How to open a bar: a business plan

How to open a bar: a business plan
How to open a bar: a business plan

Even an aspiring entrepreneur knows that starting a business requires a plan. It helps to optimize costs, accurately find out future profits and outline the procedure for opening. An example of a bar business plan and all the necessary calculations will be given below.

Why do we need a bar?

Beer bar is a highly profitable business that can pay off very quickly with proper planning. Every man dreams of opening a bar, but how to realize this desire? Let's not hide, despite the potential of this type of business, the alcohol market in Russia is in a sad state. One by one, laws are passed to restrict the consumption of alcoholic beverages. Because of this, many people limit themselves to buying drinks in supermarkets. However, if you choose a convenient location in a big city, an original concept and an attractive interior, after a while you will be able to profit from your business.

bar business plan
bar business plan

Now the client, instead of a simple beer bar, is focused on establishments of the "European" type, in which he can not only skip a couple of glassesfoamy, but also taste delicious snacks. Restaurants and bars are being demarcated and people visit one or the other depending on their purpose. In modern bars, not only the atmosphere and convenient location are valued, but also “live” craft beer, and the more original it is, the better. The ideal option is one in which you produce some of the products yourself. Thus, opening your own bar allows you not only to fulfill your dream, but also to bring a solid profit, become a favorite job and a place for new acquaintances. How to open a bar? The business plan of the institution will allow you to assess all the risks and opportunities of the selected market segment.

What do you need to open a bar?

To open a bar from scratch, the business plan must be extremely clear and precise. To get started, you will need to perform a series of complex and not too pleasant actions. Half of all problems are related to business registration and execution of various documents. What is the procedure to follow when opening a bar?

  • Registration of a legal entity (LLC or individual entrepreneur).
  • Choosing the room where the bar will be located. Residential buildings are best avoided to avoid complaints from residents.
  • Filing all necessary permits (lease agreement, fire safety compliance, utility projects, etc.).
business plan documents
business plan documents

A license to sell alcoholic beverages is obtained at the very end if all requirements are met.

How to choose the idea and concept of an institution

Too many barsexists now. Choosing a concept is one of the most important steps in the process of creating a business plan for opening a bar. After all, the whole structure of the institution, location and much more will depend on this. What types of bars can be distinguished? By class of service, there are mainly bars designed for people with an average income. Accordingly, their prices are not very high, and the interior and furnishings are not particularly chic. However, you can also find "first" class establishments, in which the emphasis is on high-quality furniture, expensive dishes and gourmet snacks. But it must be said that bars have historically been a place where working people could have a drink after a hard day, so people are more likely to go to a restaurant for sophistication.

bar business plan example
bar business plan example

The most popular classification is by related entertainment offered by establishments.

  • Sports bar - a place where they gather to watch game matches and competitions.
  • Karaoke bar – in addition to the alcohol menu, you will find a lot of fun in such establishments: after all, they have karaoke installations, and any visitor can try himself in the vocal art.
  • Disco bar is good for those who like to dance. Such bars have a special atmosphere and style, and the room must have a dance floor.
  • The lounge bar has a relaxed atmosphere with comfortable seating and soft music. In these bars, people can easily chat with each other and enjoy drinks.

Bar business plan: instructions forcompilation

Every businessman knows that careful planning can save you from many problems. The bar business plan is built according to the same laws as the plan of other enterprises. When compiling this document, special attention should be paid to the following points:

  1. First of all, it is worth deciding on business development goals for the first few years. Plans should be made not only for financial profit, but also for traffic, brand awareness.
  2. Target audience of the future institution.
  3. Bar location.
  4. The niche that the bar will occupy among other beer establishments.
  5. Product range.
  6. All costs and expenses.
  7. Assortment prices.
  8. Promotions and bar promotion strategy.

All these items should be described in as much detail as possible, with detailed tables, estimates and schedules. After all, the more accurate the bar business plan you draw up, the easier and more successful the opening of your establishment will be. Now it's time to move on to the most important points of the document, which should be given special attention.

bar business plan
bar business plan

Costs and expenses

Many aspiring businessmen are interested in how you can open your own bar from scratch and not burn out. The main thing in this matter is to soberly calculate your costs and not expect quick profits. The payback period can be six months or several years. And after all your costs are “recovered”, it is better to invest the profits in the further development of the business, and not put it in your pocket. Toto make your bar business plan easier, below is a list of expenses to keep in mind.

  • Expenses for renting the premises.
  • Employee salaries.
  • Utility payments.
  • Advertising.
  • Products and goods.

This is the main cost. The business plan of the finished bar should also contain information about the costs of purchasing equipment, furniture and other important things.

  • Equipment (mixers, ovens, refrigerators, tables, ovens, stoves, juicers) - the cost will depend on whether you buy new or used appliances. Approximately this part of the cost will be 400-600 thousand rubles.
  • The design of the premises will cost approximately 200-300 thousand rubles.
  • Expenses on furniture - about 300 thousand.
  • Dishes and cutlery will cost about 100 thousand rubles.

It will also be necessary to include the design of the premises in the expense item. The total cost of the internal "stuffing" of the bar is about 1.6 million rubles. Of course, this figure is very approximate, as much depends on the location and ambitions of the establishment.

open a bar business plan
open a bar business plan


This is a very important point that everyone who wants to open a bar should take into account. The business plan must contain a column detailing the possible risks.

  • Choosing the wrong location for an establishment can have a detrimental effect on attendance at the establishment.
  • High levels of theft and poor service can alsotwo bills to cancel your efforts.
  • Wrong choice of concept: Let's say you opened a karaoke bar in the family mall. It is unlikely that it will be popular with married couples: after all, in such places it is usually very loud. To avoid such mistakes, analyze the target audience you want to attract and build a concept based on this.
  • Be sure to remember that there is high competition. In large cities, bars can be found everywhere. In order to gain a foothold in the market and become recognizable, you will have to invest a lot of effort, time and money in promoting your brainchild.

Profit and payback

The most interesting part of a bar business plan is the approximate profit of the establishment. It will depend on the patency of the institution and its pricing policy. If you sell drinks at a low price, the profit will not be very large. If you overestimate the cost of drinks, especially at the very beginning, then attendance is unlikely to be high. If you have chosen a good location for the bar, and its assortment includes alcohol and snacks for it, then at first the profit of such a place can be about 10 thousand rubles a day or 300 thousand a month. Most likely, this amount was completely spent on rent, salaries to employees and advertising. In the future, the monthly income can reach 500-600 thousand. Bars have a certain "ceiling", because one room can accommodate a limited number of people. To increase profits, you can open a whole network of bars - establishments can be opened both in one and immediately inseveral cities.

bar business plan sample with calculations
bar business plan sample with calculations

Opening a bar from scratch: a business plan

Consider a business plan for a beer bar in a city of half a million people. First you need to describe the general information:

  • City, population: Tula, 525 thousand.
  • Location of the bar, traffic: st. Sedova, 20, second floor of the shopping center.
  • Indoor area, maximum number of people: 60m2, 70 people.
  • Bar Hours: Tue-Sun from midnight to 6am
  • Required number of attendants: 6 people.

After opening a bar, you not only begin to receive income from your enterprise, but also achieve other important social indicators:

  • Creating new jobs.
  • Receipt of additional tax payments to the city budget.
  • Promote the development of the infrastructure and welfare of the city.
  • Development of the city's entertainment sector.

Approximate calculations for opening a bar: sample

Business plan with calculations - a kind of cheat sheet for a novice businessman. Such a document must necessarily include items of expenditure and expected profit. For the opening of a 70 sq. m in Tula will have to spend:

  • Trade equipment - 500 thousand rubles.
  • Furniture - 560 thousand rubles.
  • Plasma screens – 100 thousand rubles.
  • Interior design - 300 thousand rubles.
  • Rent of premises - 100 thousand rubles.
  • Deposit for rent - 30 thousand rubles.
  • Purchasing groceries andcreation of the initial assortment - 250 thousand rubles.
  • Other expenses - 100 thousand rubles.
  • Salary to employees for the first month - 150 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising: 20 thousand rubles.
  • Result: 2 million 110 thousand rubles.

The profit of such an institution with competent advertising and a pleasant atmosphere will be about 200-250 thousand rubles in the first months.

open a bar from scratch business plan
open a bar from scratch business plan


Opening your own bar is a long and painstaking pond. The responsibility and burden in this area is colossal, but if you succeed, you can expect not only your favorite job and your own business, but also a rather impressive amount on your personal account.
