Job description for a HR specialist: sample

Job description for a HR specialist: sample
Job description for a HR specialist: sample

Human Resources Specialists are part of the HR function of any organization with more than 50 employees. These employees have a wide range of responsibilities and tasks required for record keeping and record keeping. In some companies, they are entrusted with the drafting of internal regulatory documents, accounting tasks, and monitoring the implementation by subordinates of the disciplinary norms of the enterprise.

In addition, they can recruit new employees and formalize an employment relationship with them. In any case, all the requirements of the management for a specialist of this type should be contained in the job description of a personnel specialist. It all depends on how many people are doing HR, the hierarchy in the department, and the size of the organization.


The employee is a specialist, responsible for his hiring and dismissalhead of the personnel department, but any personnel transfers are impossible without the approval of the director of the company. There is a division of this position into three categories. For the lowest, it is enough to receive a higher professional education. An employee can be hired immediately after graduation.

HR specialist job description
HR specialist job description

According to the job description of a human resources specialist, in order to obtain a position of the first and second qualification, in addition to education, an employee must also work for at least three years in a position that belongs to a lower qualification. In carrying out his activities, the employee must take into account the regulations and legal acts, other governing documentation, the company's charter, labor laws. He is also guided by the orders of his superiors and instructions.


The job description of a human resources specialist indicates what knowledge an employee should have when entering the service. He undertakes to familiarize himself with the guidance materials, including regulatory and legal acts. In addition, he must study labor legislation, the profile, structure, specialization of the company and the prospects for its development. Employee knowledge includes methods for determining the organization's current and future need for new hires.

Other knowledge

According to the information from the job description of the HR specialist, he must study the sources using which the company attracts new employees. Know how the analysis of the professional qualification structure is carried outcompany, in what order personnel are assigned, documentation related to work with personnel is drawn up and stored.

job description for a human resources specialist according to the professional standard
job description for a human resources specialist according to the professional standard

His knowledge should include the rules for the formation of a personnel database, the preparation of reporting documentation, as well as the charter and procedures of the company. You also need knowledge of psychology, sociology, economics, management and labor organization.


Sample Job Description for Human Resources Specialist allows you to get acquainted with the details of the functions. He must be engaged in the staffing of the company so that they fully meet the needs of the company in accordance with professions, speci alties and qualifications. This employee is involved in the selection, selection and distribution of personnel. Engaged in the study and analysis of the professional, qualification and job structure of personnel.

HR specialist job description sample
HR specialist job description sample

Including examines all documentation related to the issues of transfer, admission, labor activity and dismissal of employees. He is also engaged in analytical activities based on the results obtained during the certification of personnel, determining and evaluating the business qualities of employees. This is done in order to determine the need for personnel, which positions should be filled, etc.

Employee Duties

The job description of a HR specialist suggests that an employee should study the labor market in order to identify sources of recruitment, establish communicationwith educational institutions and other organizations involved in the training of future specialists. He should be engaged in informing the company's employees about emerging vacancies, participate in the development of current and prospective labor plans, and also control the placement of employees in accordance with their specialization and profession.

job description of a HR specialist professional standard sample
job description of a HR specialist professional standard sample

Helps new employees to adapt in the team, supervises the internship of new people. His responsibilities include preparing proposals for staff development, career planning for employees, improving their qualifications and evaluating professional performance.

Other functions

The job description of a HR specialist may contain functions such as analysis of the state of discipline and monitoring the implementation by employees of the rules established in the company. He controls the movement of employees, develops measures aimed at reducing staff turnover and improving labor discipline.

job description of a leading HR specialist
job description of a leading HR specialist

The employee is obliged to prepare reporting documentation, control the timeliness of execution of all necessary documents reflecting the work with personnel. This may include hiring, transferring and firing employees. The issuance of certificates regarding current and past employment is also taken into account.

Other employee duties

Job description of a HR specialist forThe professional standard assumes that the employee must exercise control over the issuance and storage of contracts or work books, the preparation of documentation for various types of compensation and benefits, the execution of pensions and other documents of this type. He is also obliged to enter all these data into the main bank of information about the personnel of the company.


As stated in the job description of the human resources specialist at the school, this specialist has the right to familiarize himself with management decisions if they affect his activities. He can suggest methods for improving and improving the efficiency of his activities, report on the shortcomings identified in the company, if this is within his competence.

job description for a HR specialist in a school
job description for a HR specialist in a school

An employee has the right to request documents and information on his own behalf or on behalf of higher management from other departments of the enterprise, if he needs it to complete his tasks. He may also require the authorities to assist in the fulfillment of his rights and obligations.


An employee may be held accountable for untimely or incorrect performance of the duties specified in the job description of the leading HR specialist. He can also be held liable for violating the Criminal, Administrative or Labor Code in the course of carrying out his tasks. He is responsible for the disclosure of confidential information about the employees of the company entrusted to him for the implementation of labor activities. Also for causingcompany material damage. In some cases, he is responsible for the competence and quality of work performed by employees hired by him or at his suggestion.


This employee interacts with other subordinates or heads of departments on issues within his competence. He must accept applications from all departments of the organization for hiring employees and provide proposals for improving the efficiency of employee development, planning their career growth, advanced training and receiving additional education. In addition, he may be asked for information about applicants for vacant positions, certificates of labor activity of personnel and decisions on pen alties and incentives for workers.

HR specialist job description sample
HR specialist job description sample

He also interacts with the accounting department of the enterprise and the department of labor organization. All employee relationships are determined by the professional standard. A sample job description for a HR specialist contains only general information. The instructions may be changed depending on the needs of the company, but without going beyond the current labor legislation.
