Rocket-torpedo "Waterfall": characteristics, manufacturer. RPK-6M "Waterfall"

Rocket-torpedo "Waterfall": characteristics, manufacturer. RPK-6M "Waterfall"
Rocket-torpedo "Waterfall": characteristics, manufacturer. RPK-6M "Waterfall"

In the sixties of the last century, Soviet designers actively developed anti-submarine missile systems. Accordingly, they required suitable charges. According to the decision of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, it was necessary to create two special types of projectiles for arming nuclear submarines. One of these instances was the Waterfall torpedo rocket (RPK-6). Its analogue is RPK-7 "Wind". The development of both types of charges was carried out under the leadership of L. Lyulyev.

rocket torpedo waterfall
rocket torpedo waterfall

General information

The new type of weapons was intended to equip modern submarines, which could not but affect its appearance. The Waterfall torpedo missile was supposed to be launched through special devices with a caliber of 533 mm. This was the reason for the appearance of some restrictions on the size, weight and performance characteristics of the product. The launch design also determined the working algorithms of the submarine and projectile systems.

Within the framework of the project under consideration, work was carried out to create two anti-submarine charges of the 83R and 84R types, which differed from each other in design and type of warhead. The length of the shells was 8200 mm, caliber - 533 mm. Advanced missile RPK-6M "Waterfall"and its analogue received a solid-propellant power unit with two modes. A single mixed-fuel engine was supposed to ensure the movement of the rocket at the initial and marching stages, for which the corresponding working positions were provided. Even later, the production of similar charges for surface carriers began.


The projectiles under consideration were equipped with a universal control unit, they were guided to a given area using an inertial guidance system developed by the engineers of the Moscow Research Institute-25. Before launch, the crew of the underwater carrier had to determine the approximate location of the enemy submarine and enter the appropriate commands into the control unit. The adjustment of the Waterfall torpedo rocket was carried out using lattice rudders mounted in the tail section. In the transport position, they were in the hull niches, unfolding after the projectile left the torpedo room.

rpk 6m waterfall
rpk 6m waterfall

The 83R anti-submarine missile was equipped with a combat filling in the form of a small-sized torpedo of the UMGT-1 type, designed by NPO Uran. A charge 3400 mm long and weighing 0.7 tons had a caliber of 400 mm. It was powered by a single-shaft electric motor, and a silver-magnesium battery activated by sea water was used as a power source. The maximum speed of the ammunition was 41 knots with a maximum range of 8 km. Also in the equipment was an active-passive fire guidance system with a maximum radius of up to 1.5 km. The explosive part had a mass of 60 kg.


Model 84R of the RPK-6M "Waterfall" project was equipped with a warhead of a different type, namely a nuclear depth bomb. According to unconfirmed reports, the power of this element reached 200 kilotons of TNT. The activation of such a filling was supposed to occur at a depth of about 200 meters. Such power guaranteed, if not destruction, then significant damage to enemy submarines within a radius of several kilometers.

The use of the Waterfall torpedo missile included several stages. First, the submarine team, using the instructions of the command or the available sonar systems, determined the location of the enemy submarine. Then, the corresponding tasks were introduced into the guidance system, after which, with the help of compressed air, the ammunition was launched from the torpedo tube. After the exit, the lattice-type rudders were unfolded, the solid fuel power unit was activated, which in a few seconds threw the torpedo out of the water towards the intended target.

okb innovator
okb innovator

Hit the target

The solid-propellant power unit of the brainchild of the Novator Design Bureau switched to march mode after lifting the ammunition above the water. The subsequent flight to the place where the combat set was dropped was carried out along a ballistic trajectory. In the indicated place, the charge was dropped and fell into the water. If a modification of the 84P with a nuclear warhead was used, it was detonated by activating a depth charge to destroy the target. The UGMT-1 torpedo was provided on the 83R model, which was lowered by parachute, which was unhooked after the charge entered the water. Few secondsthe Waterfall torpedo missile was enough to find a landmark on the target, after which it headed for it.

According to various sources, the solid fuel engine provided both modifications with a flight range of at least 35 kilometers. Other sources inform that this figure could be increased to 50 km. On the 83P version, the cruising range was increased due to the reactive stock of the torpedo.


The Vodopad anti-submarine missile and torpedo system was tested on Project 633 submarines, which were converted specifically for the trial launch of new ammunition. The S-49 swimming facility was modernized in the early seventies, used at all test stages, from factory tests at the Novator Design Bureau to state acceptance.

waterfall missile system
waterfall missile system

In 1982, another nuclear submarine of project 633РВ С-11 was involved in testing. Already in 1981, it was decided to adopt the new system into service. The successfully tested missiles were used to equip various submarines, which were designed to use weapons with a caliber of 533 mm.


At the request of the Navy command, work began on the Vodopad missile system for surface military vessels. The ammunition was partially equipped with new equipment, modified according to the standards of the new 83RN and 84RN rocket launchers. As in the basic version, the upgraded charges had to be launched through the ship's torpedo room.

anti-submarine missile and torpedo system
anti-submarine missile and torpedo system

Changes have undergone directly the course of the launch. In this case, the ammunition had to fall into the water immediately after launch, dive to the specified depth and move to a safe distance from the carrier ship. The further behavior of the new rocket corresponded to the actions of analogues 83 and 84R, with the engine turned on and the subsequent flight program.

Interesting facts

The Vodopad torpedo missile, the characteristics of which are discussed above, was subsequently installed on combat missile cruisers of projects 114 and 116, as well as on the large anti-submarine ship Admiral Chabanenko (project 11551). On these ships, standard torpedo tubes with a caliber of 533 mm were used for launching. They were placed at the stern along the sides of the craft.

An updated version of the munition in question was mounted on Project 11540 patrol ships ("Waterfall-NK"). To launch them, unique universal launchers were used, located in the superstructure at the stern. There is information that on the basis of the "Waterfalls" an even more frightening weapon was made under the code index 91R, which was supposed to carry a new anti-submarine torpedo. Official details on this project were not disclosed, however, there are opinions that these developments were used to create the Caliber missile system.

rocket torpedo waterfall characteristics
rocket torpedo waterfall characteristics


Among the developments of Soviet weapons engineers, many worthwhile projects did not go beyond experimental developments. However, the Waterfall missile-type torpedo has advanced in this regard.very successfully, serving to equip ships and submarines, as well as becoming the starting point for the manufacture of more modern analogues.
