Quality customer service is the path to the success of any organization

Quality customer service is the path to the success of any organization
Quality customer service is the path to the success of any organization

Quality customer service is one of the leading components in the external relations of the organization. Indeed, due to this factor, its competitiveness is largely determined. Improving the organization of customer relationships leads to the need for companies to pay more attention to this area. Thus, customer service standards should be considered as a structural unit of the corporate culture of the enterprise, which will allow finding effective approaches to their formation and implementation.

customer service
customer service

Customer service, as part of corporate culture, can be traced as a kind of social culture in general. That is why the core of this very culture should be some system of values, which, in turn, is determined by the idea of norms, standards and rules, which implies their obligatory observance in the organization.

However, it must be remembered that for the correct behaviorit is absolutely not enough for the staff to establish certain norms, rules and standards. It is also necessary to form a certain value base that sets the general direction of the organization's work in this sector, and the adopted norms will be responsible for its concretization.

customer service standards
customer service standards

Thus, customer service is a certain component in the corporate culture of the company. It is a manifestation of the values prevailing there and sets specific standards of behavior. Therefore, service standards should be understood as the rules and norms of behavior that the organization considers mandatory in the process of working with customers.

Based on the above, it can be noted that an organization can provide customer service either “spontaneously” or with the implementation of certain requirements. At the same time, a company operating without standards will be very dependent on certain people, employees, as well as on their mood and the behavior of the client himself. And in an enterprise where service is carried out on the basis of certain rules, a certain manner of communication will be traced, i.e. the concept of behavior with the client.

customer service quality
customer service quality

Customer service quality is determined by standardized behavior parameters, the main ones being:

- facial expressions and gestures;

- vocabulary and speech formulas;

- proxemics, expressed in maintaining the necessary distance at which the employee must communicate with the client;

- employee appearance(clothing, makeup and jewelry);

- speed and service time;

- ensuring security in the process of communication.

The content of service standards is determined by some internal and external factors of the functioning of the organization. Their effectiveness depends on the awareness and consideration of factors in the development of these standards. Such factors include legislative provision, cultural norms, features of services and goods offered by the organization, etc.
