Production personnel: definition, number, management methods

Production personnel: definition, number, management methods
Production personnel: definition, number, management methods

The production personnel of the enterprise underlies the formation of the economic benefits of the company, acting as its initial link that forms products, and hence profits. Within the framework of this topic, it is especially necessary to consider the composition and formation of this category of employees, determining their number, as well as management in order to obtain effective work and the desired result.

General view

If we consider the entire staff of the company as a whole, then we can divide it into two large blocks: administrative and managerial and production personnel.

The first group includes employees from the management area both at the highest level and at the level of individual divisions of the company. The group also includes employees who are not directly able to influence the final results of the company, but play a huge role in the process of its functioning. Examples are accounting and human resources employees.

Within the framework of the second group, we will consider the category of production personnel that is of direct interest to us, to which we include allspecialists and employees who are direct executors of the company's production processes. It is their main activity that is able to provide and generate income for the company. In addition, as a rule, service personnel are also included here.

production staff
production staff


Different sources of information often divide company employees into managerial, production, maintenance, support, engineering and other types of personnel. This distinction is deeper and more meaningful.

It should be noted that in modern Russian legislation there is no clear concept of the division of personnel into categories. In this connection, employers, as a rule, use unified qualification reference books and the standards provided for in them. They also reflect the division into professions and positions.

In this regard, we can conclude that the division of employees into categories is not mandatory for the company, but a possible option, which gives the employer a resource to more effectively manage and evaluate the company's labor resources.

Thus, under the production personnel we will understand those employees of the company who directly or indirectly perform the functions of industrial (production) purposes, influencing the financial results of the company through this process.


Having considered the general definition of this category of personnel, let's move on to studying its composition at enterprises.

The most common classification of productionstaff:

  • Workers who are directly involved in the production process, the manufacture of products, etc. It does not matter here to what extent the worker is involved in the sphere of production, the main thing is that he participates in it in some way.
  • Junior employees who are not directly involved in the production process and cannot be classified as managers.
  • Engineering and technical (administrative and technical) personnel who ensure the functioning of the company at a profitable level by solving various technical issues and problems.
  • Production maintenance personnel (auxiliary) who are not involved in production. This category includes workers who clean rooms and provide meals to other employees.
  • Protection that is not involved in the production process and is more related to the service sector.
  • Interns and apprentices who have hands-on training but do not have any functions.

Based on the presented classification, we can conclude that production personnel are not always directly involved in the manufacturing process. However, the fact that these employees cannot be attributed to the management category allows them to be included in the study group.

production personnel of the enterprise
production personnel of the enterprise

Main purpose

Determining the immediate tasks facing production personnel seems to be a rather complicated process due to the versatility of thiscategories. However, the main common goal will be the fulfillment of instructions from the management, the conduct of production activities in accordance with the position and profession in accordance with existing internal rules and regulations.

As samples of the tasks set, you can imagine:

  • customer service and provision of services to them at the stage of communication and work with them;
  • separate sections of the production process (workshops) and the implementation of certain functions by an employee in organizing the work of these sections;
  • provide service to the firm and its processes.
number of production personnel
number of production personnel

Features of activity

In the process of managing production personnel, management should take into account a number of features related to this category of employees. Among them are:

  • Subordination in the process of organizing work. This fact means that the company must create all regulatory and legal documentation that will regulate the activities of production personnel, define clear functions and responsibilities of employees in this category, administrative mechanisms for managing and influencing them. The main elements of such work are the analysis of the activities of production personnel, as well as control and regulation.
  • The optimal share of production employees in the structure. In industrial enterprises, the proportion of such employees should be at least 50% of the total staff. The best option is 60%. extreme limitrefers to a value of 90%. With a small number of managers in the company, the effectiveness of managing production employees is reduced.
  • Formation of rational systems and forms of remuneration. There are a huge number of possible options for the formation of the wage fund for production workers. The task of the manager is to choose such an option that will maximally tie workers to the final results of the company and contribute to the growth of the company's profitability. A standard example is the use of a piecework wage system, which allows you to create opportunities for cost management and creates motivation for workers to work efficiently. However, the choice of such forms and systems remains with the employer.
production staff of the organization
production staff of the organization


Issues of production personnel management are closely related to the calculation of the required number of employees.

In order to more accurately determine this category, it is possible to use special planning techniques, which are described below.

The calculation of the number can be carried out separately for sections, workshops of the enterprise, and as a result, for the whole company. For this purpose, the amount of work required to be performed in standard hours and the annual fund of working time of one employee are determined, which must be compared with each other.

Among the working time funds can be distinguished:

  • calendar, that is, the total number of days in a year;
  • nominal, in which we remove non-working days from the calendar fund;
  • valid, ifwhich we subtract unused time from the nominal, for example, vacation, illness, etc.

When determining the number, one of the following methods can be used:

  • using labor intensity norms;
  • applying equipment maintenance standards.
production personnel training
production personnel training

Basic formulas

Let's consider the first option. In this case, use the formula for determining the number of production personnel:

Ksp=ƩNiti / Fd (i=1, …m), where Ksp is the total number of workers on the list;

N i- production program, planned volume, natural units;

t i- labor intensity of a unit of production according to the plan;

Fd - actual working time fund in days;

m - the number of types of products that these workers make.

The number of employees is divided into:

  • list, which is obtained by dividing the labor intensity, calculated in standard hours, by the actual time fund of one employee;
  • private, which is obtained by dividing by the nominal working time fund.

Among the indicators, the payroll ratio (R) is also calculated:

R=Fn / Fd, where Fn is the nominal fund of time.

The formula for the dependence of the list and direct indicator looks like this:

Ksp=KjavR, where Kyav is the number of workers without permission;

Ksp - the number of employees on the payroll.

Calculation for other categories

All calculations above concerned the main productionworkers. Now consider the calculations in relation to service employees.

Calculation is carried out by two methods:

  • when using service standards, which is understood as the number of jobs to be serviced by an employee;
  • Based on availability of jobs.

At the next stage, the number of production and service workers is summed up to meet the total need of the enterprise for workers.

When calculating the number of engineers, employees, as well as junior service personnel, it is necessary to draw up a staffing table in accordance with the characteristics of a particular enterprise. When calculating the number, service rates, controllability rates and mathematical modeling methods are used.

The formula below also determines the additional need for enterprise personnel.

K add \u003d (Ksp - Kf) + KspU / 100%, where Ksp - headcount;

Kf - actual number at the beginning of the year;

U - the percentage of attrition of employees according to the plan.

Based on the presented calculations, it is possible to draw up a plan for the need for personnel for a particular enterprise, which is a balance of the workforce.

HR internship
HR internship

Control Options

In order for the employees of the enterprise to perform their functions efficiently in the production process, it is necessary to correctly build a management system for them. The production practice of personnel management includes the following elements:

  • Work analyticsall employees. This control element involves assessing the performance of each employee in accordance with the job description, which specifies clear requirements for the profession.
  • Developing a staffing plan. The number should be rational, since surpluses lead to overspending of wages, and shortcomings - to disruptions in the timing of work.
  • Selection of candidates by positions and professions. As attracted candidates, only personnel corresponding to the speci alty and profession, with the presence of certain knowledge, skills and abilities, should be selected.
  • Creation of training and development system for employees. It is necessary to allocate financial resources for the development of employees in connection with the changing external environmental conditions and to assess their qualifications from time to time.
  • Introduction of rational remuneration and a system of motivation that encourages employees to high-quality and highly productive work.
  • Providing occupational he alth and safety. This area of activity is formed in accordance with the current legislation of the country. It is even possible to create separate labor protection services within the enterprise.
production staff workers
production staff workers

Professional development

I would like to dwell a little more on the training system for production personnel.

The organization of this process at the enterprise is aimed at the professional growth and development of employees so that they can provide the most effective return. During this trainingthere is a mastery of the required skills, abilities for a particular profession or position.

The need to introduce an on-the-job training system is due to the following factors:

  • decrease in the average category of workers or its inconsistency with the category of work;
  • growth in the number of defects in production.

Such facts indicate that it's time to improve your skills.

The main forms of on-the-job training are:

  • Courses that involve not only theoretical aspects, but also a huge number of practical exercises on mastering the equipment and the workplace, organizing internships for personnel.
  • Multi-occupation courses to encourage job rotation.
  • Innovation training to help explore new products, work organization technologies, new equipment.
  • Programs that offer a higher level of training, in which the most experienced employees share their experience and knowledge with the rest.

Within each individual enterprise, other forms of training and professional growth are also possible, but the goal is the same - to replenish the knowledge base of employees.

Closing word

The production personnel of the organization ensures the functioning of the production process at the enterprise. The final results of the company directly depend on his work. Therefore, to properly form, distribute and manage it is an important task for management.