Advances on income tax. Income tax: advance payments

Advances on income tax. Income tax: advance payments
Advances on income tax. Income tax: advance payments

Paying advance income tax payments is an obligation familiar to many large businesses. At the same time, its implementation involves the implementation of the accounting department of the organization of rather complex calculations related, firstly, to the calculation of the actual value of the relevant transactions, and secondly, to the determination of the frequency of making advances to the budget. How can both of the above tasks be solved?

Income tax advances
Income tax advances

Who must pay income tax advances?

All those firms that, in principle, are subject to the payment of the corresponding fee, must transfer to the state advances on income tax. These are all Russian legal entities (LLC, JSC), foreign organizations (in the form of representative offices operating in the Russian Federation on the terms of an international agreement or having management bodies in the Russian Federation) that do not use any of the alternative taxation schemes - for example, simplified tax system, UTII or ESHN, as well as those who do not pay tax on the gambling business. In addition, residents of the Skolkovo Center are exempted from fulfilling such an obligation as paying income taxes.

Due dates for paying taxes and advances

The fee in question must be paid one year before the deadline for filing a declaration on it with the Federal Tax Service. Advance payments for the tax in question can be made quarterly or monthly. In the first case, they must be transferred to the budget also before the submission of declarations, in the second - before the 28th day of the month following the previous one. Data on the amount of the fee that is payable to the state are reflected in the declaration, which must be submitted to the Federal Tax Service after the reporting period.

Income tax percentage
Income tax percentage

Calculation of income tax advances: what to look for

The way in which income tax advances should be calculated and paid is stated in the provisions of Art. 285, 286, 287 of the Russian Tax Code.

Thus, in accordance with the provisions of the Code, Russian enterprises must pay the appropriate fee to the budget both at the end of the year and in advance payments. Those can be transferred to the state in 3 ways.

Firstly, income tax advances are paid based on the results of the 1st quarter, half year and 9 months, if the average quarterly revenue of the company does not exceed 10 million rubles.

Income tax advance payments
Income tax advance payments

Secondly, the corresponding payments are transferred monthly to those firms that have notified the Federal Tax Service of a similar method of settlement with the state.

Third, if a company's monthly revenue exceeds 10 million rubles on average or it has not notified the Federal Tax Service of its desire to pay income tax advances under the second scheme, then the corresponding payments inthe budget must be paid after the 1st quarter, six months, 9 months and the results of each month.

Let's consider the practical nuances of calculating the advance on the fee in question.

How to calculate the average revenue?

If a company claims to transfer income tax advances under the first scheme, then its revenue, as we noted above, should not exceed 10 million rubles on average per quarter. But how should a company's accountants determine the appropriate figure and be sure that if acceptable figures are obtained, they will be correct?

Income tax advances received
Income tax advances received

Experts recommend taking into account in the revenue structure only those receipts that are formed through the sale of goods produced, services provided, as well as property rights. The turnover should not include, in particular, non-operating income, as well as those listed in the provisions of Art. 251 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. In this case, the revenue must be calculated without VAT and excises.

In addition, the date of determination of revenue depends on which method of fixing income is adopted in the organization - cash or accrual. Let's consider the specifics of the respective approaches in more detail.

Methods for determining revenue: cash and accruals

What is cash basis? It involves fixing the revenue of the enterprise only after it delivers goods or renders services in accordance with the prepayment. Or after payment is received for the delivered goods and services rendered.

In turn, the accrual methodimplies recognition by the firm of income, regardless of whether all stages of the legal relationship involving the parties have actually been completed. That is, the revenue can be fixed by the company immediately after receiving the advance payment. Or immediately after she delivers the goods or provides the service and begins to expect payment in accordance with the contract.

Calculating average revenue: formula

As for the actual determination of the average turnover, the data for the previous 4 quarters are taken, summed up, and then divided by 4. If the resulting result is less than 10 million rubles, then the advance payment of income tax can be carried out in accordance with the first scheme. However, after the reporting quarter, the calculation of the average amount of revenue must be carried out again.

How do I calculate quarterly payments?

Another task of an accountant is to calculate the actual income tax payments that must be transferred to the budget. The amount of the relevant transaction is determined on the basis of figures reflecting the actual profit of the firm, which is calculated on an accrual basis, but taking into account those payments that have already been transferred to the state earlier.

If it is necessary to pay income tax for a quarter, advance payments for the corresponding period are determined based on the product of the amount of the tax base and the approved collection rate, however, the final contribution figure is determined based on the difference between the reporting payment and what was paid to the budget in the previous period.

It will also be useful to consider what is the current rate for the collection in questionspeech.

Income tax rate

The basic rate determined by the state for the tax in question is 20% of revenue. At the same time, the corresponding percentage of income tax is divided into 2 parts - 2% is transferred to the federal budget, 18% - to the regional. The subjects of the Russian Federation also have the right to lower the corresponding indicator. But up to a certain limit - the regional percentage of income tax should be equal to or exceed the figure of 13.5%.

How do I calculate monthly payments?

Next, consider how a company should calculate monthly payments. What are the main nuances of this procedure? If a company pays a monthly income tax to the budget, advance payments are calculated according to the following scheme.

Determination of the amount of the fee in question depends on which particular quarter is in question.

If income tax is charged in the 1st quarter, then 2 indicators must be taken into account:

- the amount of the monthly payment of income tax, which is subject to transfer to the budget in the 1st quarter;

- the amount of the fee that was paid to the state in the 4th quarter of last year.

The tax legislation of the Russian Federation requires an accountant to define 1 indicator as equal to the 2nd one.

If income tax is charged in the 2nd quarter, then 2 indicators are also taken into account:

- monthly payment for the 2nd quarter of the current year;

- quarterly payment determined based on the results of the 1st quarter of the current year.

The accountant defines the value of 1 indicator ascorresponding to 1/3 of size 2.

If income tax is charged in the 3rd quarter, then the third indicator is taken into account:

- monthly payment made in the 3rd quarter;

- quarterly payment, which is determined based on the results of the 1st quarter;

- quarterly payment, which is determined based on the results of the half year.

The accountant calculates the value of the first indicator based on the difference between the third and second, which is divided by 3.

If income tax is calculated in the 4th quarter, then again, 3 indicators are taken into account:

- monthly payment transferred to the state in the 4th quarter;

- quarterly payment for half a year;

- quarterly payment for 9 months.

The value of the first indicator is determined according to a scheme similar to the one we discussed above: first, the accountant subtracts the second indicator from the third indicator, and then divides the resulting result by 3.

Accrual of income tax
Accrual of income tax

Quarterly payment calculation example

Now consider how income tax can be calculated in practice. An example of calculating the quarterly payment for the relevant fee would be very simple. The tax advance for the 1st quarter is determined by multiplying the revenue - let it be equal to 100 thousand rubles, and the rate set for the collection - let it be standard and equal to 20%. The payment, therefore, will amount to 60 thousand rubles.

Payment of income tax advance
Payment of income tax advance

In turn, advance tax for 2a quarter will be defined as the difference between the current fee and that paid in the previous period. For example, if a company has to pay 100 thousand rubles to the state for the 2nd quarter, then in fact it will have to pay 40 thousand rubles.

Monthly payment calculation example

In turn, the calculation of the monthly tax advance may involve a more complex formula. For example, if we need to calculate the payment in the 1st quarter, then, as we noted above, it must be equal to what was determined for the 4th quarter of the previous tax year. In turn, the second indicator is defined as the difference between quarterly payments for 9 months and half a year, divided by 3. If the value of the first indicator is 100 thousand rubles, and the second, for example, 70 thousand, then the monthly payment in the 1st quarter, identical to that, which is calculated for the 4th quarter of the previous tax year, will amount to 10 thousand rubles.

Calculating the advance on income tax: the nuances

Let's consider some of the nuances that characterize such a procedure as paying income taxes under the advance scheme.

First of all, experts recommend paying attention to the fact that if an accountant finds a smaller amount of profit in the current quarter than in the previous one, or if a loss is detected, it is necessary to transfer the fee in question to the state one way or another. However, the corresponding payments will have the status of an overpayment, and they can be set off against future obligations, and in some cases - returned from the budget.

Paying taxes
Paying taxes

Another nuance is typical for the reflection of data on monthly payments in the declaration. According to experts, there is no need to fix the relevant transactions for the 1st quarter of the current year. The fact is that such payments are identical to those that are made to the budget in the 4th quarter of the previous tax year and fit into the declaration for 9 months.

Above, we noted that the determination of the amount of revenue taken into account when choosing a scheme for paying the fee in question to the budget largely depends on which method of fixing income the organization uses - cash or accruals. The nuance in this case is that with the cash method, it is necessary to include the received advances in the revenue structure. Income tax is thus calculated taking into account prepayments for goods and services. Which, by the time the corresponding amounts are received from the counterparty, may not even be provided to him. In turn, with the accrual method in the revenue structure, it is not necessary to take into account the received advances. Income tax in this case is determined only after the company has completed all stages of legal relations with the counterparty related to the supply of goods or services.
