Stoker - who is this? Features of the profession

Stoker - who is this? Features of the profession
Stoker - who is this? Features of the profession

Despite the development of technology and the automation of many processes that ensure the functioning of residential and commercial premises, many enterprises still have manually controlled boilers. Therefore, the profession of a stoker is still needed today, although it is no longer as popular as before. There are people who choose the job of a stoker. What kind of profession is this?

Field of activity

Stoker is a person who is responsible for the heat supply and the correct operation of thermal equipment. In another way, it can be called a boiler engineer. It depends where the person works. Previously, stokers were required on ships and operated steam locomotives, but now this profession is practically a thing of the past. However, some businesses are still heating manually.

locomotive stokers
locomotive stokers

What is the stoker responsible for? His duties include:

  • continuous supply of solid fuel to the furnace;
  • maintaining cleanliness of the furnace, timely removalcombustion products;
  • control of the thermal apparatus, selection of the desired operating mode of the boiler;
  • hourly supply of fuel in quantities of up to one hundred shovels of coal;
  • repair of the heating system in case of breakdown;
  • maintenance of technical documentation;
  • setting up the equipment workflow.

Even if many consider the work of a stoker to be unprestigious, it is very important and requires responsibility. In the process, you need to constantly monitor the condition of the heating system, pressure and water supply.

What kind of stokers are they

Regardless of whether the boiler works on solid fuel or natural fuel, fireman is a harmful profession. The employee is exposed to such negative influence every second:

  • high temperatures;
  • breathing in toxic gases accumulated indoors;
  • lack of oxygen;
  • inhalation of ash and soot particles;
  • hard physical activity.

Considering the above factors, the person responsible for the heat supply of the enterprise must be physically strong and resilient, and must also undergo a medical examination in order to exclude any chronic diseases. The employee must be as attentive and responsible as possible, as the safety of people depends on this.

The future specialist undergoes training courses, internships and instructions on the implementation of safety regulations.

modern boiler rooms
modern boiler rooms

Working as a stoker

Be that as it may, a stoker is a person without whom no enterprise works,equipped with a boiler heating system. Boiler house operators often work as part of teams. To simplify the work, modern manual and electronic measuring instruments are used. For employment, you need to get a vocational education by completing a course at an educational institution or at an enterprise.
