Hay market (Krasnodar): assortment, address, opening hours

Hay market (Krasnodar): assortment, address, opening hours
Hay market (Krasnodar): assortment, address, opening hours

In Krasnodar Sennoy market is located in the very center of the city. It attracts not only residents of this area of the settlement, but also tourists. In the market, you can buy food products of any group, whether it be vegetables or fruits, dairy products and meat.

In the city of Krasnodar on Sennoy market there is always a rather comfortable atmosphere. You will not find a big rush here, huge queues. Thanks to the well-placed shopping pavilions, customers can quickly find what they need.

hay market products
hay market products

Location and opening hours

Sennoy market is located in the center of the city, trams and fixed-route taxis run from anywhere in Krasnodar. Sennoy market (Krasnodar) has the following address: Rashpilevskaya street, house 137.

Trading pavilions are located in a two-story large building, made in the shape of a circle. The market is open 24/7 from 6 am to 7 pm. Please note that the largest flow of customers is observed from 7 to 9 am and from 5 pm to closing. At this time, there is a high probability of stumbling into queues. If possible, visit the market at other times.


Features and product range

Hay market is located in a two-story building. It is almost a historical place, because products were traded here hundreds of years ago. It appeared in those days when horses were used instead of road transport - this becomes clear even from the name. In Krasnodar, the Sennoy market is the oldest place that absolutely all residents of the city know about.

On the first floor there are hundreds of pavilions with quality food. Here you can buy not only products familiar to all residents of the country - carrots, potatoes, tomatoes and the like, but also Krasnodar grapes, local delicious fruits. Prices are moderate, but it cannot be said that they are the lowest in the city. In addition, you can buy various dairy products, meat, fish, cheeses and the like at the Sennoy market in Krasnodar. All food items are located on the first floor.

food market in krasnodar
food market in krasnodar

On the second floor, you will find products that are used in everyday life, such as cosmetics, shoes, clothes, dishes, household cleaning products. There are also hairdressers, hardware stores and sewing studios.
