Effective self-presentation: an example of how to prepare different options

Effective self-presentation: an example of how to prepare different options
Effective self-presentation: an example of how to prepare different options

Today, quite often you can hear information that self-presentation is very important: at an interview (for example, a story about yourself), in a resume, in a conversation. What is it? Useful information - more!

Self-presentation: an example of a “correct” resume

One of the most common options for presenting yourself to your loved one is compiling and sending out a resume. How competently it is drawn up will depend on whether you are invited to a personal conversation.

self-presentation at interview example
self-presentation at interview example

Let's start, as they say, from the stove. If the text of the vacancy indicates that information about yourself needs to be squeezed into 1000 characters, then do it. This will show that at least you have mindfulness. It is clear that a resume that does not meet the requirements indicated in the ad will not be considered (this is at best, and at worst, the candidate will be marked as frivolous and unintelligent).

By the way, sometimes applicants are asked to write a short cover letter. This is a miniature self-presentation. An example of text that would at least look decent: “Hello! MeInterested in the position you posted. Over the past 5 years I have been working in the field of active sales. Progressed from sales representative to commercial director. The key skills that helped me achieve this are outlined in the resume. If you are interested in productive and mutually beneficial cooperation, I will be glad to receive an invitation for a personal interview!”

Self-presentation: an example of how to conduct it at an interview

If you were invited for an interview, it means that your candidacy is of interest. Try not to spoil the impression! Think in advance about your outfit and its relevance to the direction of the company. Rehearse everything, even facial expressions! It’s better to spend an hour in front of the mirror to understand which smile adorns you and which one looks like a hypocritical grimace or a hungry grin.

self-presentation example text
self-presentation example text

Talk about what you are asked about. Do not allow long lyrical digressions. Try to answer questions honestly. Don't try to make yourself look like a genius by belittling other people.

When you are asked to briefly describe yourself - remember that you should not start with your success in kindergarten. The optimal time for your "solo performance" is about 5 minutes.

Self-presentation: an example in a conversation

Sometimes it happens that just a couple of phrases in a conversation allows you to show your best side. Try to speak confidently and positively. Avoid empty interjections, do not speak long and too quietly. Give preference to energetic verbs (did,achieved, decided). For example, in a conversation with a friend who is opening a company in an area you are interested in, you should say something like: “Yes, you are saying everything correctly. When I worked for Ivanov, I did the same as you. But I also solved a couple of problems with my "secret" methods. This allowed us to attract ten new customers!” Such a construction of a phrase may well encourage you to continue a fleeting and insignificant conversation in a way that is beneficial to you.

Self-presentation: an example of what not to do

Don't try to manipulate people. This will most likely be noticed. And interpreted not in your favor.

You should not memorize one template text and voice it everywhere. Adjust to the situation. Somewhere your work experience is interesting, somewhere - business connections, and somewhere else - the ability to communicate. Ask leading questions to understand what qualities to focus on.

self-presentation example
self-presentation example

Don't act like a star. Even if you are an excellent specialist, arrogance and an excessive sense of self-worth can push a person away from you if he sees that you are not interested in anyone but yourself. But there is no need to fawn, ingratiatingly looking into the eyes of the interlocutor.

Good luck to you!
