIN

However, it should be remembered that when the type of activity of an economic entity changes, the OKPO number also changes. How to find out the OKPO number, if, nevertheless, the letter is lost or you doubt the relevance of the information that is indicated there? You can request a "fresh" extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or EGRIP. Or re-apply to the Rosstat authorities for a duplicate of the information letter.

How to find out OKPO organization?

First of all, take a look at the firm's legal and financial documents. In accounting and tax reporting, the OKPO code is indicated without fail.

Second, it can be listed in the seal imprint.

how to find out the OKPO number
how to find out the OKPO number

But if it suddenly happened that the number is lost, then you can re-request it from the statistics authorities, but on a paid basis. At the same time, you must have copies of the following documents with you:

  • TIN;
  • OGRN;
  • Charter.

And you also need to order a "fresh" extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

It is also necessary to note the following point: if there is an expansion of the business or a change in the type of activityorganizations, then these changes must be reported to the statistical authorities, which, in turn, will assign a new OKPO number. Hiding this type of information entails administrative liability, and sometimes depriving a legal entity of the opportunity to conduct business for a while.

OKPO individual entrepreneur

As well as enterprises and organizations, individual entrepreneurs are assigned an OKPO code. Initially, it is indicated in the USRIP extract issued during the registration of an individual entrepreneur. Here everything is like in organizations. But there is still a difference - the IP code contains ten digits instead of eight.

How to find out the OKPO IP code? The easiest way is to request information from Rosstat. To do this, you must fill out an application that indicates the passport data of the entrepreneur, the registration number of the individual entrepreneur and the TIN number. The request is processed by the statistics agency within five days.

Find out OKPO by TIN of the organization
Find out OKPO by TIN of the organization

How to find out OKPO by TIN, tax service specialists can tell. To do this, you also need to send a formal request, to which you will receive a response within five days.

OKPO code by TIN

How to find out OKPO by TIN?

  1. Firstly, you can submit a request to the Tax Service at the place of registration. The request is processed within five days. Information on the code is issued either by hand or by letter.
  2. Secondly, you can contact the Rosstat authorities, which, like the Tax Service, will provide information within a five-day period.
  3. You can find out OKPO by the TIN of the organization from the authoritieslocal government. To do this, it is necessary through the website of the tax service, entering information about the TIN, to find the legal address of the enterprise. And with the information found, you can contact the district administration.

OKPO code at legal address

You can find information about the OKPO number even if you know the legal address. Now there are many paid Internet services that will provide you with information at the legal address in the shortest possible time. In addition to them, you can also contact the local administration, but in this case it is likely that you will be denied the necessary information.

Find out OKPO by OGRN

How to find out OKPO by TIN, we understood, but if we know information only regarding the OGRN? These data are sufficient. The PSRN number is entered into the search line of the website of the Federal State Statistics Service, then the OKPO number will be displayed on the screen.

You can also use paid Internet services that work around the clock.

How to find out OKPO counterparty

And in this situation, tax and statistics can help you. OKPO by TIN of a third-party organization can be found by sending an official request to these authorities. The request should contain the following information:

  • TIN number;
  • legal address;
  • PSRN number.

Information on TIN can be found on the website of the tax service or similar information is indicated on the seal, contracts and primary documents. They sometimes contain the OKPO number.

find out OKPO code by TIN
find out OKPO code by TIN

You can also refer to the website of Rosstat, thereyou can also find the information you are interested in. Unfortunately, this site is not as searchable as the IRS site, so you will have to be patient. In addition, the OKPO number of the counterparty can be found on the websites of the Social Insurance Fund and local governments. Rest assured, they contain only reliable information.

Another way to find out OKPO by TIN is to turn to sites that offer to find the necessary information about the organization you are interested in for free. But there are no guarantees in the accuracy of the data they provide.
