2025 Author: Howard Calhoun | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:10
Choosing a profession is a question that everyone faces. From early childhood, a person tries to understand what place he will occupy in adulthood. Someone sincerely believed in the career of a firefighter, someone wanted to become a ballet actor, and some dreamed of selling sweets to children. Unfortunately or fortunately, not all children's wishes come true. With age comes understanding: the ideal profession is not only a favorite, but also a demanded business. Current schoolchildren and applicants must anticipate changes in the labor market. In this regard, you should deal with the list of professions in demand in 2020-2025. It should be capacious and justified - then it will be possible to use the freedom of choice.
What was relevant before
The first professions appeared before the rise of civilization. Then the distribution of duties among the ancient people had a clear, specific character. The task of the man was to ensure the safety of the "home", women and children. He also had to provide the tribe with food. Women, on the other hand, raised children and made sure that the fire in the familythe hearth always warmed the household. The redistribution of responsibilities appeared when humanity began to change their usual way of life. The nomadic tribes became sedentary, the development of agriculture began. There was such a profession as a plowman.

The hard physical labor with which people cultivated the land pushed society to invent more convenient devices. There was a craft. Over time, the speci alties of potters and blacksmiths were born - these were professions associated with the future. Dynasties of masters constantly improved their skills, which triggered progress. Eventually, this led to the fact that there are currently about forty thousand different professions.
The Emergence of Subspecialization
Already in the twentieth century, there was an urgent need for a division of labor. If earlier "jacks of all trades" were indispensable and in great demand, then in the conditions of congestion in the labor market and a constant increase in demand for goods, narrow specialists were needed. The first to understand this was Henry Ford, who divided the production of cars into conditional workshops. In each of them, a separate part of the general mechanism was produced. People worked where they were more successful. The result was an increase in the output of finished products by several times. Ford's example was followed by other major manufacturers, and now every enterprise uses the assembly line method.

How was the progress
In industrial Russia throughoutof the twentieth century, traditional working professions were popular. Factory hard workers received a good salary, and young people, wanting to be useful, went to work for large enterprises with pleasure. However, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, many factories lost their stability. A new era has begun in the labor market - the development of the service sector. Construction developed no less actively - large cities were built up with high-rise buildings. Thus, at the beginning of the 2000s, the professions of a builder, bricklayer, plasterer, as well as managers, waiters, specialists in the restaurant and tourism business and other service workers became new, promising professions.

In 2007, society increasingly wondered what professions would be in demand in 10 years. Applicants understood that the whole subsequent life depends on their choice. Then the ratings of the professions of the future were full of sales managers, marketers, customer service specialists, IT engineers, lawyers, economists and some others. This suggests that at that time the service sector continued to develop and the demand for qualified specialists was constantly increasing. But even then the trend of development in the field of scientific research began.
Scientific development today
Now scientific research is given a decisive place. The future development of the country and society depends entirely on the daily achievements of scientists. Features of scientific development are that there is a clear division of science into several independentdisciplines. This makes it possible to address relevant issues in more detail. Research and experiments at this stage of human development are primarily aimed at solving environmental problems. So, an expert in the field of alternative energy will be in great demand on the labor market in a few years. Equally important is the field of medicine, since the extension of life and the improvement of its quality are paramount issues of our time.
Medical Professions
The development of technology allows specialists to constantly improve. However, this medal has another side: employees need to improve their skills and undergo retraining programs. Undoubtedly, the results pay off all efforts - because they prolong human life.

The future is theirs
It is easier to present a list of in-demand professions in 2020-2025 as a list:
- Surgeon. This specialist must keep up with the times. So, already in 2012, an operation was performed to implant the implant of the lower jaw, which was previously printed on a 3D printer. Operations to implant artificial organs, such as kidneys, liver, and even the heart, are not unknown. The ability to use completely new technologies is the most important skill of a successful specialist of the future.
- He alth manager. The representative of this profession will have to select a team of scientists, engineers, developers and researchers and coordinate their joint work to achieve commercially promising goals.
- Architectmedical equipment. This is a symbiosis of the profession of an engineer and a medical worker. This specialist will develop the design of medical equipment, as well as ensure its normal functioning. This profession is also called "bioengineer". Where to study? In universities that have areas of "medical photonics", "biotechnical and medical devices and systems", "computer technologies in medical physics".
- Genetic consultant. This is a geneticist who identifies hereditary diseases, determines the individual characteristics of metabolism and investigates diseases that cause viral and bacterial infections.
- Molecular nutritionist. The duties of a representative of this profession will include the study of the molecular composition of food and the development of an individual diet for each patient.
In order to understand the question of what professions will be in demand in 10 years, one should analyze the economic development of the country at the present time. The leading sector of the economy in Russia is industry. This is the most important factor influencing the development of the state. A specialist who has connected his life with this area will never be left without a job.
Where to go?
Types of industry:
- Food.
- Easy.
- Chemical.
- Producing.
- Metallurgy (ferrous and non-ferrous).
- Mechanical engineering and metalworking.
- Fuel and electricity.
- Coal,oil and gas.
- Forest.

Thus, industry provides society with everything that is necessary for its normal functioning. The food industry of the future, for example, is developing new varieties of plants that humanity eats. The number of vacancies in industry is always higher than in other industries. In addition, there is a need to optimize production, so that, in addition to representatives of working professions, the work of economists, biologists, and many other specialists will be useful here.
Indispensable in industry
So what are the most in-demand professions in 2020-2025? The list will look like this:
- Design engineers who will design new equipment and invent more modern technology.
- Nanotechnologists whose field of work is cutting-edge nanotechnology.
- Chemists, biotechnologists, petrochemists, employed in all branches of the chemical industry: from household chemicals to complex chemicals used in production.
- Seamstresses, textile workers, cutters, whose labor will always be in demand in the light industry.
- Lumberjacks, mechanics, sawyers, ensuring the correct distribution of forest resources.
Demanded professions in 2020-2025: list for men
Many primordially male professions were also mastered by women over time. So, now ladies can be not only drivers and bosses, but also politicians, policemen,installers. But, despite the wide distribution of such professions among the fairer sex, some areas are much more suitable for men. These include the professions of a sailor, pilot, miner, lumberjack, plumber, bodyguard, security specialist, firefighter, military, as well as a builder or scientist. The most promising areas for men are:
- Programming.
- Design.
- Engineering.
- Cyberprosthetics.
- City-farming (organization of the production of farm products in a metropolis).
- Space industry - spacecraft piloting, space geology and galactic architecture.

It just so happens that more men than women are endowed with a technical mindset. This plays into the hands of the stronger sex: the rapid development of science and industry requires not only an increase in the number of workers, but also the involvement of technical minds. Designing, drawing, planning, organizing and optimizing production require a strong and strong-willed person at the head of the table. Often these positions are held by a man.
Demanded professions in 2020: list for girls
Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are not inferior to the male part of the population. Diligence, punctuality, clarity of action and a non-standard approach distinguish women specialists from the vast majority of male colleagues. The ability to adequately overcome difficulties at work inour time is also inherent in ladies. Thus, the areas of work for women are very diverse: from creative speci alties, in which girls are traditionally considered professionals, to complex technical sciences. This includes the work of a teacher, a marketing, tourism or advertising manager, a re altor, a designer in all areas, as well as a psychologist and even a security specialist.

The most demanded "female" professions in ten years will be professions:
- Journalist.
- Editors.
- Nanomedica.
- Space tourism manager.
- Game teacher (specialist in teaching children in a playful way).
- Mind fitness trainer (brain training).
Women will not be left without work. A stable life position, activity, enterprise, which coexist calmly with tenderness and complaisance, will always come in handy in the labor market. Not a single direction is complete without the participation of a female hand. In addition, among the students of the country's leading universities, the overwhelming majority are representatives of the weaker sex. Educated girls are able not only to build a brilliant career, but also to teach important knowledge to their children.
How to choose the ideal profession?
Applicants face a difficult choice: to go to study in the direction to which the soul lies, or to choose an unloved but in-demand profession? Everyone decides this for himself. However, careerists who are successful in their field advise finding a middle ground. None, not even the mosta profession that is relevant in the future does not guarantee complete financial security. How a person’s future life will turn out depends only on his desire to move and develop within the framework of his direction. But do you want to grow in an unloved business? Definitely not. Therefore, you need to go where it will be interesting to work first of all, and the rest will follow.
Development of science and technology
The speed of progress is impressive. Literally ten years ago, mankind could not imagine what the science of today would be capable of. And even now it is difficult to believe that implants of vital organs can be printed on a 3D printer, that the space tourism industry not only exists, but is also actively developing. That nanotechnologies occupy a leading place in the development of industry. It is difficult to imagine what the professions in demand will be in 2020-2025. The list can only be conditional. But one thing is clear for sure: the future will not be able to do without qualified specialists. So, you need to learn, develop and work hard on yourself.
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