How to choose industrial vacuum cleaners without a dust bag

How to choose industrial vacuum cleaners without a dust bag
How to choose industrial vacuum cleaners without a dust bag

Cleaning the premises after repair work requires the use of special equipment. The fact is that it is not recommended to collect building dust with a conventional vacuum cleaner, both for reasons of harmful effects on the design of the device, and from the point of view of environmental safety. And this is not to mention the waste of building materials, which are not physically amenable to household appliances. Accordingly, the question arises of how to choose an industrial vacuum cleaner without a dust bag? Such equipment has many similar operating parameters with conventional models, but there are also specific selection criteria that are characteristic only for building modifications.

Main selection criteria

bagless industrial vacuum cleaners
bagless industrial vacuum cleaners

The key performance indicator of any vacuum cleaner is its power, which also affects performance. In the initial segment, the power potential usually does not exceed 1.5 kW. But if productive equipment is required, then we choose an industrial vacuum cleaner with a power of 5-7 kW. This is enough to clean up a small room after finishing work, and for regular maintenance of a professional workshop. It's worth it herenote the rate of air mass suction per second. In powerful models, this value varies from 50 to 70 l / s.

The next selection criterion is capacity. Since we are considering a unit without a traditional dust collector, the volume in the water tank should be estimated. On average, industrial vacuum cleaners without a dust bag can hold 100-150 liters in containers. Accordingly, the higher this indicator, the less often the tank will be updated. But, on the other hand, as the capacity increases, so do the dimensions of the equipment.

Choice by purpose

Understanding the consumer's love for simple universal solutions, manufacturers strive to widely represent multifunctional devices in their product lines. But as practice shows, specialized models often have the greatest efficiency and a good working resource. Bagless industrial vacuum cleaners can be found on the market to collect dust, sawdust, glass chips, metal chips, etc. This can be said to be a basic range of tasks, but more complex operations may be required.

bagless industrial vacuum cleaner
bagless industrial vacuum cleaner

For example, collecting dirty water, working with polymer mortars, cleaning the premises from gypsum with cement or crushed stone. If you use for such tasks a universal construction apparatus from the line of budget proposals, then it will not last long. Conversely, it makes no sense to use high-power industrial vacuum cleaners without a bag to collect dust or perform other simple procedures with whicha model from the average power range will cope.

Additional functionality - what to consider?

Since we are talking about a utility technique for solving very specific practical problems, most of the add-ons provide real assistance to the operator. First of all, it is recommended to provide for the possibility of automatic cleaning of the filter elements. Using its own air flow, the vacuum cleaner literally blows through the membrane, ridding it of litter and dust. As for the tank, it will not be superfluous to provide for a full indication - this is a simple but useful addition. So that the selected industrial vacuum cleaner without a dust bag does not waste excess electricity in vain, you should initially turn to models with the ability to adjust performance by modes. This feature is what makes the equipment versatile. For example, when working with broken brick and stone, the user will be able to turn on the most productive mode, and clean up litter in the form of wood chips at minimum speed.

How to evaluate the reliability of the unit?

best bagless industrial vacuum cleaner
best bagless industrial vacuum cleaner

Even information with the characteristics of the materials used in the construction does not always provide objective data regarding the durability and reliability of equipment. And yet, new technological additions to the filling of vacuum cleaners allow minimizing the risk of premature breakdowns. For example, the air cleaning and turbine cooling system has two beneficial effects at once - it extends the working life of the element base and providesstability of function in conditions of excessive dustiness. With these additions, bagless industrial vacuum cleaners are often used after stripping off old plaster. If we return to the materials of manufacture, then the choice is simple - the metal case is stronger, and the plastic one is lighter and more convenient.


choosing an industrial vacuum cleaner
choosing an industrial vacuum cleaner

The leader of the segment is considered to be the manufacturer Karcher, which has significantly raised the level of technological performance of professional cleaning equipment, as well as improved the ergonomic advantages of its products. True, an industrial vacuum cleaner without a dust bag from Karcher costs about 20-30 thousand rubles. For those who do not want to overpay much, but expect a decent level of quality, you should also look at vacuum cleaners from Makita, Hitachi and another German company Stihl. Already in the mid-level lines of these brands, you can find models endowed with fairly high power and a large reservoir.


how to choose an industrial vacuum cleaner without a dust bag
how to choose an industrial vacuum cleaner without a dust bag

In the selection process, you should not ignore the comfort of operation. Modern models have made a huge breakthrough in terms of combining safety and convenience. But, the best bagless industrial vacuum cleaner, of course, has a whole range of positive qualities. It should be productive, reliable, functional and at the same time energy efficient model. Not every vacuum cleaner has such a combination of characteristics, but in most cases sucha wide range of benefits and is not required. Therefore, the optimal model of cleaning equipment is the one that is suitable for specific needs. After all, you don’t always need high power and a capacious tank. The only requirements that can be considered universal are durability, ergonomics, cleaning quality and energy savings.
