A competent HR specialist is the key to the prosperity of the company

A competent HR specialist is the key to the prosperity of the company
A competent HR specialist is the key to the prosperity of the company

It's no secret that the most valuable resources of any enterprise are people. Without them, the equipment will not work, sales will not be carried out, production will stop and deliveries will stop. That is why it is important to take good care of your employees. A competent HR specialist will try to achieve maximum efficiency and will take care of the loy alty of employees. What are his main responsibilities? What and how should an HR specialist do?

HR Specialist
HR Specialist

Main responsibilities

First of all, such an employee (regardless of whether he is the head of an entire department or division or the only person responsible for personnel) selects and recruits applicants. Consequently, it is the personnel specialist who first decides who is worth employing and who is not suitable for this enterprise. He collects resumes and letters of recommendation, studies them and schedules an interview for those candidates who meet the selection criteria. In the next step, he willmake a decision that will affect the life of not only a particular employee, but the entire team, as well as the prospects for the development of the company. Mistakes can be very costly for a company. Therefore, along with the assessment of professional skills and education, the personnel specialist must analyze the psychological profile of the candidate. For example, hiring a conflicting person, the company risks reducing the work capacity of other members of the team. If the candidate is not distinguished by assertiveness, but should be responsible for cooperation with counterparties, he can harm the company by his inability to defend his position. Analysis of the psychological characteristics of a future employee, identification of his priorities and potential are the duties of a personnel specialist. In addition, he will have to deal with the execution of employment contracts, vacations and dismissals. His duties will include accrual of pension, maternity, travel and other payments.

Training and life experience

HR specialist position
HR specialist position

Competent and educated staff is the key to the prosperity of the company. But training alone (graduating from a psychological faculty or courses in personnel policy) is often not enough. After all, a lot in the field of communication between people depends on intuition, on the ability to build relationships. Therefore, many managers reasonably prefer that the HR specialist is not a freshly minted university graduate, but a person with a certain life experience. Not only the selection of personnel, but alsohow united the team will be, how loyal it will be and whether it will act in the interests of the company. Since the HR specialist is an extremely responsible position, it is preferable if it is occupied by the most balanced, objective and reasonable person. Otherwise, hidden and obvious conflicts between management and staff cannot be avoided.

Is this position promising?

duties of a human resources specialist
duties of a human resources specialist

On the one hand, a human resources specialist, especially an experienced and competent one, is the right hand of any entrepreneur. But on the other hand, this position is subordinate. In large corporations with career growth, you can take the post of head of an entire personnel policy department. If the ambitions of a specialist go beyond working "for someone", there is always the opportunity to open your own outsourcing recruitment agency. Moreover, in our time, the services of such firms, which select personnel for enterprises according to specified criteria, are in ever-increasing demand.
