Working at the MFC: employee reviews (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Voronezh, Ufa, Novosibirsk)

Working at the MFC: employee reviews (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Voronezh, Ufa, Novosibirsk)
Working at the MFC: employee reviews (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Voronezh, Ufa, Novosibirsk)

Obtaining public services (whatever they may be) has always been associated with a mass of bureaucratic delays, delays and various unpleasant moments that take up a lot of time. In order to change the situation and speed up the provision of services, an administrative reform was carried out aimed at establishing so-called MFCs throughout the country. About what it is and how you can characterize the work in such centers from the point of view of the staff of the centers, read in this article.

work at the MFC employee reviews
work at the MFC employee reviews

General concept of MFC

So, let's start by deciphering the abbreviation. MFC means "multifunctional center". It provides administrative services to the population. The principle of operation of such institutions is based on a one-stop-shop system. This means that if a person who needs this or that extract, certificate, information and any other action within the framework of the activities of this administrative body applies to this organization, then he is provided with everything he needs on the spot. This, in turn, significantly saves time and effort, allowing a person to avoid running around offices and standing in lines.

With the latter, by the way, a special electronic system allows you to fightdistribution of visitors. Simply put, these are electronic terminals that give you a ticket with a number. When it's your turn, a number will light up on the display, signaling that it's your turn to call the operator.

work in the MFC employee reviews moscow
work in the MFC employee reviews moscow

Activity Vector

As for the administrative services provided to citizens, it should be noted a large number of opportunities that are of interest to both legal entities and private entrepreneurs. For example, drawing up extracts, obtaining permits, certificates, certificates, various papers confirming certain rights, and much more a citizen can do in the same “single window”. Due to this, as you might guess, he avoids visiting different institutions (as was the case before).

In turn, working at the MFC (reviews from employees will confirm this) means working on papers and with people who visit this institution. That is, a person going to such a position must be friendly, sociable, attentive and diligent in order to properly perform their duties.

work in the MFC reviews of employees of St. Petersburg
work in the MFC reviews of employees of St. Petersburg


Are you interested in working at the MFC? The feedback from employees, which we present in this article, will help you learn more about what employment in service centers is. Let's start with the vacancies that are in demand here.

If we look at the ads inviting applicants to work at the MFC, we will find vacancies mainly for lawyers, accountants andoperators. The latter are the employees who directly interact with visitors to the administrative center - they accept applications from them, explain information in detail, and control the queue.

There are several such specialists in the department (depending on the size of the MFC). For example, in large Moscow or St. Petersburg branches, this number may exceed 40-50 employees, each of which sits in the information window. Of course, the vast majority of specialists are girls. They have the qualities that work in the MFC requires.

work in the MFC employee reviews voronezh
work in the MFC employee reviews voronezh

Employee reviews confirm that representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are better suited for such a position.

Work Schedule

Regarding the working regime, the reviews indicate that there is no single requirement for employees. There is information that in a particular center they are allowed to work on a 2/2 schedule (two days of work, after which there are two days off). This is for those who are interested in how time is organized in the MFC. Employee feedback also refers to other modes, such as the 4/2 and 5/2 scheme. They, as we see, mean more working hours, which means that the payment for such a regime will be higher.

Here is the work in the MFC. Employee reviews (Moscow, St. Petersburg or any other city - there is no difference) note that work in this structure implies a number of special responsibilities. What exactly we are talking about, we will tell further.

work in the MFC reviewsufa employees
work in the MFC reviewsufa employees



Another thing is the additional responsibilities that work at the MFC imposes. Feedback from employees (Ufa - the city where the following comment was published) shows that the management has certain requirements for the uniform - white top, black bottom. This is a kind of corporate style of people working here. Therefore, girls who have settled here must choose a costume that complies with this rule.

Another interesting feature: there is a time limit for serving visitors. This is what the work at the MFC is based on. Feedback from employees (St. Petersburg is the department about which information was published) indicates that the heads of departments welcome prompt work with clients. However, it happens that the previous person has not yet figured out everything and wants to ask additional questions, but his time has already expired.


work in the MFC employee reviews novosibirsk
work in the MFC employee reviews novosibirsk

Working at the MFC is very similar to the entry-level civil service, so the pay here is appropriate. Yes, and in terms of complexity, work in the MFC is not difficult. Feedback from employees (Voronezh - the department in question) notes that they pay here about 15 thousand permonth. If we take data for other cities, then in Moscow and St. Petersburg you can earn about 20-25, in Ufa - 11, in Omsk - 14, in Yaroslavl - 18, in Penza - 10 thousand rubles. The amount of wages depends, first of all, on the average salaries in the city, and secondly, on the level of financing of the regional MFC. Simply put, if it is a large center with a large number of branches, then they pay well here.

Social programs for employees

It can be noted that social support is a huge plus that distinguishes work in the MFC. Feedback from employees (Novosibirsk is the city that has collected the most positive comments) shows that they are willing to provide paid sick leave, give bonuses for a job well done, send them on vacation without delay and any difficulties. In addition, working here, you will be sure that you will be formally registered and will not be paid a “black” salary, thereby violating your rights.

Reviews and the big picture

What about working as an administrative service center employee? First of all, this is an opportunity to find a job for girls and women who have problems finding work. There are a lot of MFC centers, the organization creates a lot of jobs throughout the country, which is already a huge plus for its activities. In addition, the work is a public service, which brings valuable experience and the possibility of further employment in other authorities. Yes, and they pay here stably and “in a white manner”, which already makes it possible to acceptdecision in favor of the device in this structure.
