Friesian breed: characteristics, description

Friesian breed: characteristics, description
Friesian breed: characteristics, description

The cost of milk in Russia today, unfortunately, although not much, is still higher than in European countries and America. Domestic farmers can correct the situation, first of all, by increasing milk yield while reducing the cost of maintaining livestock. One of the ways to solve the problem of reducing the cost of final products for farms is the purchase and breeding of new high-milk varieties of cows. For example, the content of Friesian cows is considered very promising at the moment in Russia.

History of Breeding

Domestic farmers buy such cattle, also called Friesian-Holstein, at the moment mainly in the USA. In this country, such cows show the highest milk yield in the world. It is believed that in the conditions of the Russian climate, and especially in the southern regions of the country, cattle of this breed can be no less productive.

Friesian cattle in the pasture
Friesian cattle in the pasture

The Frisian-Holstein cow was bred in the 1st century AD. e. in Frisia. At the moment, these territories are occupied by North Holland, as well as the provinces of the Netherlands Groningen and Friesland. Although there have been thesecows in Frisia and, accordingly, were called physical, this breed is currently considered German. The fact is that this cattle came from cows brought to the territory of present-day Holland and the Netherlands once by the Germans.

German cows, once brought to Frisia by the Germans, were black. The local breed was distinguished by its white color. As a result of natural crossing, piebald calves began to appear. Initially, the Friesian cattle was considered meat and dairy. Its representatives could often reach a weight of 1500 kg. However, later, as a result of selection, this breed began to be bred mainly as a dairy breed. Modern black and piebald Holstein cattle can also grow quite large. But in our time, Friesian cows are still kept only on dairy farms.

General Description

The color of Friesian cows is therefore usually black and white. But on farms, red-piebald Holstein cows are also bred. Such cows give slightly less milk than black and white ones. But at the same time, they also have a higher percentage of fat content. The main exterior features of Friesian cows are:

  • long body;
  • light even head;
  • deep and wide chest;
  • long back;
  • strong sacrum;
  • straight croup;
  • properly set thick enough legs.

You can distinguish these cows from any others, among other things, by the small hump on their neck. The udder of these cows has a regular cupped shape. At the same time, the nipples of the Frisian cows are not too tight. That is, it is very easy to milk such cattle, including using machines.

The reader can see representatives of the Friesian breed in the photo on the page. As you can see, these cows look quite neat, strong and he althy.

Friesian cow exterior
Friesian cow exterior

What you should know

Keeping Friesian cattle is generally pretty easy. However, the bulls of this breed, unfortunately, have a rather steep "temper". Therefore, it is recommended to keep them separately from each other and other farm animals. At the same time, the farmer himself or his staff with such animals should be as careful as possible. Friesian bulls on the farm, of course, need to be ringed in any case.

Characteristics of the Holstein-Friesian breed of cows in terms of productivity

This breed belongs to the group of high-milk cattle. It is believed that with proper care from one such cow, you can get up to 25-27 liters of milk. At the same time, the maximum milk yield of cows of the Holstein-Friesian breed during the lactation period is 11 thousand liters. For comparison: domestic high-milk cows produce in the same time mainly from 6 to 9 thousand liters.

red piebald cow
red piebald cow

Friesian cattle grow up, as already mentioned, quite large. Meat from bulls of this breed, as well as from old queens that no longer give much milk, can be obtained in large quantities. The growth of an adult cow of the Holstein-Friesian breed often reaches 145 cm,bull - 160 cm.

How to determine the degree of milkiness

Friesian-Holstein cows are therefore very productive. However, it is necessary to choose such cows when buying, for example, abroad. When selecting a cow, the first thing to look at is her udder. If the Friesian burneki has an irregular shape and is too large in size, it will not give much milk. The udder of a Holstein cow should be exactly the right bowl. In this case, it is best if it protrudes slightly beyond the plane of the hind legs.

Milking Friesian cattle
Milking Friesian cattle

The teats of high-milk Friesian cows are small and have a rather soft structure. The bottom of the udder of a good Holstein cow is always parallel to the ground. In this case, the udder hangs down to about the knee joints.

Degree of adaptation

In terms of milk and meat production, the characteristics of the Friesian breed of cows are therefore excellent. The advantages of such livestock, among other things, include its ability to adapt well to climatic conditions. However, such cattle, of course, endure domestic cold weather a little worse than cows of Russian breeds. It is recommended to keep such cows in rooms where the air temperature in winter does not fall below 0 ° С.

What should be the barn

Thus, the farmer may need to install heating in the Friesian cows' quarters. In any case, the barn for such cattle must be very well insulated. Also indoors for Holstein cattlebe sure to make ventilation.

Friesian cow quarters
Friesian cow quarters

The Friesian breed of cows is distinguished, among other things, by the fact that its representatives really do not like dirt. As many farmers note, such cattle may even refuse to eat from feeders that are not too clean and drink from drinkers that have got straw. Therefore, you will most likely have to clean the premises for such cows at least 2 times a day. In order to facilitate this process, experienced farmers advise using automation.

Also, there must be good lighting in the rooms for Friesian cows. Windows on the farm should be provided. Of course, in the barn for such livestock should be dry and spacious. It is believed that one Friesian cow in a barn should account for at least 10-12 m2 meters of area.


In terms of productivity, the characteristics of the Friesian-Holstein breed of cows are actually very good. However, such cows will give a lot of milk, of course, only if they are properly fed.

In terms of diet, Friesian cows are considered almost as unpretentious as domestic ones. However, the nutrition of such livestock, in order to receive high milk yields from it, of course, should be given maximum attention. In the winter, Friesian cows should be given high-quality hay, such as alfalfa or meadow hay, first of all. Also, cows of this breed are often fed cornmeal and haylage.

Of course, the Friesian cows should receive concentrates and compound feed both in winter and in summer. In the warm season, such cows, like domestic ones, are driven out to pastures. However, experienced farmers advise Friesian cattle to give some dry hay even in summer. Usually cows and bulls are fed 1.5 kg of this feed in the morning and the same amount in the evening.

Of course, beets, root crops, carrots, silage will be very suitable for Friesian cattle. This juicy food helps cows to increase their lactation and therefore their milk production.

Friesian cattle feeding
Friesian cattle feeding


Friesian cows usually reach sexual maturity at the age of 1.5 years. The first calving in cows of this breed occurs most often at 2 years. The advantages of Holstein cows, among other things, include easy childbirth. Any complications in these cows occur in no more than 8% of cases.

Friesian calves are born strong and usually he althy. Holstein young animals do not require the creation of any special conditions on the farm. On the contrary, farmers try to keep such calves in winter at fairly low temperatures (even just below zero degrees). It is believed that this contributes to the hardening of the Friesian young and the speedy adaptation of the breed to Russian conditions.

The farm-born Friesian heifers are left, of course, to get milk. At the same time, bulls are separated from future queens and grown for slaughter. Individuals with pronounced breed characteristics are used to form breeding groups, as well as as producers.

Reviews about the breed

The opinion of farmers about this breed is definitelyturned out to be positive. The main advantage of the Frisian cows, the owners of the farms, of course, consider high productivity. In terms of unpretentiousness, these cows from domestic farmers also did not deserve practically any complaints. Of course, the conditions for keeping these cows should be quite good. But for the most part, they do not go beyond the norms provided for in our country.

The advantages of cows of this breed, farmers include the rapid replenishment of the herd. Calves, judging by the reviews, these cows are born strong and he althy. That is, there is practically no lunge in the herd of Holstein young animals. At the same time, Friesian calves grow and develop quite quickly, without consuming too much feed.

friesian calves
friesian calves

East Frisian sheep breed

The Holstein breed of cows in our country is thus gaining more and more popularity. However, in ancient times, not only high-quality cattle were bred in Frisia. Very good indicators in terms of productivity are considered to be MRS, originating from these territories. It is quite possible that Russian farmers will soon begin to breed Friesian sheep in large quantities. Small cattle of this breed, like cattle, are distinguished primarily by high milk production.

With good care for the lactation period, one sheep of the East Friesian breed can produce up to 700 liters of milk with a fat content of up to 7%. Also, such an MRS is also distinguished by good performance indicators in terms of building muscle mass. The growth of Frisian rams at the withers reaches 80-90 cm, lambs - up to 70 cm.males of this breed weigh up to 90-120 kg, females - up to 70-100 kg. Another undoubted advantage of the Frisian MRS is the fertility of the queens. Twins and even triplets are common in East Frisian calving.

These sheep show very good performance in terms of wool shearing. This product can be obtained from one Friesian individual per year up to 4.5 kg. Because of its excellent productivity, this breed is often used to improve other varieties of sheep.
