Vegetable crops: types and diseases

Vegetable crops: types and diseases
Vegetable crops: types and diseases

Vegetable crops have been known to various peoples since ancient times. For example, white cabbage has been cultivated since the third millennium BC. The production cycle was started by the ancient Romans, through whom this vegetable spread in Europe. Around the 9th century AD, he, along with the colonists, came to Kievan Rus and then began to be grown in more northern territories. Onions, radishes and garlic, so widespread in Russia today, first grew in Egypt several thousand years before our era.

vegetable crops
vegetable crops

Vegetables flourished with the development of navigation, when tomatoes, beans, corn, zucchini and potatoes were brought from America. They perfectly took root in new territories and today the best, for example, tomato-based sauces are prepared in Italy. In addition, the “vegetable” exchange was facilitated by … wars. It is believed that eggplant and spinach came to Europe during the war of the 7th century, when Muslim troops came to Spain from the east.

Maybe becausethat different vegetables historically come from different parts of the world, they do not always get along in the garden. Experienced owners know that there is compatibility of vegetable crops, as well as a “bad neighborhood”. For example, cauliflower, whose country of origin is considered to be China, is in serious conflict with "Indian" tomatoes. Although, on the other hand, no less “Indian” potatoes or zucchini are not combined with tomatoes.

vegetable compatibility
vegetable compatibility

Vegetable crops occupy an important place in the diet of any person, and the total number of their species is such that today it cannot be counted. For example, there were about 1,200 varieties of tomatoes and their hybrids in Russia alone five years ago. The general classification divides vegetables into the following groups:

- green leafy (lettuce, watercress, cilantro, dill, etc.);

- perennial vegetable species (rhubarb, sorrel, asparagus, horseradish, onion, etc.);

- fruit, including families of nightshade (tomato, eggplant, etc.), pumpkin (cucumber, zucchini, squash, etc.), legumes (peas, beans, beans, etc.), mallow, bluegrass (sweet corn);

- onion (leek, onion, garlic, etc.);

- cabbage (Savoy cabbage, Brussels sprouts, white cabbage, etc.);

- root vegetables (radish, beets, carrots, celery, parsley, etc.);

- tubers (yam, Jerusalem artichoke, potato).

diseases of vegetable crops
diseases of vegetable crops

In order for vegetable crops to produce a good harvest, suitable weather conditions and compliance withagricultural technology, i.e. for each species, the soil must be prepared, appropriate fertilizers applied, planting or sowing performed, weeding, watering and harvesting in due time. Also, the harvest must be properly stored. Otherwise, the economy is not the minutes of the disease of vegetable crops. These include problems associated with bacteria, fungi, pests, damage, and too much or too little moisture and heat. Today, specialists know such defeats as:

- cancer, scab, rot (for potatoes);

- keel, bacteriosis, gray rot, jaundice (for cabbage);

- root beetle, viral mosaic, cercosporosis (for beets);

- antacnose, white rot (for cucumbers), etc.
