How to find out the cadastral value of an apartment in Moscow

How to find out the cadastral value of an apartment in Moscow
How to find out the cadastral value of an apartment in Moscow

A series of new real estate laws has made the cadastral value of housing an important indicator. In any real estate transactions, it is now of interest to everyone more than the price per square meter. Decision-making in transactions largely depends on its value, since it is used to calculate the amount of the state duty paid upon notarization and the tax deduction, it is the basis for taxation.

Finding out the cadastral value of an apartment, which is relevant today, is not a problem, everyone can choose the most affordable way for themselves.

Real Estate Appraisal

At least once every 5 years, a state cadastral valuation of real estate is carried out. The value received and approved as a result is entered into the USRN.

Find out the cadastral value
Find out the cadastral value

When determining it, the location of the house, its condition, housing area, repairs, communications, electrical wiring, heating system are taken into account.

One of the main factors is the marketthe cost in the area, as well as the availability of transport interchanges, the age of construction, the reliability of structures.

Of course, it is difficult to achieve complete objectivity in the mass assessment of housing, because the price is influenced by the floor, and even the cardinal points. The market price of a renovated apartment with a sea view will be significantly different from a modest apartment on the same landing with windows overlooking the courtyard, and the discount price may be the same.

Who determines the cadastral value

The cadastral value is determined as a result of an independent expert assessment, which can be initiated by the owner if he does not agree with the state assessment or errors are found in the Register. But soon this function will be completely transferred to the state, only representatives of budgetary organizations will be able to deal with the assessment.

Rosreestr to find out the cadastral value of the apartment
Rosreestr to find out the cadastral value of the apartment

State assessment in most districts of Moscow was carried out in 2014. Unlike inventory value, cadastral value should be more related to objective factors and market conditions.

Who can make a request?

Not only the owner, but anyone can find out the cadastral value of an apartment, since this information is in the public domain.

It is enough for the owner to look into his title documents, which indicate the cadastral value of the object. But since it could have changed since the issuance of the USRN extract, it needs to be clarified.

A more reliable source would be a notice from the Federal Tax Service, since when calculating the taxthe correct amount of real estate valid at the moment is used.

It is best to find out the cadastral value of an apartment directly at Rosreestr or the MFC, where you can also get an extract indicating it.

Go to the Rosreestr website

The website of Rosreestr is constantly being improved and offers new opportunities for obtaining information and processing documents in electronic form.

To find out the cadastral value of an apartment in Rosreestr, you need to go to the official website This can be done by any interested person who wants to obtain accurate information before the sale and purchase transaction, to clarify the tax base.

find out the cadastral value of an apartment in Moscow
find out the cadastral value of an apartment in Moscow

Even when donating housing to close relatives, it is necessary to find out the cadastral value of the apartment, because if the donor is not the sole owner, but owns only a share, he will draw up a donation at the notary and pay a state fee in the amount of the cadastral value of part of the apartment.

On the site you can order an extract on the cost of an apartment, for which a special form has been approved. Enter the number of the object under which it is listed in the cadastre - its address and cost will appear.

If there is no internet

Those who, for whatever reason, cannot use the Internet to find out the cadastral value of an apartment in Moscow, need to contact the nearest Rosreestr or MFC office for information, regardless of the location of the apartment, taking their passport with them.

To receiveextracts on the cadastral value must be submitted with a written request or sent by registered mail. You can check the information on the hotline.

Why is it important to know the cost of an apartment on January 01, 2014?

From 2017-01-01, for taxation and any real estate transactions, the value of the cadastral value effective on 2014-01-01 will be used. If the cadastral valuation appeared later, then, accordingly, later data are taken.

find out the cadastral value of an apartment in Moscow at the address in 2014
find out the cadastral value of an apartment in Moscow at the address in 2014

If, as a result of the assessment before January 1, 2017, the cost is lower than on January 1, 2014, then a new indicator is used.

This situation will last until 2020, so it is for this period that information on the price of objects in Rosreestr is frozen.

It is very important to find out the cadastral value of an apartment in Moscow in 2014, since it will be the tax base for a long period.

Since there has been a decline in real estate market prices in recent years, it will seem unfair to many to choose this particular period for calculations. The cadastral value of the property of some enterprises and individuals significantly exceeds the real market value. Individuals and legal entities that do not agree with the valuation of real estate dispute it in court.

You can go there immediately, bypassing the Rosreestr, in case of errors in cadastral records, when the cadastral value exceeds the market value.

But for this it is necessary to submit an opinion on an expert assessment by independent appraisers. It turns out that challenging the cadastral value is expensive, and the costs may exceed the savings from a possible tax cut.

Information about the cost of the apartment at

Sometimes you need to quickly find out the cadastral value of an apartment in Moscow at the address. For example, a buyer has several options for buying a home. Weighing the pros and cons, he wants to choose the most profitable. He has no cadastral numbers, no documents.

Find out the cadastral value of an apartment in Moscow at
Find out the cadastral value of an apartment in Moscow at

If you go to the site and enter the address, the cadastral number and the cost of the apartment will instantly appear. Now knowing the account number, you can double-check the cadastral value and revaluation dates on the Rosreestr website.

Don't neglect the opportunity to find out the cadastral value of an apartment, especially since there are many simple ways and it won't take long.
