American exchanges and electronic trading system

American exchanges and electronic trading system
American exchanges and electronic trading system

The New York Stock Exchange dominates the US stock exchange system. At the same time, the leading role of this organization does not create any monopoly in the stock market. There are other American exchanges that take their place in the system. For example, the second most important American Stock Exchange. It is also based in New York City. In addition, regional US stock exchanges and the Chicago Board Options Exchange play a significant role.

It should be noted that over-the-counter trading plays a significant role in the US stock market. At the moment, the main platform for such activities is the NASDAQ Electronic Securities Trading System (NASDAQ). This American stock exchange was launched by the efforts of the National Association of Stock Dealers. Started working on the market in 1971

Today this site is the leader in the number of American and foreign companies whose shares are sold on the stock market. Trading volumes on NASDAQ exceed those of all U. S. exchanges combinedtaken.

American exchanges
American exchanges

NASDAQ system

It can be said without fear of exaggeration that today any financier or person connected with the economy knows or at least heard about the concept of "stock exchange". NASDAQ is America's largest securities marketplace and has been the world's leading stock marketplace for quite some time.

The founder and owner of this American stock exchange is the NASDAQ OMX Group. Experienced financiers know that it is profitable and easy to trade securities on NASDAQ. Incidentally, this system is the largest electronic resource in the world.

american stock exchange
american stock exchange

The emergence of NASDAQ and the stages of development

The history of the electronic securities trading system dates back to 1971. Then, on behalf of the US Congress, studies of the over-the-counter stock market were carried out. At first, trading operations were carried out through a regular phone. In 1987, the financial market plunged into a crisis and collapsed. The management of NASDAQ introduced electronic placement of orders. This system was named SOES.

opening of American stock exchanges Moscow time
opening of American stock exchanges Moscow time

In the 90s of the last century, some US stock exchanges became part of the NASDAQ. First there was a merger with the American Stock Exchange, and in 2007 the Philadelphia Stock Exchange was bought. In addition, in 1992, a merger with the London Stock Exchange was carried out. Such steps allowed the NASDAQ in the firstdecade of our century to acquire a reputation as one of the best and largest electronic stock exchanges. In terms of such indicators as the turnover of the US dollar and securities, this organization has taken a leading position in the world. Today, NASDAQ is rightfully one of the top three exchanges in the US.

Advantages and disadvantages

American exchanges have both obvious advantages and disadvantages. This also applies to the NASDAQ system. To date, this trading platform is used by 3700 corporations and companies from different parts of the world. NASDAQ is one of the most liquid exchanges with the highest level of volatility. This American stock exchange is actively developing, which attracts securities of new investors and well-known brands every day.

Advantages of the NASDAQ exchange attract investors and traders from all over the world. A high indicator of a volatile resource, which favorably distinguishes this exchange from competitors, is the main advantage. Among the minuses of the exchange, one can single out a large spread (spread), that is, the difference between the optimal selling price and the purchase price of an asset. But risk is a noble cause.

High tech

It should be emphasized that since its inception, the NASDAQ has been primarily aimed at working with companies and corporations involved in the production and development of high technologies. And today the exchange continues active cooperation with similar organizations. Famous brands such as Google Inc, Intel Corporation and Microsoft Corporation are trading on NASDAQ. RecentlyThe NASDAQ American Currency and Securities Exchange began to attract more and more companies and individuals from the states of the former USSR with its services and opportunities.

american currency exchange
american currency exchange

In conclusion

It is necessary to mention when the opening of the American stock exchanges takes place in Moscow time. For example, the New York Stock Exchange opens at 16:00, and the Chicago Stock Exchange opens at 17:00, they are open until 1:00 and 2:00, respectively. The NASDAQ Electronic Securities Trading System is open from 17:30 to midnight.
