OGRNIP is Find out OGRNIP by TIN

OGRNIP is Find out OGRNIP by TIN
OGRNIP is Find out OGRNIP by TIN

At least once in their life, everyone wondered how to open their own business, what is needed for this. It is known that there are some papers, licenses, but people often do not know the subtleties, let's try to figure it out.

What is OGRNIP?

OGRNIP is the all-Russian state registration number of an individual entrepreneur.

orgnip it
orgnip it

From here it becomes clear that it is issued on the territory of the Russian Federation to an entrepreneur who decided to register his activity with the tax office.

What can it be used for?

The fact is that when concluding contracts, negotiating, holding a tender, potential partners study the organization with which they are going to cooperate.

In order not to accidentally fall for scammers who, for example, are negotiating from a non-existent company, an OGRNIP certificate is issued, which indicates the number of an individual entrepreneur. Knowing it, anyone gets the opportunity to find the contact details of the company, address and year of registration of the IP.

How to get OGRNIP?

OGRNIP is a kind of obligatory passport of an organization. Like a citizenRussian Federation, only from an individual entrepreneur. An extract from the OGRNIP also helps to find out what types of activities the entrepreneur is engaged in. A novice businessman receives a certificate of registration as an individual entrepreneur at the tax office. There he is assigned a number that will contain complete information about his company.

ognip find by inn
ognip find by inn

What data can be extracted from the number?

This certificate is issued by the tax office. OGRNIP, like other documents issued by this organization, has a certain code that can provide you with this or that information about the company if you know the decoding of the number in parts. Let's try to analyze in more detail what these numbers are for and what they mean.

The number itself consists of 15 digits. The first of them denotes the sign of assignment of the registration number of the record. For individual entrepreneurs, this is always the number 3. The next two values represent the last two digits of the year in which the certificate was issued. This helps to determine how long the organization has been in existence, whether it has just opened or already has experience in a certain type of activity.

registration certificate
registration certificate

The fourth and fifth characters of the number are the code of the region in which the individual entrepreneur is registered. From the sixth to the fourteenth character, the number of the entry in the register is entered during the year. The last, fifteenth digit, which can be called the control, seems interesting. Thanks to it, using mathematical operations, you can calculate the authenticity of the issued number.

How to find out the OGRNIP by TIN

When you have a TIN of an individual entrepreneur, but you need to find out the OGRNIP, you can do this without any problems in several ways.

First - find it out from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs by filling out an application in electronic form or in paper form at the tax office. In this case, you will have to pay a fee, which depends on the timing of the request.

OGRNIP address
OGRNIP address

Second - find in the database on the Internet. Now the websites of public services and the Federal Tax Service provide data on individual entrepreneurs. Using the TIN or OGRNIP number, you can collect such data about the organization as: reliability, legal address, when the leaders changed, the history of company renaming and much more.

OGRNIP is easy to find by TIN, and the data obtained can be very useful to you. Let's take a closer look at what information allows you to find out the number of the all-Russian state registration number of an individual entrepreneur.

Getting data from the statement

Having received an extract through the IFTS website or at the tax office, you receive the following information about the individual entrepreneur and his company: full name, TIN, PSRNIP, date of state registration, types of activity, place of residence, date of change of information, if any, data on the termination of activities, if the activities of the company were stopped. Thus, you can get a fairly voluminous and complete range of data about the company you are interested in and the individualentrepreneur who registered it.

How can I authenticate?

In order to verify the authenticity of the OGRNIP, you can perform two simple procedures, each of which will help you understand whether this certificate is a fake and whether the company really operates on the territory of the state.

As mentioned above, the last digit is the very secret number, thanks to which you can calculate whether the certificate is real.

tax office
tax office

One of these methods of determining is the OGRN calculator. It can be found on the Internet. On the site itself, in the appropriate section, you just need to enter the fifteen-digit OGRNIP code, and the service itself will determine the correctness of the entered data and their compliance with reality.

If you want to calculate the authenticity of a certificate without the help of the Internet, then you need to do a number of mathematical operations. First, let's remove the last, fifteenth number and leave the previous fourteen numbers. We divide the remaining digit by 13, we get an integer with a remainder. It is necessary to leave only the integer part and multiply it by 13. Now we must subtract the resulting value from the initial figure - the result should be equal to the last digit in the OGRNIP number. Such a simple scheme helps to find out important information about the owner of the certificate.

How do I make changes to data?

It often happens that an individual entrepreneur changes, adds or removes certain activities. This results in the currentthe registration number will contain not entirely reliable information, it needs to be updated. However, it should be noted that the cases are different. Even if an individual entrepreneur has changed citizenship, he must also report the changes to the tax office.

In order for them to be accepted, you need to write an application and collect the necessary copies of the documents that caused the changes, and then submit them for inclusion in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs. Accordingly, the registration number will not change, but the data on the certificate will be updated in the USRIP record sheet.

What documents are needed to register an individual entrepreneur?

The first step towards registering an individual entrepreneur will be the collection of the entire package of documents.

find out the registration number by inn
find out the registration number by inn

It is necessary to make a photocopy of the passport and TIN, fill out an application in the form provided by the tax office, and pay a fee of 800 rubles. You only need a receipt for its payment.

With all this package of documents, you can go to the Federal Tax Service or the MFC through the public services website. If the future entrepreneur cannot bring documents in person, they can be submitted by other persons, however, in this case, all photocopies must be brought and certified by a notary.

After submitting all the documents, they are not returned and remain on a permanent basis in the tax office, even if you refuse to receive an IP certificate. OGRNIP is the same number that is written on this certificate.

If the entrepreneur wants to movefor a simplified taxation system, it is necessary to include this application when submitting documents. Approximately a week later, the entrepreneur receives approval or rejection.

extract from the registry office
extract from the registry office

After this time, you can come and pick up a certificate, along with which they will issue a notice of registration with the tax office and registration at the Pension Fund office at the place of residence. These documents will contain data about the new entrepreneur, his activities, address. OGRNIP - an individual number, it cannot be repeated. No one else will have one like it. OGRNIP is an important document, without which the activity of any entrepreneur is impossible.

Now you know that OGRNIP is very easy to find by TIN. Use this opportunity if necessary.
