Will they give a car loan with a bad credit history: conditions for obtaining, procedure, necessary documents, tips and reviews

Will they give a car loan with a bad credit history: conditions for obtaining, procedure, necessary documents, tips and reviews
Will they give a car loan with a bad credit history: conditions for obtaining, procedure, necessary documents, tips and reviews

Purchasing a car with borrowed funds, customers prefer to issue a targeted loan in banks. This allows you to lower the interest rate, which ultimately reduces overpayments and allows you to quickly pay off the debt. Since most of it will be used to repay the principal amount, and not to pay accrued interest. Among the potential customers there are those who are wondering if they will give a car loan with a bad credit history.

bad credit car loan
bad credit car loan


Many are ready to share their own experience. Among them there are clients who have received approval even in the presence of delays with previous loans. However, this did not lead to a refusal when applying for a car loan. It is important to confirm your own solvency. In addition, oftensuch borrowers are offered less favorable terms.

The situation is quite different with those citizens who, when applying to a bank for a car loan, have outstanding debts. The presence of current delays on other loans can be a good reason for a banking organization to refuse a potential borrower.


The question of whether a car loan with bad credit will be given is usually asked by those who have delinquencies, outstanding loans or have already faced refusals from several banks. In the latter case, the reason may be that the potential borrower applies at once to several financial institutions that issue money at interest.

So, no one can unequivocally answer whether they will give a car loan with a bad credit history. The reason is that the conditions of bank loans are constantly changing. The situation in the financial market also depends on changes in the country's economy. This is why even clients with an impeccable history can be denied the issuance of funds. Each case is different.

car loan with bad credit history and delinquencies
car loan with bad credit history and delinquencies

If you were given a car loan with a bad credit history, carefully read the agreement. In this case, the bank, cooperating with the problem borrower, takes on increased risks. In an attempt to compensate them, the credit institution may set an increased interest rate for the client. If for you it is more than twenty percent, keep in mind that this is a disadvantageous offer. It is possible that you will be able to find more loyal conditions. However, for thisit takes time and patience. Also, you will again have to ask, almost rhetorically, whether a car loan with a bad credit history will be given.

Reason for rejection

If you've had trouble repaying your loan in the past, it seems like that's the only reason banks refuse. However, in reality, financial institutions have a wider range of reasons for not approving a car loan application. With a bad credit history, the chances of a potential borrower become even less. Consider the most common reasons for failures:

  • Low salary. In accordance with the rules, the amount of loan payments cannot exceed a certain part of income. This is why potential low-wage borrowers may be denied a car loan. Whether they apply with bad credit or not, it doesn't matter.
  • Unofficial work. It is difficult for such borrowers to confirm their own level of income. Accordingly, banks treat them with great distrust and often refuse to issue a loan, including a car loan. With a bad credit history and delinquencies, the chances of getting a loan are further reduced. However, informal employment alone is already enough to refuse.
  • Availability of other loans. It is unacceptable that the borrower has to pay most of his own income to pay bank debts. If the credit burden on a potential client is too high, the risk of default increases and not every bank is willing to enter into an agreement with such a borrower.
  • No citizenship orregistration. This is another factor influencing the denial of a loan.
  • Presence of bankruptcy. If a potential borrower has previously carried out a similar procedure, it is highly likely that the bank will not issue him a car loan. With bad credit history and delinquencies, the chances of approval also become slim.
got a car loan with bad credit
got a car loan with bad credit


There are no banking organizations that would approve one hundred percent of applications for various loans. First of all, they seek to obtain the maximum amount of information about a potential debtor. Already on its basis, any further conclusions can be drawn. Usually rarely anyone cooperates with unreliable clients. That's why it's impossible to tell in advance how likely it is to get a car loan with bad credit.

So what options do borrowers have? First of all, you need to find out which banks are most loyal to dark spots in your credit history. As a rule, these are small or little-known institutions that are developing a client base and for this reason are ready to meet some problem borrowers.

Also a very important feature is whether the problem loan is closed at the time of applying for a new one or not. If it seems to you that there is no difference in this, you are seriously mistaken. If the previous debt is not repaid in full, the probability of getting a car loan with a bad credit history at the bank is reduced to zero.

Terms of receipt

If you have previously had problems paying off loans, be prepared that the offerwill not be the best for you. The reason is that banks are wary of such customers. After all, there is always a chance that delays will occur again.

how to get a car loan with bad credit
how to get a car loan with bad credit

When wondering how to get a car loan with a bad credit history, be prepared for tougher conditions than ordinary borrowers. These may include:

  • Higher interest rate. In this way, the bank tries to compensate for its own risks and possible costs associated with the return of the debt. For example, in case of delays, operators start calling debtors, whose work also needs to be paid.
  • Lower loan amount. If you have looked after an expensive car in the salon, be prepared for the fact that the bank will approve a loan for a smaller amount. That is why it is better to look at several options in advance, so that in case of a refusal you will not be upset, but have additional options that suit you.
  • Shorter loan period. It is possible that when applying for a car loan with a bad credit history in Moscow (or any other city), the borrower will have to agree to a reduced repayment period. Calculate in advance whether payments will be feasible for you or delays can not be avoided again.
  • Higher down payment. For banking organizations, this is another way to reduce their own risks. But for a potential borrower - additional costs. Indeed, instead of the standard ten to twenty percent of the cost of the car, now you may have to payalmost half the amount.

Procedure of actions

As you understand, it is possible to get a loan. However, you will have to agree to unfavorable conditions. It is possible that the bank decides to issue a car loan secured. With a bad credit history, this is a pretty good option and at least some opportunity to get funds. A newly purchased vehicle or other owned property can be provided as collateral.

car loan help with bad credit
car loan help with bad credit

It is possible that a guarantor will be required. That's why it would be a good idea for a prudent borrower to negotiate with someone they know who has an official income and can provide an impeccable credit history.

In addition, the borrower himself must also be officially employed, as well as have an impressive length of service. This will allow a potential lender to verify your solvency and reliability. In some cases, you can turn to relatives so that in case of an unforeseen situation they can come to your aid.

A car loan with a bad credit history may be denied, but it is recommended to try to prove to the bank that the previous delays were not your fault.

When you receive a loan, you have to pay off a car dealership in two stages. First, the client makes an initial deposit, and then the banking organization transfers the remaining funds to the dealer.

Possible options

So, any potential borrower has a chance to get approved. However, the presence of poorcredit history significantly reduces them, but does not completely eliminate them. Even imperfect clients have the option to choose from several options:

  • First. To get a car loan without refusal with a bad credit history, you need to agree to the conditions, even if they are unfavorable. Most likely, the bank will increase the down payment and increase the interest. An insurance option is also available. For some borrowers, this scenario may seem too complicated. There are alternatives.
  • Second. According to reviews, a car loan with a bad credit history can be obtained if you do not contact the bank directly, but apply through a dealer. In this case, the organization may not check the credit history at all, for the reason that this is a paid service. However, in this case, no one gives guarantees for the approval of the loan. After all, the loan is still issued by the bank, and not by the dealer organization.
  • Third. Arrange a loan by providing property as collateral. This option is relevant for those who, for example, own real estate. In this case, you can get not a car loan, but a simple consumer loan. The issued funds can be used for any purpose, including the purchase of a new vehicle.
secured car loan with bad credit history
secured car loan with bad credit history


The process of obtaining a car loan for a debtor with delays is no different from issuing a similar loan to any other client. Your task is to transfer the entire set of documents to the manager, paying special attention tocertificates confirming the level of income. Be prepared for the need for a guarantor. For the bank, this is an additional guarantee of loan repayment, and for a potential client, it is extra trouble. After all, not everyone will agree to take on the role of a guarantor, which involves some responsibility.

Usually, consideration of the submitted documents takes place within two days. After that, the banking organization notifies the potential borrower of its own decision. If a refusal is received, you can re-apply, but not immediately, but only after sixty days. The result of consideration of the previous application is not taken into account when re-requesting.

Required documents

When applying for a loan, a potential borrower has to collect and submit a considerable number of documents to the bank. Their list includes the following.

  • Application form. In it, the borrower indicates personal information about himself. You need to be honest and not mislead the bank.
  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. You need to know that banks do not issue loans to foreign citizens. Car loans are no exception.
  • Certificate confirming income for the last six months. In what form it should be provided, the credit institution to which the potential borrower applies.
  • Employment book or contract. This document confirms the official work. In addition, the longer the experience, the more reliable the borrower seems. Accordingly, the chances of obtaining a car loan increase.
  • Insurance contract. According to the terms, the bank must be specified,as a beneficiary.
car loan with bad credit
car loan with bad credit

Also, you need to provide documents for the car to the bank, namely:

  • Vehicle sale and purchase agreement;
  • PTS;
  • account for the purchase of a car.

In addition, a representative of a financial institution may request a certificate of income of family members, additional earnings, etc. Such requirements are justified by an attempt to reduce the risks when issuing a loan to a client who has a bad credit history.

Paragraphs of the contract

Even with a bad credit history, you should not agree to any conditions. Before signing, experts recommend that you carefully read the loan agreement between the potential borrower and the banking organization. In addition, this approach will help avoid unpleasant surprises in the future.

  • First of all, you need to familiarize yourself with the interest rate. The size of the overpayment depends on this.
  • The repayment schedule should not include additional commissions and other fees that further increase the cost of servicing a car loan, making it less profitable for a potential borrower.
  • Make sure there are no additional fees for processing an application, opening or maintaining an account, issuing a card, etc.
  • Find out in advance if the bank can unilaterally change the interest rate during the validity period of the contract you signed.
  • Find out in advance the pen alties that the bank applies for late payments. For example, whenregular delays, the financial institution may increase the interest rate for the client. The presence of debt can be a reason for collateral
  • Find out if there is an additional fee if you suddenly decide to close your car loan ahead of schedule. You need to understand that this is unprofitable for the bank, since it loses a certain part of its income in the form of interest. That is why some credit institutions try to minimize their own losses by providing for pen alties for clients for early repayment of debt.
  • Pay attention to the possibility of restructuring or refinancing a car loan. Such a need may arise if the borrower finds monthly payments unbearable. In addition, no one is immune from sudden dismissal. In such a situation, restructuring will increase the repayment period, but at the same time will allow you to reduce the monthly payment and not spoil your own credit history, which may not be ideal by the time you receive a loan.

Often, a car loan agreement includes a clause on CASCO insurance for a vehicle. Some banks allow you not to do it, but as a response they raise the interest rate. As a result, overpayments on a loan can be equal to or even exceed the cost of CASCO insurance. That is why you need to calculate everything and not rush to refuse such a condition. Because in the first case, you can purchase CASCO insurance for your own car, and in the second case, you can pay increased interest without receiving anything.instead.
