Zinced iron: characteristics, purpose

Zinced iron: characteristics, purpose
Zinced iron: characteristics, purpose

Zinc-coated iron is widely used today. It is used in construction and industry, and paint is applied to its surface even in factory conditions for protection, which allows you to decorate the material.

It is used for the manufacture of dishes, stamped parts, containers, etc. The scope and possibilities of using galvanized sheet are wide, this is due to the features and characteristics. Galvanized sheet retains its properties when exposed to physical factors and mechanical load.


galvanized iron
galvanized iron

Zinc-coated iron acts as a convenient material in the construction of fences, ceilings and is used as flooring. Its characteristics are highly valued when carrying out roofing work. This material is most convenient for roofs that have a slight slope. The sheet can be pre-painted and used in the arrangement of roofs with a large slope. The application of paints and varnishes is carried out not only before covering the roof, but also before erecting fences, as well as during the construction of prefabricated modular structures.

Whatmore to know

Cink Steel
Cink Steel

The construction sector is not the only one where galvanized iron is used. It acts as an excellent material in the production of household appliances. Electric stoves, refrigerators and washing machines, as well as much more, are made using galvanized sheet. The material has found its distribution in the field of instrumentation.

Characteristics of galvanized sheet according to GOST 14918-80

how to paint galvanized iron
how to paint galvanized iron

When the above-mentioned state standards are used in production, cold-rolled carbon steel coil is used as raw material, the surface quality of which is regulated by GOST 16523-89. In this case, the width can vary from 710 to 1800 mm, and as for the thickness, this parameter should be in the range from 0.5 to 2.5 mm.

After reading the markings, you can understand that steel is divided into three classes. If you notice the letter "P" among the alphanumeric designation, this indicates that the coating thickness can be in the range from 40 to 60 microns. If the marking contains the number "1", the coating thickness should vary from 18 to 40. As for the number "2", this parameter varies from 10 to 18 microns.

If you notice the designation "ХШ", then you have steel for cold forming. Galvanized steel is subdivided into sheets:

  • normal;
  • deep;
  • very deep drawn.

To achieveThe required mechanical properties of the sheet are first annealed by the cold-rolled method, and then a zinc coating is applied to its surface. At the final stage, the sheet is passed through a bath of molten zinc. This process is accompanied by the deposition of zinc on the metal strip. The result is corrosion resistance.

Zinc-coated iron is produced using zinc grades Ts0 and Ts1. Among other things, aluminum, lead and other materials are added to the bath. At the request of the customer, conservation is carried out, which allows for a higher level of surface protection.

Additional uses

galvanized iron price
galvanized iron price

The scope of galvanized metal is much wider than you might imagine. This material is used during the cladding of buildings, during the installation of ceilings, and is also indispensable in the field of agricultural construction. The sheet is used for storage facilities, bunkers and silo towers. Galvanized iron, which is not afraid of corrosion with proper processing and operation, has found its application in civil engineering. Drainage systems and gutters are made from canvas.

Additional technical characteristics of cold-rolled galvanized sheet in accordance with GOST 14918-80

galvanized iron sheet
galvanized iron sheet

Such material during the production process can be covered with moisture-resistant powder paints. In places of bending, the web, the thickness of which does not exceed 1 mm, should not be covered with delaminations that willexpose metal. The bend must be at an angle of 180°. In places of bending, the appearance of small cracks along the entire length is permissible, but the dimensions of the spherical hole should not go beyond the tolerances.

The value of elongation may be more than the set by one unit. Galvanized iron, the sheet of which will be subjected to rupture, must show temporary resistance. This figure ranges from 300-490 MPa. In this case, the elongation will be equal to 21%.

Cost of galvanized iron

galvanized iron corrosion
galvanized iron corrosion

Price of galvanized iron will vary depending on the size of the sheet. If you have a canvas with dimensions of 1000 x 2000 mm in front of you, then you will have to pay 266 rubles for the sheet, while its thickness will be 0.4 mm. If the dimensions of the sheet increase to 1250 x 2500 mm, then the price will be 388 rubles.

Paint selection

If you are faced with the question of how to paint galvanized iron, then you should choose one of the options on the market. On sale you can find "Cycrol", which is an acrylic matte composition, among the ingredients of which are active anti-corrosion additives and organic solvents.

You can use this mixture outside, using it as a protection for roofs, sheet profiles, corrugated board, drainpipes, roofing sheets and gutters. The paint is characterized by high hiding power and light resistance, has excellent weather resistance and water resistance. The material is easy to use,excellent adhesion to the surface, and is also one of the best options for repairing galvanized surfaces. The main advantage is the absence of the need for preliminary priming. Application should be done in one coat.

If you still do not know how to paint galvanized iron, then you can pay attention to the waterproof paint "Silver", which is a one-component anti-corrosion enamel for galvanized and ferrous metal. A mixture is made on the basis of aluminum powder, perchlorovinyl resins, as well as corrosion-resistant additives and a mixture of organic solvents.

Thixotropic enamel has high weather resistance, wear resistance and oil and petrol resistance. Galvanized steel after applying such protection will acquire an increased barrier effect.

With the help of these paints you can protect the material from the effects of precipitation, sun and s alty air. The paint does not fade, and after application it dries quickly and prolongs the service life of the structures.
