Deputy Director for General Affairs: Job Description and Responsibilities
Deputy Director for General Affairs: Job Description and Responsibilities

Video: Deputy Director for General Affairs: Job Description and Responsibilities

Video: Deputy Director for General Affairs: Job Description and Responsibilities
Video: Дмитровский фарфоровый завод Вербилки 2024, December

What are the requirements for a Deputy Director? What are the responsibilities of this specialist? These and many other questions will be answered in the article.

Main goals

Deputy Director for General Affairs has, according to the job description, several main professional goals:

  1. This includes ensuring the information and economic security of the organization. The presented specialist should contribute to the constant development of the company, as well as form personnel reserves.
  2. The employee is obliged to competently and efficiently engage in the selection and training of personnel. The direction of workers on specific missions is also within the competence of a specialist. Do not forget about the main goal of the Deputy Director: to provide comfortable and modern working conditions for the staff.
  3. Finally, the Deputy Director of General Affairs must maintain the established standards and norms at all times. If necessary, standards should be created.

Specialist requirements

In the case, as with anyby another employee, certain requirements are imposed on the specialist in question. And the first thing worth noting is that the deputy director for general issues must have a higher education. It should be either legal or technical - depending on the direction of the organization.

Deputy Director for General Affairs
Deputy Director for General Affairs

Expert must have at least 5 years of experience. In addition, the job description fixes special provisions related to the employee’s knowledge necessary for work:

  • Missions, standards, local regulations and various business plans should be the responsibility of the person represented.
  • Employee must master all theories of personnel management.
  • Employee must know everything about the ways of moral support of the team.
  • Deputy General Director must have advanced PC skills.
  • The employee must be familiar with all the principles of the organization.

About the workplace in the organization

The job description of the Deputy Director for General Affairs contains items about the place of the represented employee in the structure of the organization. What can be highlighted here?

instructions of the Deputy Director for General Affairs
instructions of the Deputy Director for General Affairs

Firstly, the specialist in question is assigned to the group of managers. He is appointed to a position or dismissed from it only according to the order of the director.

Second, according to the document, the workeris a second level leader. So, a specialist does not have his own staff when it comes to operational subordination. However, in everything related to the topic of personnel policy and security, the working staff should obey him.

On evaluating the work of a specialist

The instruction of the Deputy Director for General Affairs prescribes special criteria for evaluating the work functions of a specialist.

Deputy Director for General Affairs
Deputy Director for General Affairs

Evaluation is carried out by the director of the organization. Here are the indicators that stand out in the document:

  • fulfillment of all labor functions enshrined in the job description;
  • the level of discipline and concentration of the working staff, the high level of performance of their duties by the working staff;
  • security in the organization; the degree of effectiveness of the methods that can be taken in the event of an emergency;
  • the presence in the organization of an effective system of moral and material incentives or incentives for workers;
  • conducting an efficient and economical personnel policy;
  • ensuring a high-quality personnel reserve, which includes workers with a qualification level;
  • the presence of a friendly atmosphere within the team, the absence of conflicts and disputes.

Thus, quite a lot of evaluation criteria are fixed by a specialized instruction (professional or official). The Deputy Director for General Affairs must perform his duties very efficiently and effectively,so that management evaluates them at the proper level.

The first group of specialist duties

The job description of the Deputy Director for General Affairs establishes the requirements and functions. Here are the most common ones:

Develop, implement and update business plans related to security in the organization in a timely manner (how often such plans are developed depends on the organization itself; as a rule, this happens once a year)

Job description of the Deputy Director for General Affairs
Job description of the Deputy Director for General Affairs
  • Formation of organizational personnel policy; drawing up an annual personnel plan.
  • Development and implementation of a system for checking applicants for vacancies; organization of a quality system for checking candidates for jobs.
  • Organization of constant and effective work on the preparation of a personnel reserve.
  • Organization of effective competitions to attract the most promising and competent specialists to work in the organization.

Naturally, only a part of the functions that a specialist is required to perform were presented above. The second group of work duties of the employee will be presented below.

Second group of specialist duties

The employee's job description also establishes the following main functions:

organization of a quality adaptation procedure for each new person in the organization; appointment for these purposes of elders or mentors who would help new employees to get used to the workplace as quickly as possiblelocation

Deputy General Director for General Affairs
Deputy General Director for General Affairs
  • Control over the distribution of responsibilities for working with personnel documentation.
  • Preparation of all necessary materials and documents for presenting certain employees for awards or incentives.
  • Search and execution of all documents and materials for imposing on employees, if necessary, administrative or disciplinary responsibility.

The duties of the Associate Director for General Affairs are thus quite extensive and complex. Separately, it is worth highlighting the system of security measures and methods of negotiations with various kinds of authorities.

Additional requirements for an employee

One of the main duties of the Deputy Director remains to ensure security measures as a single system.

duties of the Deputy Director for General Affairs
duties of the Deputy Director for General Affairs

Here we can highlight the following:

  • Analysis of the state of objects in the organization for security; evaluation of these objects.
  • Take measures to modernize the security system at the enterprise.
  • Prevent security risks.

In addition to all of the above, the represented specialist must also deal with the protection of information in the organization. Deputy General Director for General Affairs performs:

  • analysis of the information base of the organization;
  • preparing a list of information and data on trade secrets;
  • work to effectively protect trade secrets.

In the duties of deputy. director,among other things, it also includes a dialogue with various bodies and enterprises. In particular, negotiations with law enforcement agencies are most often carried out and necessary. The specialist is obliged in this case to respond to all requests sent from them and participate in all necessary legal processes.

Working with documentation

Quite a lot of functions are performed by the Deputy General Director for General Affairs. Documentation responsibilities are probably the most common in a professional's job.

Deputy General Director for General Duties
Deputy General Director for General Duties

In particular, the employee is required to submit the following papers:

  • Work plan for the next month - by the fifth day of every month; the recipient is the principal.
  • Financial monthly report - before the first day of every month; the recipient is the chief accountant.
  • Final monthly report on the work performed - until the fifth day of the month. Recipient - CEO.
  • Instructions and regulations - as orders come in. Users are the employees of the organization themselves.
