Work in America for Russians and Ukrainians. Reviews about work in America

Work in America for Russians and Ukrainians. Reviews about work in America
Work in America for Russians and Ukrainians. Reviews about work in America

The low standard of living, unemployment, the economic crisis inside the country make many Russians and Ukrainians think about looking for work abroad. One of the countries where the inhabitants of the post-Soviet space dream of leaving for the purpose of employment is the United States. Work in America attracts our compatriots with good wages, social guarantees and the opportunity to live in a democratic state. What do you need to get a job in the USA? And what kind of work can an immigrant expect in this country today? These questions are of most concern to people who want to fly to the States.

work in america
work in america

Work for students

In America, from 1960 to the present day, there is a state program Work and Travel USA. It allows students from all over the world to work in the United States during the summer holidays. Young people aged 18 to 21 can become participants in the program, provided that they are studying in the 1st-3rd year of an institute, university or academy andknow English at a basic level. Students are offered employment mainly in the service sector, where they do not require special knowledge and skills. On average, a person manages to earn from 1.5 to 3 thousand dollars, which is quite enough for life and for saving a small amount for the future. Applicants are given the right to independently choose the place of work and the locality in which they will live. Every year, thanks to Work and Travel USA, tens of thousands of students fly to America from Ukraine and Russia to work. Approximately a quarter of them re-apply for registration in the program after a while.

work in america for russians
work in america for russians

Mandatory requirement for employment

A labor immigrant in the USA can become not only a student, but also any other person who has a desire to work there. Arriving in America, Russian and Ukrainian citizens must first take care of obtaining a Social Security Number - a 9-digit number used in the States to collect taxes from all employees. Without this document, it will be impossible to find a job.

Don't put off writing your resume until the last minute. This document is best done before departure from your country, given all the requirements for filling it out that exist in the United States.

Available Jobs for Immigrants

What can work in America be like for Russians and Ukrainians? In the States, there is an increased demand for construction speci alties, programmers, drivers, engineers. Findwork in the listed professions is possible only if you have the appropriate education and work experience. If a person does not have the necessary speci alty, then he can try to find a job in less paid places that do not require qualifications (waiter, maid, cleaner, handyman, etc.).

how to find a job in america
how to find a job in america

Ways to find a job

How to find a job in America? Searching for suitable vacancies can be done in several ways.

After arriving in the States, the applicant should find information about vacancies on employment sites. Resumes should be submitted for all vacancies. The more they are sent, the higher the chance that in the near future the immigrant will be able to find a job. The effectiveness of such a mailing is no more than 3%, therefore, in addition to searching for a job on the Internet, a person should pay attention to other sources of vacancies.

Local newspapers also contain a lot of information about free places. By making calls to several dozen ads and signing up for a series of interviews, you can get your first job in America.

work for Ukrainians in America
work for Ukrainians in America

The most effective way to find employment in the United States is considered to be recruiting agencies that recruit employees for employers. The services of such firms for visitors are usually free.

Examples of vacancies for Russians and Ukrainians

Work for Ukrainians in America is the same as for Russians. Both of them are offered a fairly wide range of vacancies inservice sector. For example, women under 50 can get a job as maids in a hotel. Their duties will include putting things in order in the rooms, cleaning the bathrooms, changing bed linen. The cost of an hour of such work for people from post-Soviet countries is estimated at an average of $6.5.

Men under 50 are hired as supermarket cleaners. Features of such vacancies are that you will have to go to work at night. The duties of the employee include cleaning the trading floors with floor washing machines. For a month, he will receive an average of $1,400.

Women of working age in recruitment agencies are offered vacancies related to cleaning apartments and houses of Americans. An hour of such work is paid $6.5.

For the fairer sex without bad habits, you can try to get a job as a nanny-housekeeper (with or without accommodation). The pay here is up to $350 a week, meals at the expense of the employer.

Foreigners with a good appearance (both women and men) have a high chance of getting a job as a waiter. Preference is given to people under 40 who know English at a high level. Waiters get from $7 an hour plus tips.

He althy and physically fit men under the age of 55 can go to work in construction. Depending on the position, they are paid 7-17 dollars per hour.

work in america reviews
work in america reviews

There are plenty of vacancies for which a Russian or Ukrainian can get a job in the USA, and most of them do not require any skills orwork experience. But what if a person plans to find a job in his speci alty? There are enough qualified employees in the States among their population, so immigrants need to prepare for fierce competition when looking for work. Also, do not forget that there are speci alties tied to their country. For example, a lawyer, teacher or pharmacist who was educated in Russia or Ukraine will not be able to apply his knowledge and experience in the States, because there are different laws, education system, medicines. To work in the speci alty, the newcomer will have to study again, which requires a lot of time and money.


In the event that a visitor for some time fails to find a good place for himself, he can become a volunteer for a while, helping those in need for free. Social work in America is highly respected, and if an immigrant's resume additionally indicates that he was on duty in the hospital for free for some time or delivered groceries to the elderly, this will be a huge plus for him. Employers will perceive such a person as disinterested, responsive and kind, so his chances of successful employment will increase. By the way, getting into volunteer work is not at all easy, since every self-respecting American considers it an honor to work for the good of society for free for some time.

social work in america
social work in america

USA and Latin America earnings comparison

Work in Latin America attracts Russians and Ukrainians no less than inStates. However, there are many differences between these two regions, the main of which is wages. If in the USA a labor immigrant manages to receive 1200-1500 dollars per month, then, for example, in Brazil his earnings will be a maximum of 1100 dollars, and in Argentina even less - at most 700 dollars. At the same time, it is necessary to have a good command of the language of the country to which the applicant is going to go.

Work in America: reviews

A person who wants to go to work in the USA is interested in real reviews of people who have been there. What awaits a Russian or Ukrainian in a distant country, which for many post-Soviet citizens has become synonymous with freedom and democracy? As noted by labor immigrants who worked in the States, it is not at all easy to find a job there. For some, it takes several weeks to find a worthy occupation for themselves. In America, everything depends on the perseverance of the applicant: after the first failures, you cannot give up, you must continue to send resumes to all the vacancies you like.

work in latin america
work in latin america

In addition to immigrants from the countries of the former Soviet Union, people from all over the planet come to the States in order to earn more money, so the competition here is fierce. From a huge number of applicants for a job, the employer will choose the one whose resume he likes the most, so special attention should be paid to the preparation of this document. It must be written in fluent English. His knowledge will be needed not only for compiling a resume. The reviews of people who worked in the USA agree on one thing: without speaking Englishlanguage to find a job in this country is almost impossible.
