Mission control center information

Mission control center information
Mission control center information

The mission control center is a serious structure that monitors the movement of a considerable number of spacecraft at the same time. Her work schedule is irregular, because the intervention of specialists may be required at any time.

Team of specialists

Very experienced people work in the mission control center. There is a main team, the composition of which changes in shifts. This ensures constant control over the situation. Experts keep track of everything. Narrower specialists sit in numerous offices, who also make their own forecasts, issue analytics, make calculations of the behavior of vehicles in space, and so on. Given the fact that in particularly difficult situations it is simply impossible to move away from the workplace, there are special personnel who deliver drinks and snacks to where they are needed. That's enough for a bite to eat.

The room is often not well lit to interfere with work, and employees are often deficient in vitamin D, especially if they work mostly at night. Among other things, paperwork is of great importance. Every action must be logged, all thisfiled and then analyzed to optimize the entire labor process as efficiently as possible. All employees constantly interact with each other, because without this it is simply impossible to achieve an acceptable result in a short time.

mission control center
mission control center

Young professionals

The Space Mission Control Center is actively recruiting people of all ages. But most of all it is young people. First of all, this is due to the huge stress, irregular schedule and the need to work tirelessly for hours or even days. With age, this becomes very difficult to do. The vast majority of specialists come here immediately after graduation. But they may not even hope that this is the end of their training. On the contrary, they undergo training no less rigid than the astronauts themselves. Let it be aimed at something else, but the essence remains the same. Only after the future employee fully learns all the features of his work, he is admitted to the center. Refresher courses are regularly held, emergency situations are worked out, trainings are conducted, and so on.

All this is aimed at the maximum efficiency of the system. The strongest tension requires a worthy reward, and therefore wages there are very significant. This ensures a continuous influx of potential candidates, and makes it possible to rotate personnel in a timely manner.

space flight control center
space flight control center

Mission Control Center Tasks

This structure solves many problems. So,the mission control center (MCC) simultaneously tracks from 20 to 45 spacecraft, sets their trajectory, and so on. In addition, a variety of research and development in the field of ballistics is also carried out there. New methods and algorithms are being studied, and a special commission is even working, which puts forward proposals for optimizing work. In fact, everything that is connected with domestic satellites, stations or ships, one way or another passes through the MCC. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of the tasks he performs, ranging from rather banal ones, such as monitoring the regime of astronauts, to the most complex calculations, one mistake in which can cause the death of the crew or the loss of expensive equipment.

mission control center
mission control center

Modern Activities

Starting from 1991, the Russian mission control center received a new direction of activity. Now he is also engaged in special modeling of the most complex systems that will help solve potential problems not only in the field of astronautics, but also in the economy. Since 1998, preparations have been made for the launch of the ISS (International Space Station). When it was completely ready to receive "residents", in 2000 it was the MCC that took over control of the situation and still regularly corrects the orbit and performs other actions. All this is necessary not only to ensure the life of people in orbit, but also the full functioning of all installed equipment.

Since 1999, a special management sector has been established, with scientific and socio-economicmeaning. Now MCC controls probes, satellites and many other artificial space objects. In addition, it collects data on space outside our planet, predicting the movement of asteroids, comets, and so on.

manned space flight control center
manned space flight control center


The manned space flight control center is extremely important not only for people in orbit. All the data that is collected and analyzed there is of great importance for all mankind. Only thanks to continuously incoming information does it become possible to correct orbits in time, warn about possible threats from space, and so on. The future of our race, from the point of view of most of today's well-known scientists, lies precisely outside the native planet. And in this direction, all the forces of the leading countries of the world should be thrown.
