He alth centers are an opportunity to get a full examination for free

He alth centers are an opportunity to get a full examination for free
He alth centers are an opportunity to get a full examination for free

Why would a he althy person visit institutions such as he alth centers? What's the point? He alth centers are organizations established to determine the risk of non-communicable diseases such as lung disease, heart disease, oncology, and others.


According to statistics, in Russia most people die from disorders in the work of the heart and blood vessels. Then comes oncology and the respiratory system. By visiting the Central He alth Center, a person finds out whether he is in danger of developing such ailments, and receives recommendations for maintaining he alth.

he alth centers are
he alth centers are

Any citizen of the Russian Federation can use the services of the center. You just need to show your passport and he alth insurance.

Life without addiction

The country's population is becoming more and more aware of the importance of leading a he althy lifestyle. People give up bad habits, tobacco and alcohol. And the first assistants and advisers in this matter are he alth centers.

They are called upon to arrange and conduct lectures, talks and other events that help those who want toget rid of tobacco, alcohol or other addiction, introduce the necessary literature.

Live long and active

Questions of longevity have always interested people. Not just to live long, but to be active and he althy throughout life - this is the first task, the solution of which is worthy of a person. In order to achieve the goal, it is necessary to eliminate the causes leading to the occurrence of diseases, and to know how to maintain vitality.

children's he alth center
children's he alth center

The main role of the he alth center is prevention, which absolutely coincides with the interests of people who think about their future and helps in solving the problem. Timely prevention of diseases helps in solving many problems and prevents their occurrence. Everyone can live a vigorous, he althy and beautiful life.

He althy family

More and more young people think about the birth of he althy children when creating a family. If a couple is willing to take responsibility for this, then the places where they can help are he alth centers. They are entrusted with the duty to conduct explanatory work, raise the level of knowledge and give practical skills in this area.

family he alth center
family he alth center

The practice of opening family he alth centers is new for Russia. It helps in the development of the processes of modern society aimed at improving the he alth of the nation, not only at increasing the number of he althy and happy children and protecting the he alth of people of advanced age, but also at developing a he althy lifestyle culture through improving the quality of life of the family and the entire population. Community he althdepends on the he alth of each individual cell.

Children's he alth

For young citizens, a children's he alth center is intended to work, where pediatricians conduct express diagnostics and, if necessary, laboratory examinations. Based on the testimony received, recommendations are given on nutrition, various sports, intensity of exercise, etc. If a small patient is suspected of having a disease, they are referred to a local doctor.

In difficult cases, experts recommend contacting the Scientific Center for Children's He alth, located in Moscow. The website of the organization notes the high level of professionals, lists the services provided by the center and the conditions of admission.


He alth centers are designed so that he althy people can monitor the state of their body and not bring it to an obvious disease.

Examination of patients in the CH is divided into several stages:

  • registration of personal data;
  • finding out with the help of electronic equipment a number of indicators:

    • blood cholesterol and glucose;
    • blood nicotine levels;
    • heart work;
    • respiratory system;
    • vascular conditions;
    • amount of body fat;
    • blood pressure.
he alth center reviews
he alth center reviews

These indicators are correlated with the weight, height, gender and activities of the patient. Thus, a picture arises that reflects the state of he alth, and subtle moments in the work of the body are revealed that may lead to a violation in the futurefunctions of this or that organ.

If necessary, conduct additional research:

  • determine the ratio of water, fat and muscle in the body;
  • do an analysis of exhaled air;
  • estimate oxygen saturation of hemoglobin;
  • measure the pulse and heart rate.

Complete examination takes about 35-40 minutes. Based on the results of the examination, a person receives a “He althy Lifestyle Map” along with recommendations for disease prevention, taking into account the individual characteristics of a particular person. All information is in the database of the center, and the next time you visit it, you will be able to see the dynamics of the state.

Specialists are on the ground who can offer preventive measures, visit suitable he alth courses or exercise rooms.

If a specialist suspects a disease, he advises contacting a local doctor.

For Russia, the program to maintain the he alth of the population is new. Not every city can still find a he alth center. Reviews on the Internet indicate that in some places these institutions are only in their infancy, that is, they lack the necessary equipment, specialists, educational activities are not yet properly organized, and so on.

he alth science center
he alth science center

But active citizens have the opportunity to speed up this process for the benefit of their countrymen by submitting requests for central locking to the relevant authorities with the help of local Public Councils ordirectly. The state shows concern for the he alth of the people, it is in the power of every citizen to support this program and help its implementation on the ground.
