Alexandrian leaf - an effective remedy for many diseases

Alexandrian leaf - an effective remedy for many diseases
Alexandrian leaf - an effective remedy for many diseases

Alexandrian leaf or, as it is called differently, senna leaf, has long been used to treat many human diseases. It also has another well-known name - cassia holly.


Dry extracts of senna are used as an effective laxative for habitual constipation, intestinal atony. The Alexandrian leaf, unlike many other medicines, acts on the patient's body very gently, therefore, when using it, a person, as a rule, does not experience discomfort. It does not cause too loose stools and severe pain in the intestines. The Alexandrian leaf excites the appetite well. It is also used as a component of hemorrhagic tea. Among the positive effects of this drug on the body, the effect of senna on the antitoxic and biliary functions of the liver should be noted.

Alexandrian leaf, whose properties are determined by its chemical composition, contains a large amount of anthraglycosides, sterols, flavonoids, organic acids and alkaloids. Senna contains magnesium, zinc, copper, calcium, potassium, selenium and other micro and macro elements. Cassia holly is a perennial tropicalplant (semi-shrub, shrub) of the legume family. Its height reaches 1 m.

Alexandria leaf (properties and applications)
Alexandria leaf (properties and applications)

Cassia has entire, lanceolate, pointed leaves. They are leathery and short-leaved. The leaves of this plant are complex, alternate, paired, have up to 8 pairs of leaves. They are the medicinal raw materials, popular in many countries of the world. The Alexandrian leaf blooms with yellow flowers collected in brushes (axillary inflorescences). Flowering occurs from June to August. The fruits (small beans with many seeds) ripen at the end of September. The Red Sea coast, the Nile Valley and the Arabian Peninsula are considered to be the homeland of this plant.

Alexandria leaf should not be taken without consulting your doctor, because, like most traditional medicines, it can cause a number of side effects. So, when using a dry extract of senna, there may be sharp pains in the abdomen, flatulence, severe rumbling. Although such phenomena are observed extremely rarely and disappear after the cessation of the use of this remedy, it is impossible to take the Alexandrian leaf uncontrollably. With prolonged use, the body often becomes addicted to cassia preparations, reducing its effectiveness.

Cassia holly - folk laxative
Cassia holly - folk laxative

This popular folk laxative is available in tablets or in the form of crushed dried leaves in packs and briquettes. Tablets are consumed in 1-2 pcs. daily before meals or at night.

Leaf infusion is being preparedfrom 2 tablespoons of dry raw materials, which are placed in a small enamel bowl and steamed with a glass of boiling water. The container is closed with a tight lid and heated for another half hour. Ready infusion is cooled. After that, it is filtered, the leaf is squeezed out and the volume of the infusion is again adjusted to 250 ml with warm boiled water. The finished product is stored in a cool place for up to 2 days. Usually such an infusion is taken in the morning and before bedtime, 1/3 or 1/2 cup.
