Who is the founder of Google?

Who is the founder of Google?
Who is the founder of Google?

The founder of Google - Brin Sergey Mikhailovich - was born in Moscow on August 21, 1973. His father, Mikhail Izrailevich, worked at the Moscow Institute of Mathematical Economics, and his mother, Evgenia Brin, worked as an engineer in one of the capital's research institutes. Because of the anti-Semitic attitudes that flourished in the scientific circles of the former USSR, the family was forced to emigrate to the United States. There, Brin's father began working at the University of Maryland, and his mother at NASA.

founder of google
founder of google

The future founder of Google graduated from elementary school in the small town of Adelphi. He received his secondary education in another city - Greenbelt. His father noticed young Brin's penchant for mathematics and at the age of nine gave him the first personal computer. After graduating from high school, the founder of Google, Sergey Brin, became a student in the mathematics department of the University of Maryland (in 1990). In 1993, he received a bachelor's degree in mathematics and computer science.

After completing his studies at the university, Sergey becomes a fellow of the National Science Foundation. In the same year, he tries to enter the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he is denied. But the future founder of Google does not despair and continues his studies at Stanford University, where he receives a master's degree two years later and continues his scientific career.

google founder sergey
google founder sergey

While writing his doctoral dissertation, Sergey Brin meets Larry Page. The future founders of Google quickly became friends on the basis of common interests, one of which was the problem of searching, organizing and presenting information on the Web, as well as the principle of building search engines. Young people began to work together on these issues. As a result, Brin developed algorithms for link mass and ranking, Page drew the concept of network search. Scientists could not sell the latest foundations and principles of the search engine device. Therefore, they decide to implement their own developments on their own. So, in September 1997, the domain name "google.com" was registered, and a new company was launched.

founders of google
founders of google

Google placed its first data center in a rented garage. The ambitious project was invested by friends, acquaintances and relatives of the founders of the company. In 1998, Google founder Sergey Brin officially registered Google. In the same year, a joint work was published, which describes the basic principles of the engine of the new search engine. Even at presentthis work is considered one of the most profoundly revealing this topic.

Strong search results contributed to the popularization of the new system. In 1999, the company began to attract large investors. The founder of Google noted that the main advantage of his search engine is to focus on high-quality search, and not on advertising. It was Sergei who came up with the company's credo: "Do not have evil intentions!" Initially, his project was not meant to be commercial. Nevertheless, the system that regulated the selection of ads in accordance with the result of the request began to bring more than a decent income. In 2001, Google founder Sergey Brin took over as the company's president of technology.

Google is now not only the most popular search engine, but also a technology and business innovator.
