Control panel operator: job description, features and reviews

Control panel operator: job description, features and reviews
Control panel operator: job description, features and reviews

The job description, compiled for the operator of the control panel, allows you to clearly outline the range of his professional duties and relationships in the team during the performance of work. Also, this document allows applicants to clearly understand what knowledge and initial skills they must have in order to be employed in this position in the company.

General provisions

According to the instructions for the operator of the control panel, this position belongs to the category of technical performers or workers, depending on the specifics of the company and the direction of the specialist. The category of the position should be clearly spelled out, since the scope of the employee's responsibilities depends on it.

The appointment of a specialist to the position of operator of the control panel is carried out in accordance with the order of the organization's management in the manner established in accordance with the current labor legislation. In the same way, the liberation of a person fromposts.

operator of the control panel in oil production
operator of the control panel in oil production

The following professional relationship has been established for the control desk operator:

  1. The person holding this position reports directly to the head of the department.
  2. There are no additional reporting positions.
  3. According to the job description, the operator does not give orders to anyone.

The operator of the control panel is replaced by a person appointed by the relevant order of the head of the organization. In turn, the operator himself does not replace anyone from the state in case of absence.

Requirements for candidates

To the applicant who is trying to get a position as a remote control operator, the company's management imposes certain qualification requirements. They relate to the candidate's education and initial knowledge and skills. The job description clearly outlines the scope of requirements.

So, the applicant must have a basic secondary education. Also, vocational education is mandatory for employment.

The operator's experience must be at least one year. Requirements for experience and position of the previous job may differ depending on the specifics of the company's work.

duties of the operator of the control panel
duties of the operator of the control panel

The candidate's initial basis includes the following knowledge:

  1. The structure of the control panel.
  2. The structure of instrumentation.
  3. Technology for the production of products.
  4. Layout and mode of operation of transporting devices and equipment.
  5. Established communication and signaling scheme.
  6. The structure of aggregate units.
  7. Requirements for product quality.

In most cases, the applicant is not required to have practical skills. However, the specifics of the work of the enterprise may require certain skills. Therefore, it is best to familiarize yourself with all the requirements of the organization in detail before employment.

Which documents regulate the work of the operator

The labor activity of any specialist at the enterprise is regulated by a number of external and internal documents. Familiarization with them contributes to better work of a person holding the position of operator of the equipment control panel.

Internal regulatory documents are:

  1. Charter of the enterprise.
  2. Internal regulations.
  3. Orders and directives from the direct management of the company.
  4. Regulations on the production department.
  5. Job description.
equipment control panel operator
equipment control panel operator

External documents regulating the activities of the operator are legislative acts regarding the work performed by the specialist. The same means of regulation are regulations that relate to the work of the operator.

Professional responsibilities

At his workplace, a person holding any position has a number of responsibilities. Their proper implementationis the key to the successful work of a specialist.

The duties of the control panel operator are as follows:

  1. Control of two, three or more units of the production line from the control panel.
  2. Management of the automatic saddler and connected transport devices under the supervision of a more qualified operator.
  3. Start and stop the sadder and transport devices.
  4. Monitoring the operation of aggregate units and other equipment.
remote control operator
remote control operator

The main list of professional duties may vary depending on what the work of the enterprise is aimed at. For example, a control room operator in oil production may perform slightly different duties than an operator working in the construction industry.

Basic specialist rights

Any employee has rights in addition to duties. The operator is no exception.

A person in this position has the right to:

  • to get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management regarding their work activities;
  • making proposals for the improvement of work related to the direct duties of the operator;
  • report to management on identified shortcomings and make proposals for their elimination within their competence.
how does the control panel operator work
how does the control panel operator work

The instruction also provides for the right to demand documents and information necessary to perform directlabor duties. Another right of the specialist holding this position is to request assistance from the management of the enterprise.

Operator's area of responsibility

The operator is responsible for the improper performance or non-performance of his immediate duties. The boundaries delineating the limits of responsibility are the current labor legislation.

control panel operator's manual
control panel operator's manual

Another area of responsibility is offenses and material damage that occurred during the performance of professional duties. Liability is limited by the criminal, administrative, civil and labor laws in force in the country.

Working conditions and pay

There is a special section in the job description regarding the conditions and remuneration of the operator. He explains on what basis the specialist’s schedule is formed and on what principles his work is paid.

According to this document, the basis for the formation of the operator's working regime is the internal labor regulations of the enterprise. The terms of remuneration are regulated by a document known as the regulation on employee remuneration.

Job reviews

Important in employment are the reviews left by people working in similar positions. After reviewing them, we can conclude whether it is worth getting a job.

Unfortunately, in most cases you can find negative reviews. People point out the difficultywork as an operator in terms of communication skills. Others argue that, as such, career growth can not be expected. But at the same time, there are companies in which the work of an operator is not a kind of dead end for career growth. The rapid expansion of technology used in the work of organizations makes the increase quite real, and the work itself more meaningful.


The job description for operators of control panels outlines the scope of duties, rights and responsibilities of an employee. This document is published at the enterprise in two copies. One of them is issued to the employee, the second is kept by the management of the enterprise. Knowledge of this instruction will help to better perform their duties during the professional activities of the person holding this position. Also, reviews about work and organizations can serve as a guideline when choosing a position and place of work.
