Conveyor belts: overview, description, types. Rubber conveyor belt

Conveyor belts: overview, description, types. Rubber conveyor belt
Conveyor belts: overview, description, types. Rubber conveyor belt

Conveyor belts are very convenient modern equipment that is installed in various workshops, factories, factories, etc. In other words, in those places where it is necessary to deliver any parts, elements, products from one point to another within the same object. Naturally, industrial enterprises have become the main consumers of such devices. These can be both agricultural plants and enterprises related to heavy engineering.

Product description

Conveyor belt is the main part that is part of any conveyor. Moving large flows of goods manually is irrational, difficult and quite time consuming. That is why the tapes have become very popular.

Rubber conveyor belt
Rubber conveyor belt

It is important to note that there is a wide variety of types of this product, therefore, when contacting the manufacturer about the purchase, the first question to be solved is: what exactly will the company do? This is very important, as a certain type of tape is suitable for certain tasks.


  • Conveyorgeneral purpose tape. This type is used most often, since it can be used for several purposes at once in different enterprises. In addition, products of this type can be equipped with rubber of three different classes, as well as differ in the number and types of fabric gaskets.
  • Rubber fabric conveyor belt. This type is used in cases where it is necessary to deliver lumpy, bulk and piece goods. Used in conjunction with roller conveyors. The structure of such tapes differs in that it consists of two layers. The top layer is considered working. It is made of rubber or rubberized fabric. The second layer, that is, the lower one, is always made from ordinary fabric. The fabric rubber conveyor belt is suitable for use in many industries.
Conveyor for cargo delivery
Conveyor for cargo delivery

Transport belt of rubber cable type. The design was most widely used only in the mining and metallurgical industries. This became possible due to the fact that it is characterized by high strength, a low percentage of elongation, and it is also possible to operate in an environment where there is a sharp temperature drop

Narrow directional tape types

  • Food conveyor belts. As the name implies, the main industry of their use is food. This is due to the fact that the structure of the conveyor belt web does not affect the composition and quality of food products. Also, the product is characterized by a lower density, since a large load capacity is superfluous in the food industry.
  • Transport tapesmine type. The structure of this tape is a combination of ordinary fabric as well as rubber. Products are distinguished by high strength and density, as they are operated at great depths in quite extreme conditions, and are also under constant load.
  • Heat-resistant type conveyor belts. Most often, such elements for the conveyor are used in the metallurgical industry. This is due to the fact that in such an industry it is allowed to use only those materials that can withstand high temperatures.
rubber conveyor belt
rubber conveyor belt

The last type is chevron ribbons. This coating has a rather specific purpose, since it is used only where goods are delivered at an angle. However, the angle limit is 45 degrees. The performance of such belts is increased precisely due to the chevrons, which do not allow the load to crumble

Conveyor belt TK-200

Currently, this type of conveyor belt is very popular. This is largely due to the fact that it can be used in almost all industries. This model is excellent for transporting lumpy, bulk materials in industries such as coal, mining, metallurgical, etc. For the production of such a belt, fabric type TK-200 is used. This material is synthetic. The nominal tensile strength of the material is 200 N/mm. The thickness of one gasket is from 0.9 to 1 mm. In addition, the upper part is covered with a rubber coating, which is called a lining. In addition, it can be placed on both sides of the tape.

Conveyor belt GOST 20-85

The manufacture of all products of the transport type is regulated by this standard. This document also establishes all the basic requirements for products.

Conveyor belt with chevrons
Conveyor belt with chevrons

All manufactured material should be divided into four groups, depending on where exactly the tape will be used. In addition, it should be divided into such types as frost-resistant, heat-resistant, flame-retardant, general purpose. Separately, tapes used in the food industry should be produced. In addition, depending on the conditions for further use, some types are also divided into several categories. For example, the tapes of the first group are divided into two additional categories.

Products used in particularly heavy industries must be additionally equipped with a fabric lining located under the rubber work surface. The nominal strength should be 200-300 N/mm.

Goods received

Since some tapes are operated in extreme conditions, there are certain rules for accepting goods, excluding the possibility of marriage. First, they are accepted only in batches. A batch can be a tape having the same structure, as well as the total length of which does not exceed 10 thousand meters. Secondly, if unsatisfactory results were obtained after testing, then additional tests should be carried out on a double sample of tapes from the same batch. If this test also givesunsatisfactory results, the manufacturer will have to test each tape individually.

Improved Conveyor Belt
Improved Conveyor Belt

Another very important point is to check the flammability of flame retardant tapes. The manufacturer must conduct tests together with the customer of this product. Conveyor belt 2.2 is a general purpose standard product. This material is used on those objects where special qualities are not required, for example, frost resistance, heat resistance, increased strength, etc.
