Laying the cable in the trench: entrust the work to professionals

Laying the cable in the trench: entrust the work to professionals
Laying the cable in the trench: entrust the work to professionals

The main purpose of the cable line is to transport electricity to the consumer from sources. To make this possible, some work needs to be done. Among them:

cable laying in a trench
cable laying in a trench
  1. Project progress.
  2. Track planning.
  3. Excavation work.
  4. Laying the cable in the trench.
  5. Pipe laying.
  6. Laying cables in pipes.
  7. Cable crimping.
  8. Measurements.
  9. Installation to electrical appliances and cable equipment.

Installation of an electrical system in any building provides that the cable will be laid in a trench. An underground power line will preserve the appearance of the site and protect the cable from the effects of adverse weather conditions. Even before the start of work, you need to think through all the nuances. A newly constructed object must have cable laying in the planned estimate. After all, if the building has already been built, it is much more difficult to do this. In this case, the installersall communication schemes will be needed. Thus, the described work may require considerable effort from the customer.

underground cables
underground cables

If you take into account all the subtleties and nuances, then laying a cable in a trench may not be such a difficult task, and you can solve it yourself. But if you want to perform these works as quickly and efficiently as possible, you will have to contact special firms: their specialists will do everything at a professional level. Moreover, there are some norms and requirements that must be followed when digging an earthen trench. And it will be more difficult for a person without experience to comply with all the requirements.

Cable Laying in a Trench: Highlights

1. The cable must be laid at a depth of at least 0.7 meters.

2. Several pieces of cables with a voltage of less than 10 kV can be laid in one trench.

3. The width of the trench should be such that the distance between the cables is less than 100mm.

cable 10 kV
cable 10 kV

All the difficulties associated with the type of work in question can be avoided if you use the services of the contractor. In this case, you will only need to provide the masters with all permits and accept the work performed.

Various cables are used to transmit electricity. For laying lines in the ground, it is necessary to have project documentation. It will allow you to plan the timing of the work performed and the installation budget. Without this document, it is impossible to connect to the power grid.

Conduct cable 10 kV havethe right only specialized companies and organizations that have all the permits and permits to perform such types of work. The installation of the mentioned power lines is a very laborious and responsible process. Work on laying such a cable will require a sufficient number of fixtures, tools and materials.

Finally, consider the financial issue. Laying a cable in an earthen trench is a costly (materially) type of work. What you will have to pay for:

  • getting a work order;
  • excavation of an earthen trench;
  • delivery of work to supervisory authorities;
  • installation of power lines.

Installation is most often done by hand or with a special cable layer.
