Public advice: for whom and why

Public advice: for whom and why
Public advice: for whom and why

The Public Council of Civil Society, abbreviated OSGO, is a form of government when the people organize themselves in order to be able to act as an adviser, consultant and expert of the authorities.

Who needs

For active and enterprising citizens who are tired of scolding the authorities and watching how society is degrading, an effective tool for improving life is given, a way to restore and maintain order in their territory.

Decisions affecting the development of life in a region or industry cannot be made by the council, but it can:

  • assess the quality of ongoing reforms at the local level;
  • the quality of life of the population in its territory (in a village, city, district, region, etc.) from the position of a caring citizen;
  • propose changes and improvements in the organization of society;
  • monitor the implementation of the decisions made.
public council chairman
public council chairman

Thus, the people themselves stand up to protect their interests, children, youth andold people.


The Public Council helps to solve any social and political problems. Through creative actions, through partnership with local authorities, for example,

  • maintain order and safety on the streets of the city;
  • plant gardens, parks, run environmental programs;
  • offer ways and options for solving interethnic confrontation;
  • to create scientific and educational centers, schools of happiness;
  • organize consumer cooperation;
  • to work on housing and communal services, education, culture;
  • propose and monitor the implementation of programs to improve the demographic situation;
  • monitor the execution of the budget: where and how taxpayers' money is spent;
  • engage youth to participate in creating a living space for future generations and others.

The community council should convey people's opinions or voice real emerging social issues so that those who make decisions have the opportunity to take this into account.

How to create OS

The prosperity of the region, the people living on its territory and the country as a whole depends on the order in the head of every citizen, on the order in his family, on the street where he lives, in the city, etc. The people of Russia have always strived for creation of a strong state, guarding their interests.

Citizens who are not indifferent to the fate of the people and the country, ready to bear responsibility for the future, able to sacrifice their comfort and well-being, citizens can create a public council on their territory.

public council of russia
public council of russia

To create a council, two or three people are enough who think alike, live soberly, are able to adequately assess ongoing processes and find ways to solve problems. This is how an initiative group is created, which is preparing to hold a constituent assembly (conference) of the local government of its territory on the basis of existing laws: 131 FZ, the Constitution of Russia, the European Charter on Local Self-Government.

They convince individual citizens from any public organizations and groups, public activists of the need to create a public council in a given area, district, etc. At the same time, it is necessary to emphasize that the activities of the council are based on such principles, like:

  • above party;
  • supranationality;
  • super-religious;
  • above estate;
  • above class.

The OSGO can include any youth associations, structures (HOA, TOS, etc.), unions, associations and other public organizations. Along with them, individual active and authoritative citizens who share the goals of the OS can also participate in its activities.

As soon as a minimum (15 representatives) is assembled, a constituent assembly is held and minutes of its decisions are drawn up.

At the meeting, the chairman of the public council and governing bodies are elected, the draft charter is approved and the directions of activity and tasks are determined.

More complete information support on the creation and organization of the work of the OS can be obtained on the website of the People's Council.

Role of youth

Creating the OS, we must work for the future. Without the involvement of youth in solving social problems, it is impossible to lay the foundations of society for the coming times. According to sociologists, only 4% of Russian youth actually participate in social activities, which indicates their passive life position.

youth associations
youth associations

We need to understand the reasons for this choice and give them the opportunity to realize themselves through youth associations or directly. By taking responsibility for solving specific problems, the result of which will be a real improvement in their lives and the lives of those around them, young people will create a beautiful reality here and now.

Seeing how their efforts ennoble the street on which they live, how their dreams and plans come true, they will take a proactive life position, which is the basis of effective people in a he althy society.

Live today, think big

Today, such a form of self-government as the Public Council of Russia has been created and operates under the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of He alth, the Federal Customs Service, the Ministry of Construction, the Ministry of Economic Development and other government agencies.

public Council
public Council

Councils have been created in 11 districts of Moscow, in Moscow suburbs, in Oryol and Voronezh, Vladimir, Smolensk and other regions. OSGO enables people to create a strong prosperous state for themselves and their descendants at any regional level.
