Middle manager - who is this? Training, Role and Responsibilities

Middle manager - who is this? Training, Role and Responsibilities
Middle manager - who is this? Training, Role and Responsibilities

Management decisions made in the organization are almost the central link in the company's management. The main functions, ultimately, can be reduced to the preparation, adoption and implementation of decisions.

It should be noted that the head is the center of the administrative apparatus and the executive body responsible for the current activities of the entire enterprise.

Middle management activities

All activities in the company can be divided into two levels of management: top management and work as a middle manager.

The success of the entire company ultimately depends on the activities of management in the middle link, that is, on the heads of departments and various divisions of the company.

General idea of the entity

A middle manager is a person who is an intermediary between the top management of a company and the lower levels. In turn, the middle manager prepares information for senior management, and also communicates these decisions to lower-level employees in the form of specific tasks.

middle manager is
middle manager is

Thus, a middle manager isdirector (head) of a subdivision (department, branch) of the company, having several employees in his subordination. In this case, the number of employees in subordination does not matter. There may be 2 people, or maybe 10.

The most typical positions of middle managers are as follows: head of department (sales, sales), sales manager, branch manager. The specifics of activities within the position are determined by the essence of the work of the unit and the characteristics of the organization itself.

middle management job
middle management job


In the current conditions of the crisis, companies in Russia are trying to change, adapt in order to survive in difficult economic conditions. At the same time, many things can change in an organization - from structure to spatial organization - in order to save money. In such cases, the responsibility of the middle manager is the link between the ideas of top management and their implementation among the performers. The middle manager must clearly and simply convey to his employees what the authorities want. Only in the case of the correct delivery of such information, the success of the company and its "survival" in the market is possible.

The fundamental role of a middle manager is the effective management of his link (department) in the company, as well as bringing information and orders to his subordinates from top management. He acts as a kind of conductor of ideas, goals, missions, tasks and plans to the executors from the authorities. The middle manager implements the strategic mission of the company in specificpractical action.

However, this is possible only in the case of correct and timely training and advanced training of the boss.

Consider the role of a middle manager in a medical organization. At present, for middle managers in the mentioned organizations, the main direction of their activity is the improved and high-quality provision of the treatment process. Therefore, a middle manager is a person who must have complete information about the potential of each of his employees, about their personal and role characteristics, preferences, interests, career plans. Such information will allow him to assess the suitability of his employees for their position in a medical institution, which directly affects the effectiveness of the medical and he alth-improving process.

middle management positions
middle management positions

Training and education

The goal of any company to achieve its ultimate goals is to eventually have competent specialists through the organization of such a process as the training of middle managers.

If a middle manager fails to manage his subordinates, then the top management will evaluate his qualities and abilities, and, if necessary, send him to advanced training.

Training for middle managers typically includes the following blocks of knowledge:

  • acquisition and development of management skills (the ability to manage personnel, select personnel correctly, timelymotivate employees);
  • teaching communication skills (the ability to speak publicly, prevent conflicts, interact effectively);
  • improvement of personal qualities (psychological characteristics, the desire for personal growth and career improvement).
the role of a middle manager in a medical organization
the role of a middle manager in a medical organization

Basic Requirements

A middle manager is a specialist who needs to have up to 400 skills. It is on them that the basic requirements for middle-level representatives are formed: the head of an organization, division, management apparatus must have not only special, but also managerial training.

A manager must have the following skills:

  • lead people;
  • plan and organize work;
  • prepare, make managerial decisions and organize their implementation;
  • involve subordinates to actively participate in the preparation of decisions in various areas of activity;
  • monitor the progress of work on the implementation of decisions;
  • properly allocate responsibilities between their deputies, assistants and subordinates;
  • formulate and choose the strategic directions of the organization, management apparatuses and focus on their solution;
  • study and correctly evaluate the results of public opinion research;
  • study and correctly evaluate the results of sociological research;
  • use servicesmanagement consultants;
  • create a positive social and psychological climate in the team;
  • organize your work and the work of your subordinates (organize jobs, working conditions, study advanced work practices, take into account and analyze the costs of working and non-working time, plan your time, etc.);
  • develop criteria and indicators for evaluating the work of subordinates.

A leader should have the following managerial skills:

  • analytical, which is the manager's ability to analyze information, understand the relationship between parts and a whole, establish relationships, identify both difficulties and opportunities, formulate conclusions for decision-making and planning;
  • administrative, these include skills in collecting, processing and analyzing information and implementing management functions based on it;
  • communicative, i.e. skills that are necessary for the correct understanding of others, effective interaction with them. One of the most important communication skills is the ability to properly communicate with people;
  • technical, i.e. the ability to perform certain specific work: for example, train your subordinates in their duties and provide information to managers about problems that arise in the process of work.
middle management training
middle management training

Job Responsibilities

Middle Manager Job Responsibilities:

  • organization of the work technology of the unit for which he is responsible;
  • determination and optimization of the organizational structure of the unit;
  • rational delegation of authority between employees of the unit;
  • determination of basic requirements for positions;
  • development of key job responsibilities;
  • giving subordinates appropriate rights;
  • determining the boundaries of responsibility among subordinates;
  • rational organization of workspace and place;
  • determining the key performance indicators of the unit as a whole and each employee individually;
  • formation of a system of motivation among subordinates;
  • organization of training of subordinates, improvement of their qualifications;
  • rational selection and selection of personnel for positions in the unit.
middle management training
middle management training

The Formula for Effective Leadership

The formula for effective leadership is quite simple and is shown in the table below.

1. Take the time to plan your activities.
2. Improve the performance of each individual employee.
3. Try to get rid of negligent workers.
middle manager duties
middle manager duties


Middle managers in companies today are the central link, as they perform an intermediary function between top management and performers "from below". Whereinthe productivity and efficiency of the entire process depends on how accurate and rational the work of the middle managers will be.
